Dissolve: His Last Choice


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Song Hyunsoo spent several years as an unknown actor while working as a bartender.
He’s met with the opportunity to appear in a movie by a famous director.
No longer a minor role or an extra, but a significant supporting role!
Moreover, the movie had casted national actor Yoon Jooho as the main character.

He only drinks water that costs 400,000 won. He changes managers as if nothing.
ㅡTop actor Yoon Jooho, who is followed by numerous rumors.
Will those rumors really be true?

Exiting his “secret fan” mode after years,
Song Hyunsoo revealed that he is a fan right in front of Yoon Jooho.
However, coexistence with the prince, who has lived his entire life as a top star, is not expected to be easy.

“Senior, I am truly sorry. I’ll pay to get it cleaned.”
“It’s fine.”
“The coat looks really expensive…”
“I said that it’s okay, junior. If it had been red wine, I would have killed… I would have been a little angry, though.”
Senior, what you were going to say just now was maybe ‘I would have killed you’…

Will Song Hyunsoo continue to be a fan of Yoon Jooho?
Would he turn into an anti-fan?
Or… could it develop into a meaningful relationship that goes beyond being a fan?

The failed past love becomes distant, while a new love approaches.
A story about change, growth, and an ultimate choice in order to make this love the final one.

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디졸브 : His Last Choice
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Date Group Release
07/03/24 Frey Translations c4
07/01/24 Frey Translations c3
06/30/24 Frey Translations c2
06/30/24 Frey Translations c1
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