Perfect World


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Born into a unique world where villages fight to gain power and control, the main character, Shi Hao, is a genius blessed by the heavens born under the poorest of conditions. His clan, however, has a mysterious past. To rise up and become the genius he is meant to be, the clan goes through every effort to aid his cultivation as they battle through fanatical monsters and engage in power struggles with other clans. His journey will bring him through unknown lands until he is able to become a person that can truly shake the world.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Thế Giới Hoàn Mỹ
Wanmei Shijie
Wan Mei Shi Jie
Wánměi Shìjiè
Related Series
Shrouding the Heavens (Shared Universe)
The Sacred Ruins (Shared Universe)
Pivot of the Sky (3)
Coiling Dragon (3)
Chronicles of Primordial Wars (2)
God of Thunder (2)
A Cheeky Kendo God (2)
I Shall Seal the Heavens (2)
Recommendation Lists
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  2. Top Novels [Focus on Xianxia, Harem, Romance]
  3. Novels that I have read
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  5. Novels read ranking

Latest Release

Date Group Release
11/27/15 Wuxiaworld c49
11/27/15 Wuxiaworld c48
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11/19/15 Wuxiaworld c44
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101 Reviews

Apr 09, 2016
Status: --
I have read this WN till chapter 1800+, this WN is simply amazing. The WN just gets better and better as you continue reading. The plots are extremely unexpected and in depth, the only thing you can be sure of is that Shi Hao will pawn asses.


So basically this story takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where the celestials had mostly died to demon lord’s invasion. The MC is trying to become strong so that he can change the future and the past. There are romances in this story, and several love interests later on, though the romance is pretty fast? yet kinda slow. And that’s the gist of the plot.

The reason why I like this WN:

1. The MC

The MC is an extremely brutal guy, in chapter 460 of the raws he fought against this beautiful maiden who is one of the MC’s rival. And guess what? He captured her using brute force and force her to be his......... Nah I’m not gonna spoil it for you guys. Some ppl just complain about the personality change, but well, since when was he a great guy? He was always bullying animals since young, when he was less than 10 he bashed up an entire group of villagers from a rival village. Was there a personality change? You can’t expect a kind personality from someone who grew up in a barbaric village can’t you?

2. The Plot

As the story goes on you will find that everything is not what it seems, there is a bigger plot behind of a big plot. The author reveals the big plot slowly so that readers can continuously speculate, starting from the reasons behind willow’s god appearance. 1000+ chapters down almost half mysteries still remain unsolved, in fact, there are more mysteries appearing as the story continues. This series is a plot driven novel rather than a character driven novel.

Overall, I recommend it. This WN deserves to be legendary with its interesting plots and characters.
95 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 04, 2016
Status: c147
The story was really good up until the guy entered that dimension.

So at first the MC was kind, likeable, and even didn't want to kill, but through his experiences, his personality slowly adapted a still kind and likeable, but would do anything to protect those he loves kinda attitude. Even when he learns of his past, he didn't want to get revenge, he wanted to rely on himself to surpass the bastard who stole from him. But then, he entered that other dimension and everything took a 180 degree turn... more>> for absolutely no reason. Whereas before he didn't want revenge, he suddenly wanted it, he never stole before, now suddenly he wanted to steal everything, he treated everyone even his enemies with at least a little bit of respect, now he simply treats everyone like a douche.

If this change happened gradually as the story progressed and his experience grew, i'd have accepted it. However, not even xian ni did something as s*upid like this where his personality changed in a single chapter, even in xian ni it took dozens of chapters until he became cold and evil-like.

1/5 For resetting the character without context.

Don't listen to people who say things like "Do not listen to the reviews talking about the personality change of a 4 year old". Personality doesn't change in a single minute, not even for a child, unless they have a split personality, which he hasn't. The author simply reset the character without reason, it is that simple. And again, if this happened even if only through a week or a month in the novel with some context, it would be acceptable, but it didn't! It literally happened in minutes, with no explanation whatsoever, in fact, right after he was shown his past memories, he himself stated that he didn't want revenge, he will work hard to surpass the bastard, then he enters the dimension and boom, gimme that, ill break his record, ill take back what is mine, just what.

BTW, the story isn't actually bad, but the sudden change in personality was extremely offputting for me. <<less
69 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 28, 2016
Status: c50
I've lost it...

Maybe I should have read more than that before giving an opinion but I can't, not anymore.

The MC is a 3-4 years old child who speaks like he is 10, is absurdly OP and like drinking milk.

Every single characters spend their time laughing in this novel but there's honestly nothing I found funny nor cute so far. They keep teasing the MC about how he is young and keeps drinking milk (and they are the ones who keep giving him milk) and when something happens they usually got... more>> wrecked but don't worry the MC will come and save the day (and then they will merrily laugh and give him more milk).

