Nano Mashin


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Until he became the lowest-ranked master, his lonely and luckless life never changed.

Suddenly one day, a descendant injected him with a nanomachine, and the machine started ‘speaking’ to him.

[I am the seventh generation Nanomachine manufactured by Sky Cooperation, and I am operating as a central nerve connected to your brain.]

“What? What are you talking about?”

This was beyond the boy’s knowledge, he turned pale.

The Nanomachine linked to his cerebrum realized the User was not understanding a single word it said.

“Who are you, and why are you doing this to me?”

[“I am the seventh generation Nanomachine.]

“Nano Machine?”

[Yes, Nanomachine.]

The boy’s face hardened.

Mashin was the deity the Mashin Religion worshipped, along with the Sacred Fire.

The religions’ Master communicated with Mashin.

“Um, are you really Mashin?”

The boy knelt down and asked with a trembling voice. At this, the Nanomachine attached to his cerebrum realized it had been misunderstood.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Demon God Nano
Nano Machine
喇勞 魔神
나노 마신
Related Series
Invincible Mumu (Shared Universe)
Descent of the Demon God (Sequel)
Absolute Sword Sense (Shared Universe)
Myst, Might, Mayhem (Prequel)
The Ruler Of Darkness (2)
Hunting for a Delicious Wife (After) (1)
Major General Spoils his Soul-guiding Wife (1)
Almighty Game Designer (1)
Game Market 1983 (1)
Warlock of the Magus World (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Transmigration / System / Dungeons / Isekai
  2. Best fantasy novels
  3. Novel
  4. Damn good novels
  5. Good novels adapted to webtoon

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/08/21 Sky Demon Order c483
09/07/21 Sky Demon Order c482
09/06/21 Sky Demon Order c481
09/06/21 Sky Demon Order c480
09/04/21 Sky Demon Order c479
09/02/21 Sky Demon Order c477
09/01/21 Sky Demon Order c476
08/31/21 Sky Demon Order c475
08/30/21 Sky Demon Order c474
08/28/21 Sky Demon Order c472
08/27/21 Sky Demon Order c471
08/26/21 Sky Demon Order c470
08/25/21 Sky Demon Order c469
08/24/21 Sky Demon Order c468
08/23/21 Sky Demon Order c467
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70 Reviews sorted by

New iqa rated it
June 22, 2024
Status: c327
was going great but then ch325 happened and my hopes went downhill. His morals and personality that was built so far just felt like it crumbled to me since I had high hopes yet he chose to have s*x with a woman he just met to save her life despite his lover being right there like wtf bro (in the manga it was ch 173 and like whyyy it had such good art too *cries*)

like what happened to abiding by your principles??!?! I can get through most things but... more>> cheating?! Nope just nope

don't waste your time on this story and just move on to find a better one. Like honestly if the author had so much difficulty writing romance then just don't put it in the plot!! Its not needed!! Dumb shit

i'd give this a negative star if I could def dropping this <<less
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GoodieBox rated it
December 25, 2020
Status: c334
Decided to drop the novel for several reasons. Forced romance by the author, forced s*upidtity for MC to get a power up, r*pe because "The girl was going to die and needed it!".

Just like reverend insanity, the novel is sometimes very gruesome in it's descriptions. I don't mind as I have enjoyed Reverend very much. Though my qualms begin here.

... more>>

Starting around chapter 300 ish, we MC finds a cave laced with what we assume is "firepowder" Basically some explosive powder that will ignite when theres fire. Author says that the MC "assumes it isn't against them since the godly doctor could've set it up" Plot twist it was a trap. After him dealing with the supposedly "Cunning Lady Mu" You'd assume he'd be more suspicious with stuff like this. Plus with Nano to inform him before hand it's actually quite amazing. So cave explodes and his team is injured as well, they think he dies and he gets blasted into a canyon with the legacy of the "impossible" skill that combines 2 of the godly arts he already uses. Fi


That's only one instance of forced s*upidity, now forced romance.


The romance between Mun Ku and MC started off as "He knows I'm a girl" and "A girl is staying in my room" Not much progress in this where the only memorable time is where Mun Ku had to say she was MC's woman because of plot. Cut to a hundred chapters later they go to an inn and ask for rooms. Only room they have is a 2-person room with only 1 bed. Side Characters egg MC on to share the room with Mun Ku. The clownery of it all is that it felt so forced that I just had to skip the few chapters of the banter.


Now r*pe.


