After Transmigrating into a Book, I Was Marked by the Crazy Beautiful Villain [GL]


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Su Mi transmigrates into a school ABO novel, becoming a vain and opportunistic sidekick to the villain, ultimately facing a tragic end.

The beautiful and melancholic villain, an SS-level Alpha and the young yet unmatched head of the Shen family, is infatuated with the delicate heroine due to a certain “heart disease.”

As the romance between the male and female leads progresses, the villain is supposed to exit the story gracefully—

However, for some reason, the villain’s mental state collapses on the spot, dragging the leads and the entire small world into destruction.

System: The host’s task is to reduce the villain’s darkening value. If the task fails, you will perish along with the small world.

Su Mi: I don’t quite understand, but I understand.

System: …What does the host understand?

Su Mi: I will help the villain win over the heroine [fist pump].

From then on, the villain writes love letters with her help, dates with balloons she blows up, and during the villain’s susceptible period…

All night long, the cold and damp Alpha pheromones seep into her nape, forming an ambiguous cage.

Covering her nape, Su Mi holds her waist, packs up, and runs away, insisting: Last night was the heroine! I am a Beta!

When the temporary mark fades, she nervously returns to continue the mission.

But why does the villain’s gaze become increasingly strange!

One day, Su Mi hides the drugged heroine in a staircase, urging the villain to

come and rescue the beauty, hoping for a romantic culmination.

The villain arrives but first pulls the heroine off Su Mi.

Unbeknownst to herself, Su Mi has also inhaled the powder, her face reddening and legs weakening. The villain hugs her while she dutifully says, “Sister, Miss Xu is over there.”

The villain smells so nice, Su Mi hesitates to push away.

In a daze, it seems the villain sends the heroine to the hospital.

While she is taken into the car.

The enclosed space is filled with the rich scent of Alpha pheromones. Su Mi retreats step by step: “Sis-sister QAQ?”

The villain pulls her close, cold fingers touching her nape, smiling, “Hmm? Little sister.”

Author Notes:
1. Melancholic, manipulative villain A (Shen Han) × Clueless, silly follower O (Su Mi). No blood relation, just adopted sister.
2. ABO setting, alternate world, lots of private settings, no in-depth research.
3. In the original book, the villain’s feelings for the heroine are not romantic, and the romance-focused brain is Su Mi’s deduction.

Tags: System, Sweet Romance, Modern AU, Transmigration, Light-hearted

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New zuzuo3o rated it
July 2, 2024
Status: c103
villain doesnt realise that su mi is omega till ch 99 :/

i thought villain took blood from su mi while she was asleep, turns out just injury from fight?

when villain tries to induce su mi with phermones I thought shen han knew su mi was omega and said "keep pretending" in heart :/ such a bummer

... more>> when shen han was I heat and kissed su mi I thought it was for phermones from fluids, later on when they got into relation its like normal kiss without phermones im like???

and shen han never noticed the patch on su mi's gland? lets say shes straight alpha not knowing omegas products but still...

su mi didnt confess that shes not og owner, she just asked shen han when she started to notice shes different and since when shen han liked her

maybe there will be lil more in future extras? but mostly they are if lines so :/

anyway overall just okayish novel <<less
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New M I S O
June 28, 2024
Status: c99
The MC is an orphan and a bit dense but tries to use logic to get through the task given to her. MC is also an extra not the female lead. Her task is to lower the darkness value of the villainess. The darkness value needs to be extinguished or else the villainess will lose control of her psychic powders and destroy the world. If she completes her mission she can live in this world, it seems she passed away in her original world so this is a chance for... more>> her to live in this new ABO world.

She ends up falling for the villainess and the villainess ends up falling for her too.


So in the original story the villainess is in love with the female lead but ends up killing the female lead and the male lead because her psychic powders went out of control (she lost control because she couldn't handle the female lead choosing the male lead). But MC has doubts about whether the villainess even cares about the female lead. Why is the villainess kind of different from the original story is what she thinks. The funny thing is spoiler don't click the spoiler because this is revealed at the last chapter


turns out the reason the villainess was so attached and needed the female lead is because the female lead is her half sister and THATS why she was attached to the female lead


Also shocking to find out about the male lead


turns out in the original story it LOOKED like the male lead saved the female lead coincidentally and many other coincidences but actually this time MC eventually finds out nope the male lead staged the coincidences because he approached the female lead on purpose to get access to the villainess' wealth. He knew the villainess was close with the female lead so THATS why he approached her.

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