Maybe it becomes better later, I don't know, but the beginning was way too painful for me to continue. <<less
57 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 31, 2016
Status: --
I dropped this around 100-150. Like other reviews before me, I also wasn't impressed with the milk jokes and ultra-precocious mu*dering child MC, but the story was bearable (IMO), only to then have the MC become too much of a shitty brat.

... more>>

The MC doesn't seem to understand that you can't abuse everything and everyone in your school (ie: practical consequences occur in time), but even worse: he doesn't seem to understand the moral responsibility a student has to a decent school: if they take you in at your own request and give you a decently good learning environment, then going around vandalizing and robbing the place is really like harming/wrecking a good thing for a lot of people.

Yet we are supposed to think it's funny and charming 'cos he's a little kid?


The MC becomes way too abusive later on, practicing cannibalism on sentient creatures and horridly dominating them like the worst of thug bosses: haha! We are supposed to be amazed and wowed by his precocious talent for brutal thuggery, but I was mostly just disgusted. <<less
43 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 19, 2016
Status: --
Awesome novel, though I find a bit destabilizing MC’s changes of personality after he discovers his past (ch90 or so). He goes from one who doesn’t want to kill evildoers at the start to a greedy pe*verted scoundrel who’d do anything for precious bones/blood and goes over the top all the time.

Hope it’s just a phase or I might just ditch it.

Edit: Changed it into a 2/5 because of the personality changes that became unbearable.
35 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 07, 2016
Status: c180
Although the translations are lacking a little bit, this is a very good read. Do not listen to the reviews talking about the personality change of a 4 year old (what personality can a 4 year old have?), these reviewers have read too many regular xianxias and believe the MC is a 16 year old with a static personality when in reality personality is something that develops as you grow older and the main character in this novel is directly affected by the personality of those around him (bold, reckless,... more>> loyal, proud, poor, gluttons).

This series is unique in that the MC grows up slowly and we watch him grow from a baby to a powerful youth. In other series the MC will be 13-18 by chapter 50, yet in this series we are almost to chapter 200 and he is still only 9. I also like how the beast cultivators are handled so they are just like the humans. TLDR: The story is interesting and unique, the translations are decent but can make the reading slightly more difficult, overall a worthy read which I recommend. <<less
29 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 24, 2018
Status: c400
I'll be complete honest here. Don't read this novel. It's a trainwreck. Seriously, don't do it. The only reason I gave it 2/5 is because the translation is acceptable and it somehow managed to make me keep reading for a few hundred worthless chapters.

This author is one of the worst ones out there when it comes to word count. At least 50% of every chapter will be unnecessary and redundant text. Utter garbage. Let me tell you some things about how this author does this. He fills out the space... more>> with adjectives, everything is described in great detail that doesn't contribute a single thing to the story. He makes sure to go into great detail about how divine it is, how it's like this or that, how it's really amazing and how everyone knows it is. He repeats this endlessly.

Every time a girl shows up, even if she was there just a chapter ago, or even more than once in a chapter, he will describe her absolute beauty, how she's so dazzling and heavenly, do note that every girl is like this. Everyone in this world is more beautiful than the most beautiful top models, it might as well be named perfect model world, and the MC will make sure to let you know this a million times and more. Even the MC is described like this, every time he gets an opportunity and every time the MC breaks through or something, the author will never fail to explain how he's divine and his skin is even more beautiful so that even girls are jealous and even more translucent to the point where his skin should be f*cking invisible by now. So, he repeatedly spams about appearances at every possible moment.

But this is what happens with everything. He never fails to mention the reason for something even though everyone reading the novel knows it, like how hateful he was for biting someone's ear or wrestling her, which was mentioned at least a few dozen times, not exaggerating here, seriously. Whenever a fight is going on, the author never fails to mention any background story he can and what the MC did before, several times. He also has to mention all the time that if people knew the MC did this or that or managed to cultivate to this or that level, the whole region would shake and they'd be so amazed! So, we get bombed with information we already know.

Stuff like that happens for every single topic. It's just to inflate the word count. Oh, and then let's talk about the jokes. They're so damn bad after a while. It's on endless repeat, just like the fights and situations. Everything repeats all the time, and it's not just similar situations, no, the author makes sure the dialogues are almost the same, the actions are pretty much identical and all the jokes are EXACTLY the same every time. He never introduces any new content, everything is just endlessly on repeat.

The MC wasn't properly in the focus for the first 70+ chapters, and he never really feels like a proper MC, it feels like we're spectating from the side rather than from his point of view. The first 70+ chapters really wasn't even worth reading. Oh, and the author tries to stuff a lot of random information down everyone's throats, about things that is irrelevant for now and can't even be understood. He also refuses to make a proper cultivation system, and we never know the realm before the MC arrives at it, the cultivation feels really boring, because there's no real outline to it, we don't know anything at all before the MC reaches that realm. It doesn't help things that the mc's powers are never consistent, and if the author wants him to, he will be weaker than he's supposed to be, which often happens for no good reason.

