Beautiful Bride


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“You have become the crown prince’s partner. So, you should smile.”

Assad, the crown prince of the Helio Empire,
takes a foreigner as his partner according to an oracle.

However, since the engagement is forced, he wants to break it off.
Eventually, to discover the weaknesses of his bride, Kaiden,
He disguises himself as the attendant ‘Amun’ and approaches him…

“Thank you, Amun. I’m sorry I have nothing to give to someone as kind as you.”
“I wish I were someone who had more.”

Somehow, the more he meets with Kaiden,
the more he can’t deny his feelings are shaken
by his timid but kind bride.
Especially after impulsively spending the night with Kaiden.

“I told you not to come, but you came. Even if you change your mind and say you don’t want to, you can’t take it back.”
“You, take responsibility for me.”

You took my first time.

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아름다운 신부
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