Saimin Regulation


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This is a story where the protagonist who obtained hypnosis does whatever he pleases and assaults girls at school.

There are many lines where common sense is rewritten and unconscious assault. Not just s*x, but the particulars regarding the process, the situation, and the atmosphere of what occurs prior to the act are written about as much as possible.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Hypnosis Regulation
Saimin Shingi
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Recommendation Lists
  1. All Ero
  2. kkkkk
  3. OH MY......
  4. Just spicy. No real plot in sight.

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13 Reviews sorted by

0000000 rated it
September 9, 2017
Status: c10
Fun thoughts, there are only 4 main girls that the MC plays with, and their first name correspond to the four cardinal directions, and the girls are introduced in the order of North, South, East, West...

Also, I call BS for MC not wanting to attract attention in Chp 5.

And at chp 10, we now collect the classics, elder sister type, friendly school friend type and loli. Guess which one will West be.

Good fap.
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Keisotsuna rated it
January 6, 2018
Status: c21
It's better than I expected. I'm honestly surprised at the MC. Despite being a pe*vert himself, he has more of a self-control and doesn't lose his reasoning unlike other MC of similar plotline or genre. I've seen quite a few stories with similar genre and they always end up with the MC conquering so many girls without restraint that it loses its substance. But this story is different.

... more>>

The MC, using his hypnosis skills, knows his limit and doesn't try to take control of every girl he can see (cause that's how usual harem goes).

He has four girls by his side, each with different personalities and character, which make the story much meaningful despite having no deep conflict or plotline.


The translation is awesome. ^_^ I really love how the scenes were portrayed such that the readers can imagine them vividly. I'm really disappointed with smut novels these days, because they aren't well written and doesn't compel the readers to that "I want to read more" kind of state. So five stars for this one!! <<less
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Krazyguy75 rated it
July 7, 2019
Status: c81
I found this series. Instantly loved it. Hit my strike zone directly. Smart protagonist, hypnotism (and not that boring s*x doll s***), and smut? 5/5.

And then it got repetitive. The ideas were fairly stale, and you started getting a lot of repeats like "s*x in a classroom of mind controlled people". But that was still in the minority, and most of the stuff was new. There wasn't much plot, but it's a smut novel, so that was to be expected. At that point, it'd be a 4/5.

But since that's past... more>> tense, you can tell something changed. And here's what it is: I can stomach a protagonist who r*pes girls using hypnotism in my smut novels. But I cannot stomach it if that same protagonist r*pes girls, gets them pregnant, and then tosses them aside with a dismissive "their families will handle it" remark. I cannot stomach a protagonist who suddenly turns as dense as a pile of lead bricks when confessed to, tossing the confession aside as a joke before raping the girl. I signed up for a intelligent jerk, not an incredibly evil sociopath. 1/5.

Overall I give 3/5, as it is really good until it gets terrible. I haven't dropped it yet, and that should show how good it was early on when I can rate the current parts 1/5 and still have hope. <<less
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ArgosYesu rated it
February 27, 2018
Status: c27
Surprisingly good. Can I say nicely written? Most of the erotica novels are just short and dull, mainly relying on speech or quick narrative to describe the ero. This is like comparing Invisible Dragon-level writing with regular novels, with Saimin Regulation being the better written one.

Lots of detail, a hypnosis system that isn't bullshit, girls who aren't characterized into Loli1, Loli2, Onee-san1, Teacher6. MC may seem a bit dull, but he really isn't. He likes surprises and laughs when his thought-out plans don't follow his script. If I have to... more>> shorten it, I'd say he's perfect for the Hypnosis power.

TL;DR, better than most. Nothing really tops it IMO. <<less
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AddicitveReader rated it
January 25, 2021
Status: extra 23
I like this but I just don't really like how the MC doesn't think of our heroines love as genuine. It's like he's just playing with them only thinking what they are doing are not genuine but only false games to tease him.

Mai's confession scene and the future chapters showed that she truly liked him but he just thinks she's doing it for more pleasure and its just a game.

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Oshibo rated it
August 18, 2019
Status: c35
A decent Ero Novel but calling it mind control is pushing it, he isn't forcing them to do anything, rather he is changing them on a fundamental level. One example is that he has the females of the school walk around naked in a chapter, he hasn't forced them to nor has he told them to, instead he made them believe it is the natural thing to do. Another is example is that he is r*ped after messing with a girl's libido, he wasn't expecting to be r*ped but she... more>> pushed him down with brute force and had her way with him. Things don't always go how he wants it as he never has complete control of anything, but it works out in the end. <<less
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Fluffums rated it
June 23, 2019
Status: c57
It starts off great! Then slowly gets worse. Then takes an abrupt nose-dive after a certain point.

At the beginning, there's a story. The protagonist is well-written, how he makes the heroines fall is pretty good too, and the translation/writing is good. Overall 'good' and I'd mark it up to 5/5 just because I like the theme.

But then the last heroine is added, and the protagonist just starts cycling between current heroines with "new" scenarios, many of which are old scenarios with a different girl. There's no further development of the... more>> story, protagonist, or the heroines, and the writing is not as good. The story is as good as dead, nothing new to be seen in over 10 chapters.

If the author wanted to focus so much on smut, he should have kept adding new victims while maybe occasionally going back to his favorites. If he wanted to focus on the 4 heroines, he should have toned down the smut a little (since it's clear he has a limited repertoire anyway) and developed their relationships a little more. The same story would have still been a 4/5 still if either case happened.

