A Silly Little Snake’s Mishap


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I was a little snake. To get through the winter, I disguised myself as a female and cozied up to a male snake to keep warm.

Spring arrived, and I was ready to leave with great joy: “Actually, I am also a male, so I can’t be your wife. I’m leaving now.”

But the male snake wrapped around me.

“We did everything, and now you are telling me that you are male? Too late, even if you are male, you still have to be my wife!”

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New caicaicat rated it
July 1, 2024
Status: part7
Very quick short, like you can read it while you are boiling and steeping a cup of tea and by the time you finished the tea will be perfectly cooled for sipping short.

It's about a somewhat naive snake who thinks it's a bit more clever than it really is. Very cute. Nice resolution.
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New Staringatastar rated it
July 1, 2024
Status: Completed
This is a short story about an innocent and silly snake who meets and accidentally entices a transformed snake. This is a nice story, not too much substance as expected for the length, but also nothing objectionable. I recommend giving it a shot of the description sounds appealing!
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