Academy Heroine’s Right Diagonal Back Seat


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“I really feel like having one of those special macarons from the cafeteria today. You think you could get me one?”

I sit diagonally behind the heroine in class. I’m basically her errand boy.

“We are [friends], after all.”

…And I’m happy to do it.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I Sit Behind the Academy Heroine to the Right(official)
아카데미 히로인 오른쪽 대각선 뒷자리
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New LunaTheGameingEevee rated it
July 3, 2024
Status: c37
I love the Darker setting, especially thanks to the fact that the MC knows things will go south makes their actions more interesting and their thoughts that they don't know what they will be able to change makes me very excited about reading the next chapter.
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New stryke106 rated it
July 2, 2024
Status: c34
Unlike what the thumbnail would suggest, the story is pretty dark. It's pretty interesting and engaging, though the OML is super f*cking annoying.

... more>>

MC literally cried at him to just leave her alone after he screws sh*t up by doing something she never asked him to do and acted like he was wronged afterwards, and not even 10 chapters later does he poke into her affairs again, like seriously get the hint bruh


So yeah, while the OML pisses me off, hopefully he gets more tolerable as the novel progresses because the rest of the novel is great. <<less
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Allister rated it
June 26, 2024
Status: c037
I didn't read many TS novels yet, but I find them interesting as a device to induce some situations or character personality changes/growth.

Since I only had 37 chapters to read for now (gonna edit when there's more), what I can say is:

At first it felt funny but it started to get pretty dark lately. Not like I'm against that. It's actually welcomed. There's a lot of questions in my mind that I hope get addressed later though.

... more>> As for characters, well...

MC really needs some growth, especially in braincells and mental health (this, right now).

The OFL, Sylvia, for most of the chapters was VERY annoying. Because of jealousy, and immaturity. But she did get better later. I'm all for apologizing and fixing mistakes.

The OML... I really, REALLY dislike that guy. He stalked, did things nobody asked him to, and overall is a headache both for MC and me, as a reader.

I'm not glad at the forced "chance encounters" with MC either. If this is a hint to lovers later, i'll be 100% dissapointed. Literally anyone/anything else is fine for me, just not him.

The professors are pretty nice, and it looks like they do their job properly and care for the kids.

The best characters are the class president and the senpai, by far, in my opinion. They're nice from the start and seem to genuinely care for MC.

That actually makes the fact that MC keeps distance utterly annoying for me. Though I understand why, I feel it's not a good idea in the long run. Both for mental health and security.

As for the translation, zero complaints, looks good.

The webpage works properly too, which I appreciate a lot.

I read the author's note on an MTL version and it looks like there's a truckload of fanarts. It would be cool to have them somewhere to see. <<less
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Solarius rated it
July 1, 2024
Status: c30
I'm not exactly good with commenting, but the chapters are great, slightly fast forward but the misunderstandings make the chapters better.

The MC also has trauma and is actually quite good, and there are misunderstandings that are good for drama and keeps the readers entertained (and frustrated because of the OriginalMC of that word lol).

Also I'm pretty sure the MC is this close 👌 to becoming insane because DAMN the trauma/backstory—
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kelicant rated it
July 1, 2024
Status: c28
The story has a much darker vibe than I thought it would have from the art / setting. The MC is someone who lived a rough life and has a lot of unhandled trauma. She's now placed in an academy setting with high stakes surrounded by kids who have their own issues. So far we haven't seen any of the original story's plot yet, it's been all drama between characters.

It is pretty well done so far, but the extremely dark and sad vibe of the story definitely isn't going to... more>> be for everyone. <<less
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