It started feeling more like some chinese wuxia harem novel here. Random power up through danger, women starting to fall in love with MC because he has authority and power + looks. They come across some dude who says he needs yang-attributed medicine for his sister but he cannot get any since they killed the daughter of the divine doctor (Cause she had stockholm syndrome towards the pirates that kidnapped here). When it said "Yang- attributed" I had a faint feeling in my heart it'd be bad. We cut to the chase with the legend of infinite yin qi and only MC being able to seal her blood points cause he's the strongest among them.

Blah blah blah, they bring her to the godly doctor and doctor explains her yin qi is coming from the v*gina and that to solve her "Blocked veins" someone with powerful yang qi has to mate with her. Top 5 powerful dad comes busting in cause he thinks his children were kidnapped, finds out his daughter might die, gets told she needs to be f*cked and begs MC to save his daughter.

Mind you, Mun Ku is already crying and MC said it himself he must love only 1 wife to not repeat the tragedy in the cult but foreshadowing already gave us 2 more harem members for f*cks sake. Nano for some reason can only do birth control and not let the girl get pregnant yet for being far into the future can't even think of placing his s**en in a container and just injecting it into her v*gina or whatever. Turns out as MC is r*ping the girl, he gets another power-up by consuming and combining the some of the yin-qi with his energy and he goes up to the next martial level.


Then some nuances like MRI scans still being called MRI scans after Nano is somehow from the far future. How Nano says there are millions of nanobots inside of MC yet we don't know it's power source nor know how nanobots don't get out when MC loses some of his blood. Some points of this novel feels like your generic chinese harem novel. Don't get me started on

Generic plot twist that dad was never the bad guy and that he was mind-controlled/going crazy and couldn't help MC


Overall, Novel was great when it talked about MC's climb to power, probably could've ended after he became lord. Novel got significantly worse with what came next though. Poor worldbuilding and no consistent information when one of the clans he subordinated has spies everywhere yet doesn't know the righteous path's and evil path's power hierarchy. Read up till he becomes lord, then finish with a good taste in your mouth. <<less
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Mainsaro rated it
May 28, 2021
Status: c364
Great read, characters make smart and logical decisions, really good worldbuilding and characters.

And just to point out the "rape" thing everyone who dislikes this are talking about.

First : The MC has s*x with a girl in a coma because she is about to die, he doesn't want to do it, and the only reason he does it is because the father and brother of the girl are literally begging him to do it. I don't know about you, but r*pe is still preferable than dying and is not even as... more>> if he decides to just forgget about that, he decides to take responsability and marry the girl.

Second : Is it silly? Yes, but is a trope in wuxia stories, with the Yin and Yan qi and all that shit, there is even a manga where andorgynus plant people f*ck each other so they can gather more Qi and become stronger (Hell's Paradise, pretty good). It's something established in Asian mythology and the this novel just uses it in one of the most tame ways I've ever seen, Vanilla hentai has more r*pe than this novel.

And f*cking Thrid: People here are saying that they are disgusted because the MC has s*x with a woman to save her life, but they clearly have no problem when the same MC kills and horrible tortures hundreds of people, ens*aves his enemies, breaks the neck of a widower in front ot her baby, and is the leader of a f*cking cult that has DEMONIC in the name. <<less
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Bonono rated it
November 30, 2020
Status: c336
It was overall a pretty good story until the events in chapter 329, then it rapidly dropped to tr*sh. Also as of chapter 329 story needs a "r*pe" trigger warning tag added.

... more>>

The story was going well until the author felt the need to include the "r*ping a sleeping woman for her own good" storyline. MC basically encounters new characters and within 10 chapters "the only way to save her life is to r*pe her while she is asleep". If you think this is distasteful though don't worry, the author pretty much fills a few chapters about how her brother and father are total cool with him r*ping their sister/daughter and that MC's main girl is total fine with it just this once. Incase that didn't convince you he also includes a rather large chunk about how MC is such a good person for r*ping her. The basic interaction between him and new girl is : Beat her up > Knock her out> Crew decides only way to save her is for the MC to r*pe her while she is unconscious>She wakes up mid r*pe tied down and immobilized> Thinks to herself MC is such a good person for r*ping her > MC gets power up. Look yes I know r*pe actually happens and used to be common, My issue moreso lay in how the author has attempted to frame the MC as being a hero for r*ping an unconscious girl. If you wanna include r*pe then do it. Just don't try to find reasons for your r*pe fetish scene to be heroic. Its not.

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AvERaGeNP rated it
December 6, 2021
Status: c329
All was well until the the r*pe incident. That was totally out of character for the MC who so insisted to abide by his principles. He broke it for whom? A complete stranger he met not more than days ago. Imagine two lovers, girl and boy who suddenly ran across a dying stranger and for them to save him the girl had to r*pe him, RIGHT INFRONT OF THE BOY. Does that make sense? If put into perspective this just breaks any common sense and it did which led me... more>> to drop this.

