A World Dominated by Female Zergs


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Qi Zihan read a zerg novel late at night.

In the novel, the female zerg was tortured by the male zerg to hell and back yet remained grateful. He, who read from the perspective of the female, was so angry that he almost couldn’t sleep.

It took a long time to fall asleep. After waking up, he found that he had transmigrated into the world of zergs.

However, unlike the novel, this world was dominated by females.

Qi Zihan became a female zerg, transmigrating just after he had been assigned a very powerful soldier.

On the day of their wedding, his soldier knelt before him and expressionlessly offered up a whip with both hands. “Lord Husband, please enjoy.”

Qi Zihan slapped the whip away.

Yu Chenyu was surprised — why didn’t he hit him? Was he too scared?

Later, he discovered that he was wrong. When faced with any males who were weaker than himself, his husband could fight off a whole crowd!

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Date Group Release
06/29/24 Words on the Wing c2
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