Becoming a Contract Couple with My Nemesis


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After the legalization of same-s*x marriage, the internet crashed, and at the same time, the former film queen Ji Fengxue suddenly announced her relationship with the popular but contentious star Xia Linxia.

The two frequently displayed their affection in various public places, held hands on variety shows, showered each other with love, and their viewership ratings skyrocketed, dominating major headlines.

One day, rumors spread online that the two had a fight in public.

Ji Fengxue explained, “No, that was a failed attempt at kissing.” Next time, I’ll try to break her bones.

Xia Linxia nodded, “Yes, and then I’ll counter with a kiss.” Followed by a 360-degree throw.

Fans: The Xia-Ji couple is truly delicious!!!

Their careers flourished until one day, their love contract was exposed…

The internet exploded.

Later, the two were photographed leaving a hotel together, looking intimate and loving.

Netizens: Fake! It’s all an act!

Later, Ji Fengxue helplessly posted on Weibo: Taking a leave for our honeymoon [Marriage Certificate]

Xia Linxia immediately reposted: Please don’t disturb us, muah!

Xia Linxia’s Diary—

Some year, some month, some day: Ji Fengxue, you dog woman, I *****

Some month, some day: Ji Fengxue, you pig.

Some day: Ji Fengxue, will you marry me? If not, then I’ll begrudgingly marry you.

The domineering, black-and-red queen vs. the cold and cunning black-hearted beauty.

[Silly Sweet Story]

Tags: Aristocratic Families, Love Contract, Entertainment Industry, Sweet Story

Brief Introduction: Pretending to be a couple, real sweetness alert!

Theme: Sincerity, kindness, harmony, freedom

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