Assorted Candies


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Life is like an assortment of candies.

Some are sweet and some are sour.

Even though Zhuang Qingnan was born and raised in a remote rural town in the mountains, she had the potential to become something more than just a household wife. 

Perhaps that was what Lin Zhao saw when he met her for the first time at the age of 14.

Even though she was poor and struggling in her environment, he wanted to help her as a friend even if it meant that he became her fiancé on paper.

Over time, he realized that his feelings for her were more than just friends…

He accompanied Zhuang Qingnan as she pursued her studies, all the way through college but he didn’t know that she was secretly planning to go abroad…

Zhuang Qingnan yearned for her own freedom, away from her leeching parents, her inconvenient younger brother and the unspoken expectations of being a fiancé.

But if it was one thing Lin Zhao was good at, it was being stubborn.

He pursued his wife with all of his might.

This is the long journey of a wealthy young man pursuing his wife.

(A high IQ, cold personality female lead x lively, puppy-like, devoted male lead)

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Date Group Release
06/26/24 Foxaholic 18 c3
06/26/24 Foxaholic 18 c2
06/26/24 Foxaholic 18 c1
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