I'm so damn sick of this novel, because it's really one hell of a garbage novel. I could go on and on about the flaws, like how everyone is kinda soulless, how the romance sucks, how the settings for characters are s*upid, how there's no way to judge power levels because everything is just flashy lights and explosions from the moment he started cultivating, how the future decisions of the MC really sucks which I read of in the spoiler... This is a tr*shy novel made by an author with no care for quality, who just sh*ts out words for word count, where the chapters barely have anything relevant in them despite being long and it's one of the worst cases I've seen when it comes to redundant text and repeated material, and I've read MANY novels.

Save yourself your time and read something else instead. "Plundering the heavens" and similar novels are a million times better than this one, and it also has a shameless MC. The MC of this novel is like an extremely inferior version of that MC. <<less
26 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 16, 2016
Status: c143
One of the funniest novels you will ever come across!
24 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 03, 2016
Status: c167
This Novel is absolutely amazing. I'm not sure why its getting so much hate. It almost seems like people are trying to purposely bring this novel down. This novel has a new way of cultivating and a world that I've never read before, and I've read A LOT. The story is fresh and something brand new but has some very light similarities to other novels.

A lot of these reviews are full of crap. Some are saying they couldn't understand the cauldrons and weight, when they clearly explained what it was.... more>> So not sure why that part is getting so much hate. Once the MC actually enters the first realm and others they still give it a description of what it is. I'm seeing reviews saying that he gets stronger by drinking milk, which is total bullsh*t. It has nothing to do with anything, the villagers just teasing him for liking to drink milk even after 1 year old.

Al lot of people are also saying the MC has a personality change after he finds out about his past which is also total sh*t. His personality never changed at all. If anyone in this novel finds a bone as amazing as the MC and doesn't try hard to get it it would be absolutely ridiculous. How the hell does the MC get pe*verted? Its just really... I can't even explain. The MC had a terrible child hood and practically the entire clan abandons him after another clan member forcefully stole something out of his body when his closest people betrayed him at around 1 year of age. The MC was only ever nice to the village and then grew up in and really desired to find his parents again. The MC's personality never changed.

No the MC can't lift millions of pounds of rock, which some people obviously didn't read and then came and said that he had ridiculous strength but its entirely not true, almost like they made it up. They really throw their reviews out of proportion. <<less
23 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 16, 2016
Status: c823
Update Oct 10 2018

I am dismayed at the below 4.0 score of this novel, which is really frustrating because it is one of the best written and translated novel to date.

A story of growing up, of treasuring people you love, of hellos and good byes, of discovering love in its many shapes and forms... what else is there to say? An absolute joy to read and to imagine the world as events unfold. Yes, there are tropes here and there, but that doesn't detract from the grand narrative being... more>> slowly, but masterfully unfolded.

If works like One Piece or AWE or ISSTH are up your alley, READ THIS NOVEL. Funny, exciting, heartwarming, descriptive, unique and loveable characters ;)


I don't know why people are saying there was a personality change as there wasn't any... Shi Hao has always acted "impulsively" like a child since he is still quite young. His personality was always that of a rambunctious naughty boy that does whatever he pleases no matter the consequence... He stays true to his friends, values family, knows how to repay debts of gratitude... He is still a massive foodie and he still loves drinking milk the most.

Seriously, people also seem to forget that Shi Hao's age progresses from being less than 3 years old to being nearly 14 by chapter 130... So it's only natural to see him "grow"...

There was no total shift of personality at all...

Everyone who says otherwise should think more deeply on the actual context of the story... <<less
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Apr 09, 2021
Status: Completed
Despite the lower rating of 3.7, I decided to take a gamble and give the novel a try. After doing so, I think the rating is fairly accurate.

Good points:

    • MC's character isn't too bad and there is a fair amount of growth that you can see throughout the phases of his life (ignoring one particularly out-of-the-blue personality change that's well griped about in other reviews).
    • World building is okay. Some things are pretty vague and hard to picture or understand but it wasn't jarring
    • Plot was quite decent, never straying too much from it, with plenty of key bits of foreshadowing sprinkled throughout the novel
    • Loose endings are wrapped up fairly well. Practically every item or event that the MC comes into contact with that is shelved for a later date for whatever reason (inaccessibility, MC isn't strong enough etc.) ends up having a purpose and comes into play eventually. This is one thing I definitely appreciated, as many novels of this scale don't do this very well (looking at you, World of Cultivation).
    • Although there is repetition within a chapter in the form of saying the same idea a few different ways, the chapters overall aren't repetitive across each other and I didn't really notice any fillers. There is a clear and constant progression throughout the novel and the author doesn't endlessly repeat content from the past just to meet chapter quotas
Bad points (there are unfortunately a lot) :

