After the Secrets of the Passerby Were Leaked, He Was Cherished by the Entire Family of Antagonists


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Contemporary college student Ye Leyao died suddenly from staying up late, and found himself transported into a world where several novels merged together, becoming the useless adopted son of the prestigious Huo family.

The good news is that, apart from him, everyone else in the family is a big shot. Eldest Brother Huo is a legendary figure in the business world, Second Brother Huo is a top actor in the entertainment industry, and Third Brother Huo is a skilled esports player and boss.

The bad news is, these big shots are all antagonists, and none of them have good endings.

Even worse news is that, upon waking up, he finds himself in the middle of a cheap romance involving Second Brother, who is oblivious to the fact that the child in his lover’s belly isn’t his seed at all!

Ye Leyao couldn’t help but scream inwardly: “Aaaaaahhhh—seriously? This romance-idiot still doesn’t know the child in his lover’s belly isn’t his?!”

All eyes in the family suddenly turn towards him. The second brother even stumbles.

Everyone: What?!

The top-tier Huo family adopted a young troublemaker some years ago.

Initially, nobody in the family paid him any mind. That is, until they could all hear Ye Leyao’s inner thoughts—

Just as Father Huo brings his down-and-out friend home. Ye Leyao’s inner voice: “Oh, so this is the little seductress trying to seduce Father Huo, plotting to make Mother Huo and Father Huo divorce, and wrecking the Huo family?”

Father Huo’s pupils dilate: “!” That night, before Ye Leyao can subtly hint to Mother Huo, the little seductress is personally “thrown” out by Father Huo.

During breakfast at home, Eldest Brother Huo takes a video call discussing crucial shipment matters with his assistant.

Ye Leyao perks up his ears, muttering to himself: “Why do I vaguely remember a typhoon changing course to pass through this route in a few days? Big Brother’s business deal is definitely going down.”

Eldest Brother Huo: “…” He immediately changes the shipping route with his assistant. Sure enough, five days later, news came that the original route was hit by a typhoon.

Afterwards, Eldest Brother Huo transfers five million into Ye Leyao’s account. Ye Leyao is astonished. Eldest Brother Huo tries to remain composed, saying calmly, “Take it, you’ve earned it.”

Third Brother Huo isn’t home often. After the league ends, he brings his newly recruited team members home for dinner. Just as they enter the house, Ye Leyao stares keenly at his new teammates.

Third Brother Huo is about to warn Ye Leyao against premature romance, when he hears Ye Leyao whispering in his mind: “They’re handsome alright, but unfortunately, they’re moles sent by the rival team.”

Third Brother Huo: “!!!” That night, Third Brother Huo begins investigating and not only discovers that the new teammates are moles from the rival team, but also finds out that his most trusted assistant has been secretly gathering data on their team!

A week later, another ten million appeared in Ye Leyao’s account.

Ye Leyao, holding the money happily: “Third Brother, you’re more generous than Big Brother!”

Just then, Eldest Brother Huo passes by: “…”

As a supporting character in the novel, Ye Leyao’s biggest dream is to save up money and flee with his family of antagonists when they hit rock bottom. Little did he expect that all these villains in his family would not only avoid disaster but thrive in their careers, and he would end up soaring with them.

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6 Reviews sorted by

New Roxasfleur rated it
June 29, 2024
Status: Completed

this was soo good. Comedy is on point, all plot holes are filled and the backstory is touching. I love the dynamic of Huo family and I can understand why MC fell for them.

basically MC family and ML can hear MC thoughts so they can enjoy first hand fresh melon every time. At the end it will be kinda explained why they can hear MC thoughts.

included in my list of melon eating story.
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New YozoraHaru rated it
June 28, 2024
Status: Completed
This story my not be flawless but the beautiful ending and heartbreaking plot twist truly made up for any flaws in the first half of the story.

I cried so much when I find out just how much YLY went through to ensure the Huo family, ML and many other extras in the story got their deserved ending instead of their OG most of the time tragic predetermined ending.

Honestly, if the author had added more solemn and chicken soup for the soul elements for the first 2/3 of the main story,... more>> it would have truly made this story into a great masterpiece once the readers pieced together all puzzle pieces with hindsight after learning the truth about YLY.

Frankly, while the comedy in this story left me breathlessly laughing at times but sometimes the scenario simply left me uncomfortable that the author still forcefully narrate it as stg funny when it's rlly not.

Some of the melons are simply put, just plain too dog blood or disgusting to be perceived as funny, I think the author didn't want to make the first 2/3 part of the main story too dark and deep bcoz the last part is already filled with heartache but there's a difference between things that can be taken as light humor and dark/morbid humor and thus should be handled and addressed with more finesse than just steamrolling over such dark/deep issues with simple words like, 'It's funny'.

Or maybe the author wrote the first 2/3 part of the main story and the last 1/3 at different times and when the author's level of writing maturity is not the same bcoz the feeling I get from them is almost completely different.

