Countryside Vampire ~The Slow Life of a Reincarnated Vampire Born in a Village Before the Last Dungeon~


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A man, exhausted from city life, was about to embark on his long-desired slow life in the countryside when he was hit by a car and reincarnated as a vampire in another world. Fortunately, he found himself in the rural setting he had always dreamed of, but… As a vampire, he couldn’t even enjoy basking in the sun, and this otherworldly countryside was extremely dangerous, with orcs and wyverns roaming about. Nevertheless, the man steadily grew stronger through persistent effort and trial and error to realize his ideal country life… all while being completely oblivious to just how extraordinary his new surroundings were.

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inaka kurashi no kyūketsuki  ~ rasutodanjon mae no mura ni umareta tensei kyūketsuki san no i sekai surō raifu ~
田舎暮らしの吸血鬼 ~ラストダンジョン前の村に生まれた転生吸血鬼さんの異世界スローライフ~
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