Rebirth: How a Loser Became a Prince Charming


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Qin Guan was reborn and sent back to his final semester in High School 18 years ago. Getting a second chance at life, he works hard to turn things around and eventually become a Prince Charming. What will his life be like the second time around? What will he have to go through? How will he succeed in turning from a loser into a Prince Charming?

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Pyushis rated it
November 19, 2017
Status: c722
Edited Due to Current Chapters

It's funny how people want this MC to do more for his rebirth / reincarnation. Clearly they didn't expect it to be a slice of life. Just because theres reincarnation and or rebirth doesnt necessarily mean MC will save the world already. By the way, there's romance in this novel.

tl;dr: If you want a slow paced, realistic to some extent, slice of life that has the reincarnation / rebirth with romance, you might want to give this novel a go no; You should give this novel... more>> a no. I am actually appalled by the vast amount of 1 star ranking on this novel. Apparently a lot of people have sh*t taste. To each his own. As I had stated in the past, you might want to give this novel a go, but, it gets... terrible on the later chapters. Explanations Below.

Plot - 4/5 2/5

Not the greatest plot. But for a slice of life, its a decent slow paced novel.

The above is true until it became terrible. Everything was going well until the author suddenly became overly nationalistic. Too much for my taste.
Characters - 3/5

Contrary to popular belief of the majority here, characters here are not as one dimensional as you think. Maybe they've read a lot of other novels where MC can basically fish a girl out of nowhere and are taken aback by this novel's MC not being able to get the girl that quick. To that I say, Slice. Of. Life. This isnt your wuxia/xianxia genre where girls go wet whenever someone is fighting. Character development is there but it just takes a little bit of time to show. Nothing is rushed in this story cause there's no reason to rush it. Simple. As. That.

The above is still true. The only problem is that the author, unsurprisingly, downs all other nationalities and stresses that "China is so great" every other chapter. I don't have anything against China or Chinese Nationalities but, please. Maybe this is what I get from reading CNs with reincarnation.

Personal Enjoyment - 5/5 1/5

I had a fun time reading through it all.
Nope. Not anymore. To the tr*sh this goes!

PSA: Learn to read the tags before even starting a novel. Don't expect for something that is not there. Please.

Don't be irresponsible with your reviews. Don't spout outright lies. There's romance if you read more but clearly some are half-assed in making a review on this novel. <<less
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Emperor avalon
Emperor avalon rated it
July 6, 2017
Status: c13
This novel fells pretty meh. The MC went back in time, is handsomer than before, and learns things faster, but despite that, it's not a story where he uses his past knowledge to change his life, nor one where he uses his power to make money or this kind of things. It's more like a slice of life story now, and not the good kind of slice of life stories, but the one that's really boring. The MC has a clear goal, becoming rich, but the story spend more time... more>> on telling us how handsome he is through author characters than on him actually trying to make money. He doesn't even have a plan to make money for now, despite being a time traveler and having a special trait. I really hope that this story will turn better after a few more chapters, because for me who's he huge fan of the genre, it's criminal for a story with this kind of background (travelling back to the past/second chance and special ability) to fell this bland and uninteresting. <<less
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rodusk123 rated it
August 8, 2017
Status: c64
I struggled to force myself to read all the way to chapter 64. So far, nothing at all has happened. The entire novel is written like this:
1. Go to college
2. Work
3. People go crazy over his good looks
3. During breaks, go home with the girlfriend he only sees on the train from the train ticket he bought
4. Work during those breaks and never see your girlfriend
5. Back to step 1

This novel has no plot development at all, the entire thing is the MC reincarnated then went to school and worked as a (Spoiler here because its like his main job at the moment while he goes to college)



or any part time job they can find. It has no character development because a character ends up getting mentioned in 1 chapter and then nothing goes on because they pretty much repeat the same 'character development' in a different scenario.

There's no objective at all except stating he wants to be rich and marry his girlfriend but that's it. This is more like reading someones diary.


This is the story written in diary form.

August 8th, 2017

Today, I went to class then afterwards I went to work. I tried to contact my girlfriend but she's too busy studying. Now I had some goofy interactions with my roommates like making fun of the youngest, time for bed!