However the ending and extras are truly good with all the right mix of heartache, romance, familial love and fluff, not to mention truly unexpected plot twist (been a while since a romance novel managed to surprise me, truly a fresh plot twist), so I'll forgive the sometimes misplaced comedy.

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Wintercreeper rated it
June 24, 2024
Status: Completed
It has none of the things I've come to hate in book-transmigration/entertainment circle novels.

MC doesn't treat the world and its people as characters, he sees the books they are from as a template and "the plot" as not-so-set-in-stone fate.
It makes sense to him that things don't always go according to the novels because the characters are now real people and, of course, might react differently than their fictional source stipulates.

He doesn't think he has to follow the plot or get back "to the real world".
He's dead in his original reality and is totally fine with being in a new, fiction-based one, he feels 100% at home and belonging to this novel-hot-pot-world.

Although MC becomes an actor, he's not a genius, not even good, and that's completely okay with basically everyone, his fans are with him because they know that wherever he is there will be melons to eat.
Instead of illogically being the movie king with no effort, rhyme or reason, he's the king of gossip no one cares about in terms of acting talent.

I really, really love how the writer mixed these different novels, she did it with a lot of humour and it still makes perfect sense.
People from ABO novels think it's normal for men to be pregnant, people from realistic novels are shocked at first, then come to the conclusion that it's probably just rare and that's why they didn't know that men can be mothers.

MC's family situation was handled so, so well.


He's adopted, his parents were close friends of his adopted mother but the whole family treats him like their real son/brother.
Even so, Huo-Parents are perfectly happy with MC not calling them mom and dad, they understand that MC remembers his biological parents and don't even want to steal that spot in his heart.

They know he loves them just as much even when they are "only" Huo-ma and Huo-pa, and they don't let anyone criticise their relationship.


What a wholesome family, I love them.

The whole novel can be summed up as "MC and his social circle chase melons every day".
That's the plot, everyone follows MC to find good gossip, and there's A LOT of it at every corner.
Which makes sense considering that he seems to have read nothing but brainless dog blood webnovels.

There's no "China best country" anywhere.
There's no "wamen bad" anywhere.
No overpowered, overly perfect MC or ML, they are both somewhat idiots, flawed and loveable.

If you like comedy and are tired of stereotypical book-transmigration/entertainment circle novels, then try this one.
It makes fun of every trope, premise and topic you can think of, it's very solid satire and quite interesting to see how MC, an avid reader of low-quality webnovels, reacts like most of us do when we come across these overused, bad plots.

It's hilarious, healthy, and heart-warming.

Edit: Finished.
There's an unexpected twist that gives the story the edge that was still missing and ties up all loose ends.
Kudos to the translator and all readers for not using spoilery tags.

I don't say this often - it's a perfect novel. I enjoyed every second I spent with it.

Just to address something I've seen in another review:
One minor-side character induces vomiting to keep slim, she doesn't have an eating disorder, it's just a way to maintain her idol-figure while having to eat massive amounts due to her foodie image.
This is something that happened several times in real life and is greatly shamed by fans and the public, it has nothing to do with eating disorders.
These idols have no problem with their body-image and can stop at any time, they do it only because even with sport, they couldn't hold their "ideal" weight and still mok-bang.
This is a cultural thing that can be easily misunderstood by Westerners.
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trumying rated it
June 27, 2024
Status: Completed
Storyline is just hilarious ~ full of melons ~~

I love the inner thoughts of MC & also the family dynamics of the Hou family - as well as the ML’s romance progression.

also, the side characters are all memorable as well, shout out to them all. All their “plot lines” as well executed and ends everything satisfyingly.

... more>> The whole storyline itself also ends beautifully. Loved how everything had a reason and props to the author for executing it so well.

Re-readability - 1000000% (hilarious + beautiful) - definitely one of my go-to recommendations now!!!

... looking for the side stories too now :)) <<less
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mmem rated it
June 25, 2024
Status: c100
This was a fun novel. It’s easy to get carried away with the characters to enjoy gossip, but sometimes the gossip just wasn’t funny. Like there was a plot point where MC and co were laughing about a food blogger having an eating disorder. There was also a “sequel” to some gossip that left me more sad than having fun. Originally I planned to rate this series 3 stars as a result, but then the story gets serious and you learn what’s really going and I loved it. I loved... more>> the direction the story took. I loved the love between MC and ML as well as MC and his family. Now to find the extras, no doubt MC & co will be enjoying even more melons and I don’t mind joining the fun! And hey, maybe some more characters will find love too~ <<less
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June 23, 2024
Status: --
Possible tw for folks with eating disorders

The chaos is fun to follow but part way through the main character is filming a show and one of the celebrities is a food blogger type who I guess is famous for how much she can eat. However she doesn't actually have a huge appetite/stomach or an insane metabolism to deal with that extra food and she copes with that by... more>>

throwing it up. To be clear on how it seems to be described in the novel it doesn't seem to be body image based but more reputation based for the sake of her job as a mukbang type


not completely sure this would be a trigger but better to be safe than sorry <<less
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