    • Way too many meaningless descriptions. Many Chinese novels in this genre suffer from constant hyperbole and this novel uses them way too generously and it makes it difficult to really believe anything that's written, as it's pretty much disproven immediately in the sentences that follow it. Paraphrased examples:
        • This attack was unparalleled, capable of overturning the earth and shattering the heavens. (I can guarantee you that this twerp most definitely did not shatter a single cloud during this exchange).
        • His might was peerless, strength boundless
        • His body was unmatched, incapable of being destroyed. It sparkled like a piece of immortal gold. This was truly an incredibly unmatched body!
    • Related to the above is the constant repetition of an idea within a paragraph or even several paragraphs. The author will manage to say the same sentence 5 different ways or sometimes it'll literally be the exact same sentence. Eventually, you get very good at skim reading and I was able to ignore this. The problem is that I often download the chapters and roll it into an epub and use a text to speech capable reader, and that's when a novel like this really starts to f*cking blow your mind, because you can't ignore the repetition.
    • The MC is probably the luckiest person in the universe when it comes to opportunities. He'll pretty much obtain every item or ability possible in all scenarios, and it turns out that some things he "coincidentally" acquires will have absolutely insane implications as the novel progresses. Just because it's the standard in CN novels doesn't mean it should be the norm. I'm okay with extreme amounts of luck, but only if the luck itself can be justified. A good example of this is something like Paragon of Sins.
    • The romance is non-existant. I don't know what it is with most Chinese cultivation novels, but their idea of romance is having a "Dao partner" that might see each other once in between massive gaps of time, and do nothing more than smile at each other and somehow be content with being near each other or being in the other's thoughts, nothing more.
        • Spoiler

          Very far into the book, but an example is Yun Xi who he has a kid with. Initially, he takes hundreds to thousands of years between visiting, with nothing ever happening besides a conversation or two

        • Spoiler

          The same thing is true with Qing Yi and Huo Ling'er. Technically speaking, he married all three of these girls but the amount of interaction he has with them becomes increasingly little, and there is effectively no romance between them.

    • Unrealistic aspect of time.
        • Spoiler

          So much of the book takes place within about a 20-30 year span, plenty of relationships built up etc., and this is a fairly normal amount of time from the standpoint of the human psyche. I can never understand how later on, large time periods can be considered normal and people can literally maintain the same level of emotions, picking up conversations where they previously left off after tens to hundreds of thousands of years. Or 1.6 million years in some cases. Also the loneliness aspect. I can understand the idea of cultivating for that amount of time as you can lose track of everything when you're lost in your own world thinking about something, but sometimes the MC will travel for tens of thousands of years which means he's consciously paying attention to his surroundings and is aware of the passage of time. Seems utterly ridiculous.

    • Literally anyone and everyone is against the MC. Young masters will come flying out of every corner of the world to literally lie in front of the MC for him to trip over and somehow offend. Every place he will ever go will pretty result in someone calling him out to beg/kneel/leave etc and of course it ends up continually escalating into a blood feud with their clan that will last for a long ass time. Of course, this will also happen to no one else besides the MC. Even when the MC establishes himself, others ignore this or news conveniently doesn't travel in some cases (or people choose to arbitrarily not believe in the MCs strength), and the result is that more enemies will continually create problems for the MC. The enemies are always mentally challenged in this sense, somehow always being greedy despite any kindness the MC shows, which results in conflict. There is only one exception to this that stood out:
        • Spoiler

          About halfway through the book, when the MC is traveling on some path to the nine heavens to enter another academy, the MC manages to somehow go back in time to an ancient city, meeting a bunch of cultivators there. This is the only instance where every single person he meets is polite and respectful and he builds bonds with everyone immediately. Of course, all of these people already died in the past, so it doesn't really end up mattering.

    • Way too many bystanders. There are so many events in this book that should not have occurred, so many situations that escalated because no one else took action that easily could have remedied the situation.
        • Spoiler

          One example that endlessly annoyed me was the part where Huang is traded to the foreign side. He's in a city full of soldiers and other supreme beings, yet no one is capable of standing up for him? What happened to Ye Qingxi in this scenario? Where were the elders of the other two academies? There were a ton of elders that popped up in the final fight of that arc, but where were they?