But they didn't happen. Story 1/5, characters 2/5, setting 2/5, smut 2/5, average 2/5. And only that high because of a strong start. <<less
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magefeanor rated it
December 3, 2018
Status: c39
In the beginning my impression was much like the other reviewers. Surprisingly decent ero novel.

Sadly any attempt of progression or plot gets ruthlessly shut down by the MC. It is essentially just a sadistic bastard having sadistic mind break s*x over and over again.
There is absolutely no character development from the MC.

You can pretty much see when the author gave up any inkling of plot, it's when the format turns episodic.
There's a chapter that ends with the MC ruminating how one of the girls will reject when she wakes up the next day next to him. The next chapter then begins with him on the beach. There's no acknowledgment of what happened last chapter.

That's not why I stopped reading though, I can live with that. The increasingly sadistic s*x kinda killed my interest. The mind break tag takes more and more of a backseat position.
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MaouOni rated it
October 15, 2022
Status: --
Good and extended explanation at how his hypnotism works, how he sets his objectives to keep looking normal and plans everything methodically and logically. A really good read, for the story and the plot (all main heroines has development and creative s*x scenes).
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Mahesvara_ rated it
September 2, 2022
Status: c31
[TLDR: A good smut if you're looking for just smut.]

There's probably hardly anyone who will read this 'til the end. It's a complete smut novel and doesn't really matter if you drop it after reading chapter 20s or 30s. Looks great at first but gets very repetitive. There's not much plot, aside from introduction of the four Heroines all the other chapters are full of s*x here and s*x there then adding some kinks and just repeat. This story didn't quench me at all.

There are two paths for author to... more>> choose from to make this story interesting 'til the end:

  • First, is to Lessen the Ero and developed the plot for the Heroines. —It has quite a good romance potential for the heroines so I would've like it if the author developed the story a bit.
  • Second, is to just focus on Smut and shouldn't have limited the number of girls. — It would've been better if the author didn't limit the girls if he just wants to write smut story, this way readers will be full of curiosity on getting to know each girls.
Unfortunately, author takes neither. Author limited the number of girls and also didn't allow them to develop their potential to the fullest and just made the MC focus on having s*x with them.

I just read "X-RayIsMoreThanIThought" this one had too much plot and lacking in Ero. Now this novel "SaiminRegulation" had too much Ero and lacks in plot. =_= I wish I could get one with a good balance next time :3 hhhh <<less
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ariesnightmare rated it
April 19, 2021
Status: Completed
This is the best hypnotism series on this site. All other hypnotism series are competing for second place. At least that is what I think. Only problem that I have found is pregnating side characters. I know to some that is interesting, but main your heroines are under protection. Why couldn´t others be too? Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex series has reason why it is done. Nothing like that is here. If you are put of by this then I recomment skiping chapters 67, 72 and 84. Sure there are... more>> chapters where it was done, but can pretent that nothing happened then. On positive site I like how main character makes up interesting and creative situations. Those situations were not even forced. They were done with plan in mind. I at least think that he is better than his grandfather was. He isn´t destroying everybody´s lives.


There might be change that he is experiencing in*est unknowingly. Not directly, but close enough. It still isn´t level where you should place in*est tag, but it might be there. Main character is very willing to let others live their happy live if they won´t offend him. At least he doesn´t force others to take responsibility. I still would be interested of reading grandfather´s story.

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bushwhacker2k rated it
August 3, 2019
Status: c30
As others have said, this starts out 5/5, doing everything extremely well.

The focus is only on four girls. Depending on how such a story is written, that could work- but this author is handling things in a really odd way.

He isn't really advancing their relationships at all (in some ways the protagonist is weird like he's specifically avoiding real relationships despite his easy availability to them) and instead just does random s*xual scenarios.

The thing that solidly made me knock it down from 5/5 was that he keeps having other girls... more>> with connections to his main 4 show up... and then barely lays a finger on them, like he has some bizarre devotion to the main 4. This is really weird because first off, he has 4 girls, this means he's not a monogamist-type, devoted to a single girl. What makes it really odd is he goes out of his way to include them, remarks on how attractive they are, and even brings them into the s*xual scenario, then he specifically avoids doing much with them! What's even the point of including them then!? It's like the author is rubbing our faces in his refusal to do the obvious correct thing for the story.

Still a ways to go in the story, and something tells me things can only either stay the same or get worse...

If that turns out to be correct, then it seems like the beginning of the story might be best treated as the entire story and the rest ignored, as it'd just be wasted potential. <<less
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SSsss rated it
April 1, 2023
Status: --
Really good ero series. Typically eros are divided into two archtypes: one which focuses more on the s*x where the MC usually got it on with heroines after heroines, or one which puts more emphasis on character development of its characters while using ero as the background theme. Saimin Regulation belongs to neither of these groups.

It instead is the kind of story which focuses more on the episodic "slice-of-lifey" side of things while still putting a decent amount of characterization, especially for the MC. Kinda like a combination of the... more>> aforementioned types but not quite.

What makes it good though is the fact that it's aware of this and doesn't try too hard to be something it's not supposed to be. The storytelling and characterization in this story is done in a way that makes it comfy to read, its main characters not feel too superficial, yet its mood is still undoubtedly erotic.

Lastly, this is just my subjective opinion so it doesn't really have any influence over my objective evaluation of the series, but the MC fits my personal preference of how a main character should be which is nice. He doesn't really undergo much of a development but then character development isn't much of a merit on its own anyway.

A character can stay the same all throughout a series as long as the characterization is at least decent and in the case of this story's MC, decent it is. <<less
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