Don’t Be Too Wild


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In the summer, after the college entrance exams ended, Liang Fengyu crossed paths with Chen Qingji unexpectedly, only to realize that her younger brother’s friend was surprisingly handsome. She mustered the courage to confess her feelings, only to be met with a straightforward rejection.

“Sorry, I don’t plan on dating.”

Undeterred, she persisted.

“At least give me one chance.”

“All right, 100 meters,” Chen Qingji said without hesitation, gesturing towards the distant track, “beat me in a race.”
Liang Fengyu was speechless, staring up at the sky in disbelief.

Chen Qingji chuckled, thinking this would be the end of it. However, one day, to his surprise, Liang Fengyu challenged him to the race.

Chen Qingji lazily got onto the track, contemplating giving Liang Fengyu a head start so she wouldn’t have an embarrassing defeat.

Who knew that as soon as the starting gun fired, a dozen boys from the school team suddenly rushed over and pinned him to the track.

He watched helplessly as Liang Fengyu took her sweet time and walked the length of the track and back, then squatted down in front of him, her eyes filled with a smile.

“Chen Qingji, do you keep your word?”

Cold and aloof guy vs. Playful little butterfly

Athlete vs. Art student.

“There are always some surprising encounters, like when I met you.” — “Xiao Yu”

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06/29/24 Whimsical Reads c1
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