    • Many characters are just arbitrarily/conveniently sidelined or ignored at certain points of the novel. The MC might travel somewhere with several friends, some of whom are much weaker, and when massive fights or conflicts break out, they are never mentioned even though their presence actually has heavy implications on the fight because the MC's enemies could use them as a hostage.
        • Spoiler

          In the 3000 provinces battle, Qin Hao is there with the MC near the later battles but despite Shi Hao slaughtering everyone from the Qin clan, he isn't mentioned. There are many instances of him specifically being ignored when he is actually crucial as the MC should be actively protecting him in this scenes

        • Spoiler

          During the immortal realm battle within the 3000 provinces, where Shi Hao enters with all the other geniuses that were awakened, his identity is eventually revealed, and after slaughtering many of the hostile clans' descendants, not a single one of them take action by holding his parents hostage, even though they are right besides those clans' elders and ancestors.

    • So much useless conversation. There are two types of scenarios that bother me, which we often see. The first is where some event happens, and we suddenly will hear 10 random bystanders comment about it, saying the exact same thing 10 different ways. The second is where the MC gets into a verbal sparring match because he is either being suppressed by someone stronger or the opposite, usually once the tables have turned. In this latter case, which we'll see countless times throughout the novel, the conversation plays out almost identically, with one side talking about strength, or righteousness, or how one shouldn't bully the other, or talking about face. It's the same f*cking repetitive drivel every time, which you will also eventually learn to skim read past.
    • Missed opportunities with reactions. This one is fairly minor, but I think that one of the biggest bits of fun that comes with a weak to strong genre is the peanut gallery reactions of the audience. I like to see how the people closest to the MC feel e.g. Are they dumbfounded, scared, happy etc when the MC does something big. The author tends to take moments like this in two directions: (1) Too many unimportant people will react and they all say the same thing (see the previous con) or (2) no one reacts and a heart-clenching moment is glossed over. I mainly like to see the reactions of people closest as it shows the emotional connection between characters, especially romantic interests. They're pretty much always sidelined and end up having no screentime.
    • Novel encourages skim reading and pattern recognition. Although I love me a good fight scene, I like it to be well thought out and succinct. Most cultivation novels waste words on arbitrary back and forth battles with flowery descriptions of techniques that add literally nothing to the battle. No one cares when a certain move produces a phoenix that spreads its wings and starts plowing the heavens while lotuses bloom with some profound Dao resonation that forms a path underneath the MC, especially when the move ultimately accomplishes nothing and the battle keeps continuing for a hundred more exchanges. I eventually skim these and look for commonly occurring standard CN phrases which let me know how the battle is actually going:
      • X's eyes were cold and expression calm -> everything is under control, ignore anything talking about how strong the other side is
      • En? X said in surprise -> Something unexpected happened, but it's likely not a game changer
      • X's expression changed -> similar to above, but a bit more concerning
      • X's pupil's constrict/expression pales/loses blood from some orifice -> X is in trouble
      • X's expression was ugly -> time for X to pull out a trump card or GTFO
Overall, I somewhat enjoyed the journey. It was a bit refreshing to see the melancholy and the vicissitudes of time that the MC experiences, but I really wish there was some proper romance to make this a bit more realistic. The repetition, hyperbole, useless bystanders, constant ret*rded enemies, were all incredibly annoying, but I will admit the plot itself was quite decent, and the ending paves itself for the sequel, which I may or may not read if it ever gets translated.

The author definitely could improve his writing quality, but I think his ability to write a story (plot, foreshadowing elements, wrapped endings) isn't bad.

Although I'd give this novel a 3.5, I still enjoyed it, but you definitely have to shut off your brain for large parts of it.
22 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nov 28, 2015
Status: --
Everyone should read this awesome xianxia. MC is so OP and probably the cutest MC ever *give milk to MC awww*. The storyline is wonderful and different than usual xianxia with lots of comedy, suspense, fight scene, badass tree :O and the world is literally just perfect.

Recommended if you guys looking for something different than typical xianxia.
19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 24, 2016
Status: c2015
One of the few best novels I came across. Maybe the best and most likeable main character of them all. Extremly funny, good fighting scenes, enough originality. Cultivation process is nicely described, it reminds me a little of Er Gen's ISSTH, but cultivation levels are not well organized and explained like in most other novels, they are pretty vague, Chen Dong starts to explain them when Shi Hao is close to breakthrough, which was very refreshing to me.
I would put it on the same level as ISSTH and Deolate Era, those 3 novels are best of the best for me till now.