You're probably thinking, you've already stated this above but no, this is the events during about 5 chapters. They just use a lot of descriptive words to make the novel longer.


I just read the synopsis and I want to correct some things. He doesn't work towards becoming 'Prince Charming' he instantly becomes Prince Charming because he is so good looking apparently. Spoiler on how good looking he is. It'll spoil 1-2 chapters for you.

He gets a really terrible haircut that looks really choppy (their words, not mine) but he's still incredibly good looking.


Another point is, he is a loser from his previous life. In his reincarnated life where he is good looking for some reason that I feel like will never be stated at all, he isn't a loser at all. Any actions he does girls go crazy.

This ability is a spoiler so it's behind a Spoilers tag read with caution (Pfft)

In his reincarnated, he is not only good looking he also has an exceptional memory. Exceptional as in he can remember everything down to the last detail.

An example of this is during a 'mixer' where his roommates and a couple girls go to a restaurant and he eats like a pig, ruining his image (I know I stated above that everything he does makes him good looking but this is the only exception I've seen so far) but later redeems himself because he looked at all the good dancers and memorised their movements and unexpectedly becomes a top notch dancer.


I have to apologise for all these spoiler tags but it's very hard to avoid because of how little happens in the novel. Read it at your own risk and see if your opinion differentiates from mine or don't. Either way, I am never looking at this novel again.
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otaku31 rated it
July 4, 2017
Status: v1c11
Really bad writing. A somewhat ugly guy travels back in time and gains a handsome body but shows almost no reaction to such supernatural events. MC also appears a bit too childish which is weird since he, technically, has been an adult for a long, long time.
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Tarlos rated it
July 25, 2017
Status: c20
Feels like I'm reading a log of events rather than an actual story. Every chapter is just: This happened, that happened, MC did this, MC did that. It's like you're an observer in the sky, watching a bunch of people interact on the ground. There's no plot, no character developments, no anything for that matter.

The very first sentence of this novel should give you a good idea of what to expect in terms on quality: "Qin Guan was reborn and sent back eighteen years in time." Why was he reborn?... more>> Why was he sent back eighteen years? Not even the author knows. His mysterious reincarnation is never mentioned again. Apparently being randomly sent back eighteen years is very common. It must happen to everyone right? Maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and be eighteen years younger... <<less
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RuiRui rated it
December 23, 2017
Status: c352
At first, I was really hesitant about starting this novel because all the 1-star reviews were rather off-putting, however after scrolling down through the reviews I chanced upon all the 5-star reviews which made me decide to give it a chance and go ahead and try it.

What can I say?

I really, really enjoyed it. So much so that I binged all 352 currently translated chapters in one day. There were even moments which made me squeal just due to how much I loved the story - and trust me, I... more>> don't squeal over stories that easily.


For those who don't want spoilers, the tl;dr is:

I love the slice of life aspect, which was done really nicely, comedy and romance were also present throughout (romance may be slow but it definitely develops very well). Plus MC is adorable haha

Spoiler-ish review:
So what makes it so enjoyable? For one, it's partly due to the fact that I'm a sucker for this genre - celebrities/show biz and basically an underdog face slapping... Lol.

For the next part is due to the slice of life aspect. While I know people complain about the slowness of the story and the lack of plot progression, I think the pace is beautiful. I didn't find it slow at all! While you are sort of left with a lack of direct goal in the story, other than the fact that the MC wants to become rich, it isn't exactly directionless, there is still motivation behind his actions and he isn't making totally s*upid decisions. I feel like the story so far has stayed really true to the slice of life aspects particularly with his college life parts - while his show biz lifestyle is super amusing and entertaining, I find the real slice of life is found in the moments with his roommates as they bicker, chill and discuss their futures.

One of the other reasons why I did finally decide to read it, and friggin love about it, is that FINALLY we get a Chinese MC with OP abilities and a pretty much broken cheat who DOESN'T actually pick up girls all over the place and leads them on for hundreds of chapters before finding himself unable to decide who he loves the most and settling down in a polygamous relationship. Qin Guan actually sticks to one chick from the first friggin chapter, and despite all the other girls that throw themselves at him (and there are plenty believe me), he honestly turns them down and stays true.

