After the Little Landlord Fell into Poverty


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Meng Xiaoxi was frail and gentle since childhood. After his parents passed away, his situation plummeted drastically. His eldest uncle coveted the family’s fields, and even the farm labor didn’t take him seriously.

The young master was both handsome and timid. The farm laborers not only bullied him but also harbored evil intentions towards him. In a critical moment, he was saved by a stranger he had encountered a few days earlier.

Shen Qingzhou, a robust sports teacher, accidentally fell off a cliff while hiking and found himself transported to an ancient village with a backpack. By chance, he saved a young boy who was pitiful and had no family. Shen Qingzhou himself was also miserable and had nowhere to go. So the two hit it off and decided to live together.

Incredibly, his phone didn’t run out of battery and could still search for information. Utilizing his agricultural knowledge, Shen Qingzhou helped manage the fields in an orderly manner. He raised a large group of chickens and ducks, and also took the boy to exercise. Their lives gradually became prosperous, and their feelings for each other deepened.

Just, the young master, Meng Xiaoxi was good in everything, but he was too soft-spoken and easy to bully. Everyone wanted to take advantage of him. Shen Qingzhou sighed, “There’s no need to give those people a good face. Since ancient times, the kind have been bullied, and the good horses have been ridden.”

Meng Xiaoxi only listened half-heartedly and suddenly blushed. “You, you’re the one who’s being ridden!”

Shen Qingzhou was stunned. Then, he leaned into his ear, and whispered with a smile, “It’s not impossible either.”


Personality is innate. If it couldn’t be changed, then Shen Qingzhou decided he would always be by his side to protect him. Thus, the two began a beautiful life of working hard in the fields during the day and diligently cultivating their relationship in the house at night.

Genre: Everyday life, lighthearted, farming, time travel, rural, romance

Protagonists: Meng Xiaoxi, Shen Qingzhou

Supporting Characters: Villagers of Ling Shui Village

One-Sentence Summary: A sweet and heartwarming tale of love that blossomed in the countryside.

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