I've read fine number of novels, every work by IET, 4 or 5 from Tang Jia San Shao, Battle through the Heavens, Wu dong qian kun, Warlock of the magus world, Transcending the Nine heavens, Limitless Sword god, Spirit realm, Xian Ni, tried to read Martial god asura, Dragon marked war god, Peerless martial god, and few others, but gave up midway cause of the s*upidity and lack of writing talent.
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Brat Peed
Brat Peed
Mar 23, 2016
Status: --
One of the best novels out there (chapter - 136). The story, the MC and characters are unique. Some may like some may not. But give it a try.
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Feb 22, 2017
Status: c202
Its very interesting and an indepth story and plot. MC is not static. Along with his power his personality also grows. And the plot is not repetitive. Its not like other novels where MC meets one group of people, beat them down to their strongest member and then move on to the next stronger group and repeat. Although the leveling system could've been a bit more clearer, well its not any reason id stop reading. The plot does not feel rushed and the MC is not powered up too fast.... more>> And things are explained in a nice pace. Though the translation is a bit on the slow end compared to most ones I read, but the chapters are much longer, mayber even by 2 - 3 times of some. Anyway il rate this as a must read. <<less
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Aug 30, 2016
Status: c169
Wonderful novel with very funny and likable MC. It is a coming of age story, the often the MC acts quite immaturely, but it gives the story a cute charm. The world-building is really good, but not unique, it has a sort mysteriousness that works like desolate era, and ISSTH have. A world of primordial chaos with bits of order sprinkled about.

plot develops slowly at the beginning, but it starts picking up after the first 40 chapters or so, after chapter 90 I was hooked and couldn't wait to find... more>> what happened next in little guy's adventure.

Translation is pretty good, only problem is that they are very inconsistent when it comes to releases, often taking weeks. Its one of my favorite works, I wish someone else would pick up this translation. <<less
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May 15, 2016
Status: c134
This story is interesting. And there is a lot of reasons for this. The first is there is real development. We get to see the MC grow up, literally, and thus can clearly see him mature and change. Now a lot of people are like "why did he suddenly become an a**hole". Well here is the thing, A) he kinda always was one, B) he was really only nice to people from his village, C) we spent so much time in the village we assumed that he was a nice... more>> guy in general.

He isn't. I am not gonna say he is a completely irredeemable as*hole MC, because that isn't true. But he certainly isn't nice. Now the second reason is this setting. The setting is in kinda medieval world, filled with extremely power beings with powerful bloodlines and humans rely on Guardian deities and cultivation to survive. However not everyone has aptitude, and these guardians can be killed. This leads to a rather hostile environment where you have to be careful of your surroundings, as even gods can be killed. The setting breeds cynicism towards people you don't know. It is almost a dystopian sort of world. And that all makes things very interesting.

That is why I give it a 4/5

It is an engaging read, now is it a ZTJ or TTNH, no. Completely different ball park. But it is really good for what is. And the author clearly knows what he intended to write, as the story rarely strays from what it was intended to do. <<less
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Oct 11, 2019
Status: c671
For me, this author was one of the most I really want to slap. Why?? First, for me, he have a twisted outlook of the word "Family". Why? The MC's family and villagers or clansmate here was too annoying. While the MC was risking his life in seizing opportunities and fortunes, the others was just waiting in the village for the MC to come back with gifts. Yeah, I know that the villagers was weak thats why they were just there, but the MC was also weak when he first... more>> leave the village right? And the parents of the MC was also disgusting, why? They cast a shadow of the MC to their second son heart the moment he was born. Why? They just give birth to Qin Hao so that they could use him to save the MC even knowing that it would also bring danger to their second son. And when they thought that the village was destroyed, they named their second son the same name as the MC. Its already casting a shadow to their second son. The parents here have favoritism. Second, this novel was the embodiment of the bad side of humanity. Why? The MC here hunt other sentient beings like beasts and birds just to make himself stronger and treat it as a medicine. There were many others. Third, the family and friends of the MC here was useless. Almost all of his friends and family was too useless to the point that the MC was always the only one who experienced life and death situations, while the others was just watching or waiting for him to comeback with his taken fortune. And when the MC gave them many of his gathered fortunes, the others just shamelessly and casually accept it. Thats right, the family and friends of the MC here was too fcking useless and shameless. A family and friends should help each others, but here, the MC was just the only one who works and encounters dangers to seize fortunes while his family and friends was just waiting for him to come back with that fortune. Fourth, the MC treat his grandfather better than his parents, better than the villagers that gave him warmth in his childhood days, to the point that he gave all of his techniques and his comprehension to his grandfather, while he just left a few pills for the villagers that showed him love and warmth and watched him grow. Yeah lets say that his grandfather suffered because of him, but it was called karma. Why? His grandfather wants to make MC stronger when he was still baby, so he killed a youngun sentient being to acquire its flesh and blood to nourish the MCs body. And suffered the retaliation of its parents. And the MC became furious because of the tragedy of his grandfather, but the truth was, his grandfather was clearly in the wrong there. And the annoying thing was his grandfather casually accepted all of his techniques and comprehension, and did not even think that his grandson suffered many life-threatening situations just to acquired it. The Family and his friends depended too much on him, to the point that the MC was the only one who always suffered. Is that a family for you author? Ha! A family should rely on each other, not like this that only one was always suffered the difficulties. A family should experience bliss and suffer hardships together. Not like while everyone experience bliss, someone suffered hardship so that they experience that kind of bliss. Thats not a raising a family. And Im sure that at the end of this novel. There would be no unique qualities that the MC left, why? Because Im sure that the MC would give his techniques, comprehension, and others to his useless family in the end because of his s*upid "filial piety". Why would I say that? Because he just casually gave all of his techniques and comprehension to his grandfather that he just really met for the first time in Chapter 671. Yeah, he gave it all, so whats the point of the hardships of the MC if all of his techniques would be learned by others? What would be his unique trait? His single heaveanly passage? What about his techniques? What unique technique would be his alone if he gave all of his techniques to others, right? Whats the unique traits of the MC here if all of his techniques was learned by others? So whats the point of him being the MC if he did not even have a unique trait in every angles? Im not against in Filial Piety, but come on, its not already raising a family, but raising and spoiling useless baggages. The MC always said that different people have different paths, but he always spoiled his useless family too much. Is that letting them on their own path? Im sure that if the MC died, his family would easily crumbled. Why? They were spoiled by MC too much to the point that they did not just have a "diamond spoon" they also have a "diamond mansion". The MC spoiled his family too much to the point that they did not suffered many hardships. In the world in this novel that law of the jungle prevails, lack of hardship was a great flaw. In fact, if there is a strong character here with good brain, Im really sure that the MC would really suffer here, in fact, it was easy to kill this MC, the other characters was just really s*upid to the point that they did not even use a single schemes against him. Or is it that the author was just really simpleton that he could not think of any schemes. Haha!

