Cheap Taste


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Jang Hee-tae.

A man who ran gambling dens, handled money, and manipulated people, living like a dog in the back alleys.

“Yeah, shut that mouth of yours. Your teeth will fly out if I swing this club.”

That day, he was threatening an idiot who had borrowed money but hadn’t repaid it with a golf club.

“Please, I, I have a woman I’m going to marry. Her family is really well-off, and she has a lot of money. You know the daughter of the HJ Foods CEO, right?”

Hee-tae laughed at the woman the idiot mentioned.

He thought no one else could be as s*upid as a woman who’d date such a fool.

But when an unbelievably beautiful woman came into view and took the golf club from his hands, he burst into laughter.

“This is really something else, huh?”


Chae Soo-yeon.

Daughter of the CEO of HJ Food. The face of Korean traditional painting.

She was known by many names but was just a fool who couldn’t end an unhappy relationship.

“Just one question. Is that face worth paying to be with? Is he at least good in bed?”

Soo-yeon went to pay off her boyfriend’s debt and got entangled with the insolent Hee-tae.

But instead of taking the money, he kept hovering around her.

“You’re doing this because the debt isn’t settled, right?”

“If you want to settle the debt, you have to sleep with me.”

She found him, who shamelessly revealed his crude desires, uncomfortable and detestable.

“If I sleep with you, will you leave me alone?”

“If you satisfy me enough to make me leave.”

It seemed like a fleeting connection that could be brushed off as a moment of lust.

But the insolent man kept on.

“I’m trying to be cute because I feel sorry for talking shit.”

He invades her daily life.

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