Now ain't that beautiful.

Lastly, cause this has been going on for wayyy too long, I find the humour in the story to be real nice as well. Not overbearing, and not too subtle - honestly the story as a whole is great.

Now if you've managed to read it this far, all I can say is you should definitely give it a chance. Don't just judge it on it's low rating like I did initially, give it a chance. If you like stories like IRAS or where there's handsome boys who can do pretty much everything while awing everyone and picking up fans everywhere, this is an amazing read.

Thanks for reading --- Peace!

-Also, I just gotta add, Qin Guan is the cutest little sh!t - he's soooooo adorable!!!! <<less
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ProXy4 rated it
July 3, 2017
Status: c3
It's really meh. The idea seems good, but the MC adapts instantly to being reborn. And the rebirth seems ridiculous. He was "reborn" 18 years into the past, when he's in high school, but he's magically good looking and has apparently always been that way, in this life. His new life's past was also different in a IRAS way. The writing overall is bad. Even if it wasn't Qidian, it would still be a two.
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LIght Novel San
LIght Novel San rated it
November 3, 2017
Status: c80
I love it! The story was magnificent!

Th story was really lighthearted. You cannot trace favoritism over the MC and it has a balance time between his studies, love, friendship and work.

What I like about him was his principle. Even though he loves t make money, he never abadon his principles and prioritze his studies more. The Female lead was so-so, not clingy nor annoying. The novel doesn't express much more about her just showing that she likes him.

There's no 'kyah-kyah' moment between them. The MC can be utterly happy if... more>> he just caught a glimpse of her. Honestly, I don't really like her but she would suffice. She's also wha would you called a 'femme fatale character'.

Unlike other rebirths, he doesn't know the exact events tha will happen, he just go with the flow.

The pace was slow but not boring, it was alright and expresses the novel and the Life of yours truly, the MC.

He's not c*cky and not that very ambitious that will do anything. He's humble and a good person. He is not arrogant at all. Him being dense was not cringy at all to the point of not realizing it at all. Its just that he never think of it and just focus his love to her.

Overall, I like the novel because its not cliche and the charaters are also cool and the Female lead was not being bullied (bc some novels bullies their female lead if the ML falls in love with her).

That's what I thought but after reading after 80... he became so damn arrogant and c*cky but still manageable. He became more expressive and I still love him. <<less
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Avabliss rated it
June 3, 2018
Status: --
Oh my god, how are people rating this so low?

This novel is really nice, out of trope so people can't get used to this!

Instead of becoming a revolutionary genius or anything with his knowledge, he just steals opportunities. It's beautiful and there's just one female lead which soothes my heart. You'll love the way he courted her, it's so very cute!

Intelligent MC, Handsome MC, a total satisfaction-slow-steady packed book. I wish people won't just read the first 30 chapters and say the novel is boring, I quit the novel once... more>> because I wanted to binge read it and left it alone for 200 chapters.

Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to drink my doritos, eat my milk and read this novel. <<less
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Camellia C.
Camellia C. rated it
November 17, 2017
Status: --
If you like stories with revenge and all those plot developments, I suggest you to not read this. Basically it's a 'story' of facts and there's no plot development at all. In the beginning you find him reincarnating into a good looking man. Then that's it. They won't tell you why or how. Everything that happens now, is that you find girls squealing all over him that he's good looking this, good looking that. All he does is, go to school, find a job, 'tries' to get rich, and dates... more>> his girlfriend. Actually there's no romance at all. I'm wondering if that girl is even his girlfriend. So in my opinion, this story is a waste of my time. <<less
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Dragon rated it
September 15, 2017
Status: c66
I'm pretty surprised at how many 1 star reviews this has gotten. Sure, it doesn't explain his time rewind and how he got his handsome looks. But the author probably just didn't bother to write about it, because it's completely bullsh-t most of the time anyways and you wouldn't believe the exposition anyways for this kind of story. The reviewers that gave it 1 star purely based on this are just nitpicking.

