Ger, So Proud


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After ten years in the apocalypse, He Ze thought he had become as tough as nails. But upon dying, he finds his soul in another world. Compared to the apocalypse, this place is paradise—except for one thing. No women, only “gers” (a term used for beautiful, delicate men)!

He Ze: “As a Ger, is it really okay for you to be this fierce?”
Lin Yu: “I… I don’t want to be like this either…”
Before he could finish, Lin Yu looks like he’s about to cry, but his hands are clenched into fists, knuckles cracking.
He Ze: “Wife, I was wrong… I can explain!”

Reader Guide:
Main character is the attacker, mutual pampering, post-apocalyptic straight male attacker vs. violent beauty receiver.
Strong “golden finger,” full of sweet and thrilling moments.
Expect cute little ones later; avoid if not your cup of tea.

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Recommendation Lists
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/29/24 GalaxyTL c10
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06/29/24 GalaxyTL c6
06/23/24 GalaxyTL c5
06/23/24 GalaxyTL c4
06/23/24 GalaxyTL c3
06/23/24 GalaxyTL c2
06/23/24 GalaxyTL c1
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