After Picking Up the Lucky Girl, The Entire Village Flourished


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Jiang Sanlang found a newborn baby girl at a graveyard and raised her as his own daughter. Shortly after, his wife, who had been infertile for ten years, conceived twins.

Soon, good fortune continued to shower the Jiang family. They went from rags to riches, step by step.

The whole village envied their luck, believing the little girl to be a blessing.

Ying Bao waved her tiny hand: “Come, come, let’s plant snow fungus. In a year, you’ll have enough to eat, in two years you’ll be wealthy, and in three, you’ll reach the pinnacle of life.”

Eventually, all the villagers became prosperous, making nearby villages envious.

One day, the family who abandoned the baby girl returned, demanding her back.

The entire village was furious, ready to defend her: “Shameless! Trying to take her back? Taste our fists first.”

Ying Bao died and was reborn, realizing she had been a mere tool in a story, her past experiences merely to advance the plot.

In this life, Ying Bao decided to stay away from the main characters, focus on her family, and lead them to prosperity.

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