Aside from that, the story is well written slice of life that accurately depicts a college student in China... more>> in the year 1999. Aside from his looks, the MC is a generous and hardworking college student who does part time jobs to earn money. I had an enjoyable time reading about his slow-paced and conservative love pursuit, which is very realistic for a conservative Chinese couple in those times. I enjoyed the dormitory and camaraderie the MC has with his classmates and suite-mates, which is also very naturalistic for that setting.

I think the MC is intelligent, diligent, honest, and true to his morals, and the story is a well written slice of life about how he would want to live his college life given a second chance and better physical circumstances.

I also enjoyed the ample food descriptions of Chinese street eats and local specialties. The author is obviously a foodie.

Would give it 4/5 but I want to balance out the 1-star reviews. <<less
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13th Echelon
13th Echelon rated it
July 29, 2017
Status: --
It has a pretty relaxed pacing and good in it's own way there's no cliches and not your typical wish fulfilling reincarnated MC in modern world where the world only turns around him. The story is actually above average you can't compare this to other novels because this one actually is more realistic than others. From the start of the novel I felt very confused because there was no background story of how did he time traveled and why does he look more handsome compared to his other self and... more>> from then on I felt like this one gives hints rather than explaining things in bulk, meaning there's going to be foreshadowing happening not in early chapters. About the part where he adapts fast right after he traveled back in time, I can feel that it was because he's got a very good mental strength because of the transformation with his body. Take note that not only he became handsome his mind somewhat made a transformation too but vaguely recognizable.

I don't understand the hate & low rating here just because it was being released in QI (has a very bad impression & reputation in community) does not mean the novel is bad.

Translation 3/5. <<less
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Anixancy rated it
October 24, 2017
Status: c236
This story is purely a fun, light-hearted read. Many people are unsatisfied with with the story not being immersive, but I find that it's alright. After all, I don't believe everything must be explained in a novel. The main character is a penny pincher, c*cky, and a bit egotistical. But actually, he's extremely quirky ... more>>

(especially with his gf, so cute!!)

and a very refreshing protagonist. Sure, I get it. He's handsome, smart, and has unbelievable talents-- a typical protagonist. But he's just a hardworking boy, with a simple goal of getting rich and getting married, who does actual dumb boy crap with his friends, and lives life fulfillingly.

And about the romance, I think it's a really nice, slow-paced, and sincere.

If anything else, if he just went straight into having s*x with his gf, I would be a bit uncomfortable. I really appreciate the cute and slow romance between the two. Being lovey dovey doesn't mean showing it with a bunch of dates, but just thinking about one another is enough. (For me at least)


What I appreciate the most about his relationship he has with not only his girlfriend, but his friends as well, is that they have lives of their own, they have dreams and jobs, and that they understand him putting his work in front of them sometimes, because they're all busy themselves.

Over all, the story is not perfect, maybe it's the kind of story that only clicks with certain people, but I enjoy reading this story as a breather from other heavy stories, or if I want to cheer myself up. If you give this story a chance, let it be without the judgement of myself or others. Although, it will help if you read the story as something light and cute over all. It's a casual read! 4.5/5 <<less
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The Liberator
The Liberator rated it
July 15, 2017
Status: c28
As previous comments. A middle aged guy gets reborn to his younger 18 old body and the only thing that changed is that he got a very handsome look but he is pretty much an idiot. No action so far and romance is somewhat lacking anyways I can't bring myself to like the female MC. And if this continues it will be a matter time before I consider dropping it.
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samdmans rated it
June 23, 2018
Status: c549
Well, this started out as an interesting novel. The classic rebirth type novel where the main character, for whatever reason, travels back in time to his younger self. This one has a twist of the MC becoming a handsome fellow this time around. No explanation for that, just accept that it happened. The start was okay. Romance, plot development, etc. Lots of slice of life stuff, school stuff, being an abnormal genius on top of being a super handsome dude. The author can not get over the fact that he... more>> is handsome, and it has to be mentioned that he is super handsome to a weird degree every chapter. After he goes to America, everything goes downhill. It’s just acting this, model that, super handsome whatever. Nothing happens. It’s just one thing that he is able to do because he’s super handsome, after another thing that he can do because he is super handsome. I’m usually okay with slice of life novels, especially in urban settings, but this takes it too far. Too little happens in far too many words. It’s boring. <<less
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ce05 rated it
September 13, 2017
Status: c50
Dropped this at chapter 50.

