Dear Stranger Husband, Please Divorce


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During the war, Viscountess Violetta married a man she had never seen; Her husband was Lieutenant Colonel Arnold Swangan, the commander of the Imperial Geihander Army Cavalry Regiment. Despite numerous rumors about him; He was a cold, impeccably handsome heir of a count’s family.

Violetta having never seen him, enjoyed a carefree and indulgent life at the count’s estate in the capital; She dismissed all the rumors about him and acted as if they were just rumors.
But one day, news of the war’s end arrived alongside her husband’s return. Disdainful of constraints and aristocratic life, she wrote a resolute letter seeking a divorce:

“Dear Stranger husband. As your wife in name only who has been neglected for eight years, I would like to take this opportunity to request a divorce.”

Planning to leave without meeting him, Violetta accidentally got caught and faced her husband for the first time.

And thus begins a life of intrigue with her cunning husband, under the condition that she can divorce if she does not have a child within a month.

‘-But what does it mean making a child as a bet?’

A strange and cunning wager with her husband began.

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