I was disgusted instead of being moved in Familial love here. Why? If I was his parents or grandfather, I would not accept a single thing that he gave to me, why? Because I did not even help him even once when he obtained this fortunes, and I am his senior so I was the one that should have to gift him and guide him. I would not really accept it if he gave something to me when we reunited, because I did not even do my obligations and responsibility as his senior, parents, or grandparent, so I would be ashamed to accept any of the gifts he gave to me even if Im his Family. But here, his grandfather just casually accept the techniques that his grandson risk his life to get, even though he did not even help once, yeah he suffered because of the MC, but come on, he was the one who was wrong there, he's so shameless to the point that he ignored his seniority to kill a young beast. So its a karma, that he suffered. Yeah its for the MC, but wheres the dignity in that action, your a senior with high cultivarion, but you moved against a young generation? Sigh. In fact the way he wanted to do was similar to the mother of Shi Yi, he shamelessly killed a young descendant of Pi Xiu to nourish the MC, while the mother of Shi Yi, almost killed the MC to transplant the bone to strengthen more his son. So thats what you called Karma. I would accept it if he gave all of his techniques to his parents or villagers, because his parents suffered many hardships and life and death situations just to find a cure for him when he was just a baby, or his villagers that showed him love and warmth and watch him grew up. But he gave it all of his techniques to his grandfather, while he just left a few pills for the villagers that took care of him? In fact, it seems he was even more intimate when he met his grandfather than when he met his parents. Sigh, when this grandpa and grandson reunited, I suffered cringe to its highest level. The way they were so intimate even though they just properly or formally met for the first time was so cringe worthy. Yeah they met in the past, but it was when the MC was just a baby. So its not really meeting.

And this s*upid author made this Grandpa Fifteen too OP. I even think that this Grandpa Fifteen was more OP than the MC. Why? When the MC was heavily injured when he killed the Immortal Succesor, his grandpa protected him and fought agains many 'Outstanding Talent' (Supreme Being) with the same cultivation realm as Grandpa Fifteen with Deity opponents also. But this grandpa fifteen just suffered injuries. Come on author, its outstanding talents that could easily kill a normal cultivator with the same cultivation realm. Even if we say that Grandpa Fifteen was not an normal cultivator, he was definitely not an 'outstanding talent', so how was he able to fend off many of those Outstanding Talent, and there were even strong Dieties that attacked him, but he just suffered injuries? Why? How on earth did he do that? Where on earth did that power came from? Explain it to me s*upid author. And when the MC obtained the gold sheet, he was attacked by many cultivators like his grandfather before, and he was injured immediately, so how did Grandpa Fifteen endured that long if even the MC became injured immediately when he was attacked by almost the same amount of opponents. Explain it to me s*upid author. And while they were cultivating the golden sheet, the s*upid author said that because of the experience of the MC in Immortal Tomb, his body became intimate in lightning so he was able to comprehend lightning dao easily. But when they were comprehending the golden sheet, the grandpa fifteen always managed to catch up to the MC while comprehending the golfen sheet. So who was really the outstanding talent here?? Explain it to me s*upid author. This author seems so addicted in his s*upid and twisted 'familial piety'0

