After Using the Prince as Bai Yueguang’s Substitute


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Yu Qizhi became Pei Jing’s wife, and everyone in Chang’an said that Yu Qizhi had climbed up the ladder.

Yu Qizhi’s family was humble, and she was a concubine’s daughter.

She was repeatedly harassed in the Marquis’s mansion, and Pei Jing just watched coldly.

One day, Pei Jing’s friend visited him. The friend looked at the teeth marks on Pei Jing’s wrist that made people imagine, and asked with a smile:

“What kind of beauty is my sister-in-law that Commander Pei hid it so tightly, let the brothers see it?”

Pei Jing said in a light tone: “It’s just a toy to entertain and relieve boredom, not presentable.”

The snowy white neck drooped slightly, and Yu Qizhi stood outside the door, and the scallion-slender fingertips were burned red by the wall of the teacup.

After a while, Yu Qizhi proposed a divorce. Pei Jing glanced at her nonchalantly and asked her the reason.

She lowered her head obediently: “I have no children.”

“If you have no children, can’t you just give birth to one for me?” Pei Jing lifted her chin with his long fingers, his expression arrogant.


Pei Jing, who was promoted to the fourth-rank commander of the Northern Ya Imperial Guard at a young age, is a young talent in the eyes of the world and a good son-in-law that countless noble families are vying for.

His newlywed wife, Yu Qizhi, was born in a humble family and her means of climbing up to him were very despicable.

But she was born beautiful and obedient to him. From her appearance to her personality, she was very much to his liking. Even when Yu Qizhi wanted to divorce him in order to gain his attention, he actually thought she was s*upid and a little lovable.

Looking at the beautiful face of the person beside him, Pei Jing thought that since Yu Qizhi loved him so much, it was not impossible to keep her by his side.

Until he realized that his well-behaved and gentle wife, Yu Qizhi, had been looking at other men through his face.

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