Daddy, Please Let Me Be Your Fan!


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Chu Yuanying dared to swear that as a former savior, he never thought that one day he would transform into a magical girl and participate in an idol talent show, for such a silly reason like leaving a small fortune to his daughter after his death.

But it’s okay, as long as it’s not discovered, he can pretend it never happened! But who can tell him why his well-behaved daughter also joined the talent show?

The middle-aged office worker couldn’t help but feel incredibly devastated when he saw his daughter calling herself his sister and saying, “I’m your fan!”

Oh no, she really doesn’t want to compete with her daughter for the spotlight! And it’s so clear that…

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New kurisomething rated it
July 1, 2024
Status: c143
This is actually quite interesting.

The synopsis mentions that MC is a former savior, I can't tell if this is a fan-fiction of some franchise but MC is like Otto Apocalypse from Honkai Impact, guy fought in a world where there were disasters constantly and took the final stand to create a different timeline (?) where those disasters didn't exist. Not sure how he has a daughter since his lover died in the previous timeline for everything to work out and she doesn't seem to appear in the new timeline (she... more>> had a gravestone, I think, but no name on it). <<less
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