Abandoned in the Mountains, I Was Adopted by a Lizard ~I Mastered Magic and Surpassed My Parents, but I Didn’t Know They Were Legendary Ancient Dragons~


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The protagonist Hadar was abandoned on a mountain as a sacrifice immediately after birth but was soon picked up and raised by an ancient dragon. Having been raised in a way that combined the best aspects of both dragons and humans, Hadar became the most powerful being, surpassing all other creatures by the age of 12. One day, the ancient dragon told Hadar, “You are human, so you should prepare to live in human society,” and sent him off to the most challenging magic academy.

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山に捨てられた俺、トカゲの養子になる 〜魔法を極めて親を超えたけど、親が伝説の古竜だったなんて知らない〜
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