the translation itself is neither bad nor great, it gets the job done. So not bad dear translator, not bad.

this novel itself has a lot of problems. The first very important one is, that there is literally no backstory at the start. The MC just wakes up and is in the past. This makes it really hard to relate to the MC on an emotional level at the start.

the interactions between him and his 'friends', who are not really his 'friends yet' is very strange. They... more>> should not know the guy but they more or less accept him without a second thought. Not to mention the past is all different, which means his knowledge of the supposed future does not factor into the novel at all. (Mostly) but at least he is very pretty, suddenly and without reason. And almost nothing ever really happens.

honestly, I am unsure, why anyone would want to read this novel. If you want slice of life there are better choices out there (23:11 comes to mind). If you want 'second chance' there are WAY better novels out there (dungeon hunter or emperor of soloplay come to mind). And if you want nice character interaction there are also WAY better choices out there. (Spice and wolf comes to mind)

if I had to choose one redeeming quality, then its that the MC is no pushover that waits until stuff falls into his lap. <<less
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lacerem rated it
September 8, 2017
Status: c53
It had a nice believable start, but it gets really boring. The author tries to create a perfect man and what comes out instead a somewhat narcissistic, unsympathetic person... It lacks topic, so prepare to see a boring man's even more boring life towards perfection.
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LeafLetters rated it
July 29, 2017
Status: c54
It's meh.

You can tell the author didn't have a proper plan when writing this story; it does something quite typical of poorly written stories where the MC is transferred to another world: a good quarter of the story content seems to be describing the food the characters eat.

Why on earth should I care?
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IICreation rated it
July 8, 2017
Status: c18
Personally I think this story as of right is great has good potential tbh I like the fact that when he goes back he obtains a more handsome body because something at least changes. Another good change is that unlike other time travel story the MC does not immediately become rich or socially powerful. I think this is more reasonable as even if you have the memories of the future your just a student. I like the slow pace of this story more as unlike the other stories this doesn't... more>> go off the speed of a bullet train just because the MCs have memories of the future <<less
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IndusEla rated it
March 3, 2018
Status: Completed
This novel is unrealistic in every single way possible. The story is very fast too, one paragraph it's talking about feelings and the next it goes to something else. I don't dislike it though.

Even though the story runs very fast, the characters have their personalities, and that requires some great skills in a story as fast paced as this. I don't think the author knows how to write, but still, it's a good read.

[May contain spoilers]

The MC comes back in time and suddenly becomes a tall, intelligent and handsome guy.... more>> The characters hold no dimension because in this story, EVERYTHING is for Qin Guan. Whatever he does, it's perfect. He's simply perfect, from buying properties to modelling to his business, nothing stops him because he's perfect. The author has made him the perfect human being who solves everything and is a winner in life who has everything.

I like this novel because it pretty much shows a perfect human living a perfect life. Without any obstacles, and everyone admires the MC. It's nice to have a change of pace without any angst and it's nice to read something that so... positive? I'd recommend you to read it if you want a change of pace from drama, gore, romance and all the genres out there. It's a calming and fun read, for me at least.

I can understand why people rated it one star, I might have done it too if I hadn't kept on reading it. The chapters are fairly short, but fun. I love reading it.

Another plus point is that Qin Guan is a nice guy, always working hard, not getting c*cky. He loves his family, his girlfriend, food and money. He remains loyal to his girlfriend and he loves her VERY much, and runs away whenever a woman makes advances on him. So, it's not a harem story with a c*cky and useless MC. It's nice to read a story that goes smoothly. I'll keep reading it, because it's fun and truthfully, I love Qin Guan and all the reactions people have. ??

Edit:.... why? Why did it end? How will I live now? It's the only chinese webnovel I have actually completed. <<less
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