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“This is Jennie, from America. Next to it is Alexei, an older one who’s been with me since Russia. Next to that is Jordi, from France. And last but not least is Honey, my newest addition. I picked it out because I thought it might be about your size. How do you like it?”

The more he explained, pointing to them one by one with his fingers, the more Siheon’s expression grew sour. He must have finally understood. John looked at Siheon and smiled with a look of innocence on his face.

“Say hello. These are all your tunnel buddies.”

He said it calmly and clearly, syllable by syllable, emphasizing each word. (sigh)……. Siheon let out a long sound that sounded like something between a frustrated laugh and a huff. Then he glared at the various toys scattered about.

“Are you saying that these are equivalent to me?”

“Well, I never said that exactly, but they are the only other things that have been inside me.”

– Text from CNTL

CTRL is a sequel series to the ABO series, ESC. CTRL takes place in modern-day Korea and follows the lives of Ryu Jin’s children.

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One entry per line
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Esc (Adapted From)
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06/18/24 Foolish Translations v1c1
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