Seeking Happiness


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On the wedding night, when the bride hung herself, the handsome husband was sickly, the concubine was glaring like a tiger to see what her best next move would be. Shu Huan who time-travelled to the ancient times encountered such a mess.

“Men and women can’t touch each other. You doing this is not right, right?”

“Humph, you are already married to me. You still care about that?”

“Eh eh, second young master, you haven’t healed yet. I’m thinking for your own good.”

“Doesn’t matter, this young master isn’t interested in your bean sprouts like body.”

While sleeping, they put a barrier of pillows between them

Woman: “Eh…Eh….”

Man: “Eh…what are you doing?

Woman: “Don’t cross the line.”

Man: “Ah……?”

Woman: “If you cross the line, I’ll hit you with the incense burner.”

Man “Uh……”

Woman: If……if I accidentally cross the line……you don’t…”

“Humph……if you continue to talk, I’ll tear your clothes and seal your mouth.”

“You check so carefully because you are afraid that I’ll harm you?”

“That isn’t it. Humph, I only want to know why someone will commit su*cide by hanging on the wedding night.”


“You hate me so much? You prefer to die instead of spending the wedding night with me?”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Gazing Huan
Seeking Affection
Related Series
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The Lady’s Sickly Husband (1)
Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. CN w/ Excellent Plot Part II (BxG)
  3. BG novels
  4. Ancient novels I have Read
  5. Ancient China Novels

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39 Reviews sorted by

sleeplessnk45 rated it
June 7, 2019
Status: --
First of all, thanks to the translator for the hard translating such a great novel. Thank you also for adding meanings to idioms, it's really helpful since not everyone is versed in chinese sayings.

I really recommend this to others. It's not angsty and has no great drama that makes you want to bash your head in frustration. It's very heartwarming and feel good, even if there are a few schemes and villains here and there. Try it out and decide for yourself!

... more>>

This reminds me of an improved version of Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman. MC transmigrated after marriage to a man who has a concubine. Ml's family (while not really the focus of the story) doesn't treat MC well after her su*cide attempt. However...

Unlike in RAW, ML goes out of his way to show his care and love for MC, ignoring the concubine, and even scheming against his family to make her life easier. Anything MC does, ML would always support her and we don't often seen such mls who aren't also overbearing or cold jerks. Just like in RAW, MC only wants to earn money to leave but unlike in RAW, we actually want MC and ML to stay together.



MC is also a gem. She's sensible, but because she's a modern woman she finds it hard at times to get used to the idle life of ancient times making her cause trouble, but ML is always there to get her out of trouble. She's clever, but not actively scheming because her main goal is to live well and peacefully. She knows that constantly trying to scheme would just tire her, so she just doesn't do so. She'll treat you well if you also treat her well, she'll fight you only if you fight her first and she's pretty cunning at it, too. She's decisive and not afraid to get what she wants. She's flawed but we grow to love her all the same.



There's also the matter of the fourth young master, a 10 year old who is spoiled rotten and who we would assume would one day get his karma because he's a bully. Except, ML turned this spoiled brat into an ally and someone who now genuinely likes MC and ml. We see him slowly grow from a brat to a young boy trying to improve himself. It's a bit heartwarming to see, especially since other rebirth/transmigration stories often give bad endings/fate to such children w/o giving them a chance to change. Ofc, he still has more to learn but we know he treats MC and ML as family.


Last but not the least, (big spoilers)


What's the deal with ml? He's definitely in love with MC, except we don't know why. This is actually one of the bigger mysteries in this story. Other characters have remarked that ml, who was sickly and had a frail sort of personality, has changed after getting married to MC. He's now a black belly, scheming, not as sickly, trying to learn martial arts, and generally more confident. It's as if he's a different person altogether, as one character had put it. MC recognized him as someone she knew, maybe. ML might already know something is strange with MC, but does he actually know? Could he have been reborn, transmigrated, or was he always just hiding his true self? There are many clues, but no certain answer yet.

