Arrogant Baby Lu Online


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As Baby Lu, the sole Omega of the Lu family, was pampered and spoiled, everyone expected him to grow into an exceptionally beautiful Omega. However, he ended up with a stunningly cold and enchanting face, and at the age of sixteen, a genetic mutation turned him into a top-tier Alpha who commands respect wherever he goes.

After his maturation into an Alpha, Baby Lu’s first act was to carry his childhood friend back to his den, protectively placing him under his paw pad, guarding and cherishing him, and ensuring no one would dare to bully him.

When Ruan Mian was carried back to the den by Baby Lu, he couldn’t help trembling as he looked into Baby Lu’s increasingly passionate eyes. Every day, he worried about being bitten.

(Alpha Arctic Wolf Gong X Omega Lop Eared Rabbit Shou)

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