A Million People Hate Him for Wanting to Leave


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Song Yunhui is the young master of the Song family. When he was young, his mother died of illness and his father married another woman, bringing him a younger brother.

Since then, he has never experienced the feeling of being held in the palm of someone’s hand.

He studied hard and practiced calligraphy and piano with little success, failing to gain anyone’s love and appreciation.

As soon as he entered the entertainment industry, he was accused of being jealous of his younger brother’s fame. He was accused of stealing scenes while acting, of lip-syncing while singing, and people even accused him of having bad intentions while saving a fellow actor who fell in the river.

Finally, he was successfully blacklisted all over the Internet, and everyone condemned him.

After rescuing the actor who fell into the river, he fainted. When he woke up again, Song Yunhui discovered that this world is a book, and his brother is the protagonist. Song Yunhui is simply the cannon fodder obstacle on the protagonist’s path that everyone hates.

His father likes his younger brother. The person he likes likes his younger brother. Even the internet only likes his younger brother.

No matter what he does, no matter how well he does it, no one will care.

Song Yunhui thought about it.

If you don’t like someone, leave. If people don’t like you, don’t force yourself.

After he packed up and announced his retirement, he found a small villa in a small town. There, he would write songs by himself and occasionally stream while singing and playing games to support himself.

From time to time, he’d go to the neighbors house and poach a meal. It’s a very comfortable life.

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Wàn rén xián tā xiǎng kāile
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New cupsidate rated it
July 2, 2024
Status: Completed
Hello! I'm the translator of this novel.

It's a very soft read, with a focus on healing and building a happy life for yourself, but still with a healthy dose of face-slapping for those who deserve it. Plus, a very cute and fluffy orange cat!

If that sounds like your cup of tea, then please do give it a try!
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