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whitespade rated it
August 16, 2019
Status: c129
You know how somehow these transmigrated women or men become vicious mu*dering psycopath just because they go to another world/time and you wonder if they just keep their psycopathy internally in the modern world?

Well our MC here do not change drastically just because they have the power they do not abuse it and treat people like garbage. They truly still retained modern thinking and modern sensibility, they never forget who they were and I love how they keep their individuality. MC is a breath of fresh air.

Also the ML, the... more>> most perfect ML in the existance of ML. He love and adore MC but do not use that as an excuse to possess or r*pe MC unlike all those other MLs.

There are backcourt drama, but its entertaining since MC just dont give a sh1t. <<less
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mochispinky rated it
April 28, 2021
Status: c25
You would like this, if you like FL's that are

    • Childish and immature adolescent
    • Throws tantrums every 5mins
    • Puffs up like a goldfish at the sight of ML's cheekiness
    • Cooks up like shrimp if ML comes 30cms near her face
    • Have absolutely zero brain cells and fails at basic survival
    • Uses modern mindset and refuses to think that times are different
    • Is a sandbag
    • Only has yureka moments once in blue moon and cant bother to use 2 brain cells otherwise
    • Is free to use MLs money and food but have no intention or even thoughts about repaying
    • Accepts others kindness one sided.
    • Is so blind to others traps even when facts are slapped in the face
I can go on But I don't wish to waste anymore time.
14 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Xyvel rated it
August 11, 2019
Status: c126
I love the translations. Great job!!!

This story is one of my favorites because it think it seems more realistic than similar transmigration stories with OP characters. There is not too much drama, face-slapping or irritating villainy actions and I think the pair is well balanced.

It is simply a cute and heartwarming story.
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Bookworm_Sueweetie rated it
March 25, 2020
Status: Completed
I love this... it is kinda refreshing compared to other transmigration novels. There are no typical Mary Sue heroine, no repetitive revenge plots and no political schemes.

The ending is very satisfying.

... more>>

Both are transmigrated and died together in a same cruise incident. The ML already liked the FL before time- travelling.


ML and FL didn't come up as overly genius, powerful or over-talented characters... But they are smart, adaptable and straightforward who only wanted to live a peaceful life without no complications and away from family disputes. Their trust and love for each other is worth of praising.

The supporting characters and cannon fodders are given fair treatment... even the "supposed" villains got their reasons why they did evil things. They were given fair punishments and most of them are given chances to change. <<less
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haruhi91 rated it
September 1, 2019
Status: c70
There is nothing wrong with this novel, but there is nothing good either. It is a very simple and kinda boring slice of life of a woman transmigrated into ancient China; there is no drama, no mystery, no specific goal and that's the problem. I usually hate tr*shy transmigration/reincarnation novels with hundred of chapters and repetitive plot about any kind of overused trope, but at least, in those novels there is something the reader looks forward to, like revenge, becoming the main wife/empress or whatever. In Seeking Happiness, instead, there... more>> is nothing that propels me to keep reading unless you enjoy very basic and bland plot revolving around two people who get to know each other set into the past. I also want to add that among the tags there is Black Belly which is not true, the male lead is nothing of the sort as he only sometimes teases the MC never forcing her to do anything.

In short, read only if you are in the mood for a slice of life without expecting a moving plot <<less
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Aurinne rated it
March 8, 2020
Status: Completed
This is a very readable, quite acceptable, but not amazing novel.

The main pros are the common sense attitudes of the two main characters, as well as the more moderate and sensible tone of most of the story. It's quite refreshing to see a story about a girl whose soul had transmigrated to Ancient China where she tries not to get caught up in the typical family drama but instead distance herself and rely on herself in a very un-flamboyant way (i.e. She's not a deadly assassin, immortal-level cultivator or godly... more>> doctor, nor does she have a dramatic relationship with a powerful prince or emperor). It's not amazing writing nor an amazing story, but this simplicity and sensible-ness makes it a refreshing change.

