Even A Scream Has A Musical Scale


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This is the story of Remington Howard. To some, he is known as “Howard,” and to others, affectionately as “Remy” or

“Rem.” But to Dani, he is simply Remington.

Dani’s feelings for him have long been established.

“Dani, betray your father for me,” Remington demanded.

There exists a love that is a sin. Dani’s love was one such sin.

“My poor daughter. I am the only one who will never abandon you,” her father declared.

Her beautiful and omnipotent father. Her great and magnificent creator. Her sin was that she served two masters.

“Stab your father’s heart and crawl back to me,” Remington commanded.

Remington, who wished to kill her yet could not, was sad.

“And then tell me you love me, cry, beg, and plead. It felt good when you looked at me with such longing,” he continued.

“…You’re insane,” Dani retorted.

“Is that still too difficult a command?” he asked.

If Dani ever decided to end her life, Remington would hang himself first. Did he know? That contradiction was her only lifeline.

“I want you to look at me the way you are right now,” he said.

“…Don’t be mistaken. I despise you at this moment,” Dani replied.

“Yes. That’s exactly what I want.”


“Continue to despise me. By my side.”

Dani did not wish to dwell on the sins she had committed. Instead, she wanted to speak of the horrid screams she’d heard. The dreadful ghosts, each shouting without a listener.

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