This s*upid author spoiled this OP Grandpa Fifteen to the point that he even gave all of precious techniques of MC to him, and made him OP to the point that it makes no sense where he got this power. And in fact, this grandpa fifteen for me, was the one who benefitted the most in this opportunity. He shamelessly accepted the techniques and medicine that the grandson of his risk his life to obtain for, obtain divine techniques in inheritance, in fact he may be obtain more techniques than the MC in that inheritance because the MC was more focused on the golden sheet. And after they left this realm, he shamelessly accepted the golden sheet and true primordial symbol that his grandson risk his life to obtain for. How thickskinned is that, if I was him, I would not accept all of that, Im his grandfather but did not even properly do my obligations and responsibilities as grandfather and senior to him when he was still a child, so how could I accept all of that things. Even if I was his family and his senior, it was not good, I would become ashamed to death if I did that. But this shameless character did it casually, its not straightforwardness but shamelessness. What did you do to him to become deserve to receive all of the things he obtain through life threatening situations. None. You did not even do properly your obligations to him when he was a child, but you casually accept his hardfought fortune. He did not even thought at that time that the MC needed many medicines because he would go outside, and outside was dangerous and injuries was an everyday thing, but he still accepted all of the medicines. Yeah almost all of precious and holy medicines was shamelessly accepted by him. Fvck this shameless and useless grandfather. One of the worst character for me in all of the novels that I read. The author thinks that it was natural to always givel almost all of your fortune to your family, but it was a fcking twisted. Its okay if you gave some, but all of it? Its not already love, its already s*upidity. Its not already giving, but fcking sacrificing yourself. The family of the MC was always worried for his safety when he was leaving to seek fortune. But they did not even give some safety measures and treasures for the MC, instead, they shamelessly accept all of the fortunes that the MC obtained, even though they knew that the MC needed it in his journey. Is that a family to you? And I cant accept the fact that this shameless character became useless after chapter 700+ and did not show in later hundred to thousands chapters. So whats the point of making this Grandpa Fifteen? Whats the point of giving him the techniques of MC to him if he's another useless character? Whats the point of it s*upid author? So that you could show us how filial the MC or you was? Fck you! You just annoyed me a lot.

In other novels, the family love was good points but here in this novel, the familial love was a cancer, its because of the s*upid and twisted outlook of the author in the word "family" and also because of the shamelessness and uselessness of the MCs family. In some of other novels, I was always moved in its familial love moments and some novels I was not moved, but it still gave good points for me. But here, I was really disgusted by the familial love here, I just really dont know why. Tsk <<less
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May 30, 2017
Status: c292
I had to write a review since I saw that people were hating on the nove. First off the novel starts off with the MC as a child and so people have wierd expectations on hin to never change and remain a child for some reason. People seem to forget that he is a chikd growing up in a workd where death is everywhere. It's a world where if it isnt trying to eat you, its trying to rob you and then there are reviewers complaining about how he's killing... more>> everything but that's the world that he's growing up in. I mean there are even people trying to kill him within his own clan and people are expecting him to just hide and cower in fear for the rest of the novel? I also read that people think he's a pe*vert but I haven't actually read any part of the novel where he does something pe*verted. At most he teases and fights girls with some of the fights ending up with him wrestling with the girl or biting her and not in an actual s*xual way. As for him eating intelligent creatures, he's not the only one, there are countless other creatures eating each other and eating humans and so to say he can't eat them is ridiculous. He even has standards for eating, ie not eating humanoids because they look like humans. Its like going to a xianxia novel and complaining about how pill refiners use magical ginseng which may have sentience for pills. As for the school, its a school where you go to learn how to kill stuff basically. For him to kick everyone's ass is a good thing because its the modern school equivalent to acing all advanced placement classes in high school, it shows his talent. Altogether people who give the novel low ratings probably have wierd expectations from the novel when from a logical standpoint everything the main character does is fine. Its good if you don't expect something that's always serious or for a main character to be a hero because there is no real good and evil in the novel but just self interest. <<less
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Jul 05, 2017
Status: c325
This is a great novel. The MC is a kid. Just a kid, not a man who crossed over from another plane and retained all his memories, nor does he have genius IQ at the age of 10. He has the personality of Luffy from One Piece, but he develops more as he grows older, gathers experience from his travels and remembers stuff that happened to him as an infant.

The start of the novel can be a bit dull as there's really no goal and you just follow the MC... more>> as he grows up, but it really drew me in ~50 chapters in. These can be kind of long 50 chapters as the length is sometimes twice that of ISSTH chapters.

Cultivation is not skipped over and plays a big part, though sometimes the explanations of different tiers and specifics are pushed back several or even dozen chapters.

I also found the humor on point, most of it comes from the MC being a child and doing s*upid stuff and others reacting to it.

If you don't have abysmal taste in novels on this site and enjoy having fun you should like this one. <<less
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