The main con for me is that the story eventually throws out half of its down-to-earth plot and instead drags the main couple into dramatic disasters and family melodrama. This both undermined the likeably sensible tone it had established and also felt like a huge step backwards for the development of the main characters. It does have a happy ending, but I find it a bit lacklustre as it neither lived up to the dramatic events preceding it nor moved the main characters quite far enough away from their original state at the beginning of the book to feel like I'd been taken on a worthwhile journey.

In the end, it was easy to read, well-translated and fairly harmless. It didn't manage to fully commit to the sensible, character/lifestyle-developing style nor the family melodrama style. I think some people might enjoy this incongruent middle-ground, while others may be frustrated that it's too little in the direction they prefer (e.g. Not exciting enough or to melodramatic).

It could be worth a read if you are looking for an Ancient China transmigration story that is fairly simple and easy to read. <<less
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chande rated it
August 30, 2020
Status: Completed
I'm glad that I picked up this novel. This is truly a gem. It's different from other "time travel to ancient era" novel that I've ever read.

My first favorite part is MC and ML.

... more>>

MC was a painter and ML was a lawyer. Both had an accident at the cruise ship and thrown into the sea. When they wake up, they are in different time and place.

MC is upright, straightforward, and easygoing girl. She struggles to adapt in her new circumstances, mostly because the backwardness of the era where woman position is weaker than man and also because the endless schemes in her husband's family. She loves peace and just wanna has a quiet life but her current condition doesn't allow her to. I love that MC's struggleness is very realistic and natural. She's different from other MC from other similar novel where they adapt very quickly and often have a built-in cheat that make them stand out.

ML is one of my favorite ML. He's not overbearing, chauvinist, or cold indifferent guy. He's rather quick to adapt in his new condition. Maybe because he used to be a lawyer so he's usually cool headed. He also has an original body's diary so he know much or less the event that happened before he time travel.


My next favorite part is the setting.


Unlike other similar novel that involves a prince, emperor, or any noble family, this novel's setting is in the rich merchant family. The schemes are not as complex as in the imperial palace, more like a family dispute but it's easier to understand.


And also the side characters.


The side characters are not too many and easy to remember. The good ones are likeable and the bad ones are not too evil. Each has their own closure and there isn't any loose end.


The novel's length is just right, not too short and not too long so it's rather quick to read. The story is not dragging and the ending is satisfying. The novel's title is not memorable but it more or less describes ML and MC's desire to have a peaceful and happy life together. <<less
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
April 15, 2020
Status: Completed
Remarkable translation!

Reading this novel is like discovering a dusty book in an old secondhand bookshop and getting engrossed in it that you can't put it down until you reach the end. I think the author interweaved a good plot and dealing with trouble after trouble makes one wish the story would lead to a satisfying ending. This author delivered such an ending! I was thoroughly satisfied. Overall, I can't compare this novel to the other ones I've read here in NU because this felt like a well-published book. The translator... more>> is also quite good and dedicated in finishing her work. I truly respect her efforts in clarifying many things in the novel.

In summary, I recommend this book! <<less
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Miss Ruby
Miss Ruby rated it
December 23, 2019
Status: c30
The MC is quite bland. I think the best description for her is a doormat. She lets people walk all over her continuously. She doesn't really have any opinions or personality for that matter. She goes wherever the wind blows aka, she never does anything on her own, only follows what is happening around her. Basically, always reacting, never acting.

The ML has more personality but the author tries to keep him as a mystery which in my opinion, didn't really help the story. The MC can't carry the story because... more>> she's too bland while the ML is such a mystery that he can't carry it either. There's a type of mystery which makes you want to know more so you keep reading for the revelation. This isn't that type of mystery. <<less
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nekomemeow rated it
July 26, 2020
Status: Completed
I lost count how many times I started reading this book and leave half way because of that one excrutiating arc of mc's og body stepsister lmaoooo but I am truly thankful that I finally made it through the end this time because booooiiiiiiiii this novel finally climbed up to my top five BG novels.

