Cozy Obsession


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I found myself inside the bleak BL novel Silence, where both the protagonist and the antagonist perish. And I became the oppressed omega, Seo Heemin, who tries to escape, ends up breaking his ankle, and even suffers a miscarriage. As expected, as soon as I come to my senses, I am sold to Cha Yiheon, who harbors a deep grudge against the original protagonist.

“Why don’t you hit me?”

“…Do you want to be hit?”

Fortunately, he is a revenge-driven character who loves Seo Heemin dearly. To return to reality, I have to gently seduce him and achieve a happy ending.


“Hyung, it’s Heemin.”

—…Where are you now? Are you crazy enough to want to die?

The raw emotion of his anger was palpable. His rage was at its peak, more intense than ever. But, as I had expected this reaction, I calmly responded to him.

“I’ll be done with my appointment in an hour, so come pick me up. Let’s go on a date at our lake park.”

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