Theres something so natural and lovable about whatever happens between MC and ML and I truly agree that the ML is one of those top tier ml, prolly on the same level as xie jing xing... more>> from rebirth of malicious empress of military lineage (i hope I din butchered the title HAHAHA) but they also got twins too wahaha but yeah

This novel gave a great experience, nothing too complicated yet the plotline is so satisfying.. And its not boring at all. Give this novel a try because the translation are also top notch!!! Love u translator-sama!!! Thank uuuuuu!!!!! <<less
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zenriu rated it
March 30, 2020
Status: Completed
Great story. Main characters are not over powering. No excessive or extra ordinary plot. Its a bit long but not boring to read. Thank you author and translator for this wonderful novel.
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Jeez Louise
Jeez Louise rated it
November 7, 2021
Status: Completed
The beginning was really good and I was truly enjoying the slice of life vibe but when I got to the middle part, I was like: Author? Author! AUTHOR, DANG LET ME BREATH PLEASE!!! Hahahaha!

... more>>

Out of nowhere, we were thrown heaps of drama, earthquakes, death, mysteries one after another which was dizzying and very overwhelming for me! I mean can I at least be given enough time to calm down before being introduced to another dog blood Author-nim??? 🥲🤣 Thank god the latter part towards the end made up for it!


5 stars because I had a major crush on the ML kekeke! If I ever transmigrate somewhere, he's someone I hope I would transmigrate together with because of how dependable and composed he is. Definitely swoon worthy! <<less
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FarihaAhmed29 rated it
January 1, 2021
Status: Completed
I liked this novel because the FL and ML both are normal. They transmigrated without any cheat, they aren't cruel and both of them struggle in ancient time.

If anyone likes slice of life novels. They can give it a try. ^_^
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julaihajamahat rated it
December 13, 2020
Status: Completed
A very interesting story. Fall in love at the first sight (one side love). Transmit together with the person you love. The best of all you became husband and wife in this new life. Beautiful love agains time and era. I don't want anything just you because you make me safe, Without you there no meaning in this life (that how I conclude this story)
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November 6, 2020
Status: c12
I really hope I can come back to this one day but I am too into strong female leads that this is driving me crazy. She literally cannot defend herself from a child’s teasing! Or hell no. Another tym y’all 👋
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dramamonster rated it
August 11, 2020
Status: Completed
This is a a sweet, slice of life, time-travelling historical romance in a merchant family.

Both the FL ... more>>

and ML


are transmigrators. She was a painter and

he was a lawyer. He loved her before, so as a newlywed couple, he is very good to her. It was my first time reading about a lawyer transmigrating, so it was enjoyable to see how he could easily cross-examine witnesses, analyze schemes, and plot against their enemies. The FL just wanted to live happily, and was competent when necessary. The ML was black-bellied enough to protect them both.


The FL transmigrated on the wedding night of the sickly Second Young Master Gu Xiran. The newlyweds have to navigate complex family relationships, messy families, natural disasters, ancient customs, to have a happy life, while being true to their modern values of monogamy, respecting human life, etc. The ending was very good, especially the maids'

happy endings.


One thing I didn't like was that the names "Gu Xiren" and "Gu Xiran" were too similar for the two different characters.

The FL and ML were sweet and cute together, but the story was set amongst some dramatic events (for a slice of life story) before they could get what they wanted. <<less
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June 4, 2020
Status: --
Translation is great!!

But, the second half of the story just kinda pop out of nowhere and feel like its spiraling out of control


like, it was a fine daily life story, and suddenly earthquake strikes. From then, the story progression becomes boring and tedious._.

and I feel unsatisfied with how the author handle their family drama

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Gum_Drops rated it
June 8, 2021
Status: --
I have never read a novel with a more useless Female Lead. She serves no purpose to the plot and can easily be switched with another character. She is the definition of 0 survival skills and if placed in any other novel she would die in a day. The concubine had more dept and likeability than her. In fact, I was routing for the bloody concubine, she was such a gem. You ever saw someone that mistook a Rat and a Queen, yeah well this male lead did.
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October 26, 2020
Status: Completed
This is what I'm looking for! Just a simple story about a couple in ancient times. The conflict is not that much and the carefree attitude of the ML and FL makes is more interesting.

Everything flows smoothly and easy to read.
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