And for the guy who said MC did a lot more horrific thing than this like torturing and killing I will say this, do you expect your enemy to talk by showering them with flower and candy? The most logical method to get answer is torture unless you can read mind and the quickest method to eliminate threat is to neutralize the said threat. As for r*ping a complete stranger? Only degenerates can find logic in that. <<less
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jklm rated it
December 3, 2020
Status: c348
I would have given this three or four stars. Not because it is super original or anything, but it's a pretty solid cultivation revenge story. I will start off with the things I liked, before I go into why I dropped it to 2 stars.

    1. I like the opening premise in that the MC is native to the world he is in (and not just some transmigrator who adapts unrealistically well). The sci-fi aspect of some time traveler giving him nano-machines (to be his cheat system) is kind of interesting, and alludes to a potentially promising larger plot (although I have a sinking suspicion that the story will deteriorate before it gets to that). I wish the author had continued some of the MC's early confusion with modern terms, because that was kind of funny, but oh well, it's not bad.
    1. The demonic cult set up and revenge backstory are decently engaging. It didn't feel like every challenge he faced there was completely unoriginal, even if there were quite a few cliches. The fulfillment of his revenge for his mother was a bit underwhelming though. It felt like there was a ton of set up and a seemingly mysterious female villain, but then it wrapped up way too quickly. I think the author wanted to move on... more>> to larger plot points so they just kind of got the revenge over with. That's not to say the face-slapping and revenge slaughtering wasn't at all satisfying, it did have some good moments. But it was too easy, even for an unabashedly OP protagonist, which was a waste of all the set up (Especially the, like, two chapter montage of his dad's side of things that was used to explain all the things the author hadn't revealed yet. That was a lot of backstory crammed into a short flashback).
        1. But, what makes the somewhat weak revenge okay is that the larger plot the author moves onto is relatively decent. I like the main enemy that is coming out, and the transition into a wider world outside the cult keeps things from stagnating too much.
        1. What WAS going to push this to possibly four stars before becoming a complete downer, is the "romance." At first the story seemed surprisingly low key in this regard. Yes, there were some cliche harem candidates scattered about, but it definitely wasn't a big focus. Also the MC seemed to be taking on some unusual-for-the-genre monogamous vibes, swearing that he would only have one wife to avoid the tragic fate of his mother. It would have been better if the author hadn't pretended, because then I would have just tried to ignore the harem and would have been less disappointed. And BOY WAS I DISAPPOINTED.

      His short lived monogamy was rushed from the start. I didn't hate the girl or anything (she was definitely the best of the female characters introduced at that point). But... they got together shortly into the MC's first excursion out of the cult. Because they are at an inn without many rooms... and one of the MC's minions sets the two of them up to share one of the two rooms they managed to get... which conveniently only had one bed... fade to black.

      Like... okaaaay. You couldn't come up with something better than that? He has known this girl for several years, they essentially went to school together and have had many opportunities to get together. It seemed like the only reason they hadn't was a) the MC was focusing on cultivation and b) the MC seemed to want to be careful about who he married (and only wanted to marry for love - he specifically said this) since it would impact the cult a lot with him being the lord.

      And yet, just because of the "oh, there's only one bed" trope, they have to bang. Like, he didn't even seem that interested? But okay, whatever, the author is clearly a wizard so fine. At least it wasn't super in your face and the story moved on.

      But here's the REAL kicker. Barely a few days later, they end up encountering the biggest cliche of cultivation "romance." The Female Martial Artist with too much Yin Energy, who can Only be Saved if she is F*cked by a Man and all his Yang Energy. So, you know, even if her reaaally wanted to stay monogamous, really, he can't just let her die, he'll just have to Sacrifice Himself, oh, soooo noble. And his current girl is sad, but she understands, it's totally necessary, so she "gives him permission."

      Oh, and of course the girl is totally unconscious and the "Doctor" makes sure to explain that if she wakes up and starts struggling he just has to keep going, even by force, because otherwise she'll die. FYI, that's r*pe you guys. Not good.

      Long story short: DISAPPOINTED!!!!!!!!! >: (

      When I first started reading I was prepared to ignore a harem to get my cliche OP protagonist in a cultivation world story fix, so to be cheated like this (especially with all the continued justifications for why the MC had no choice and it just Had to Happen) really ticked me off. Don't try to justify it, I don't care about your opinion, if you argue with me you're an incel loser, the end.


      Anyway, even after that I did keep reading because there were only a few more translated chapters. I do actually like the next direction the story is taking, with

      the imperial family getting involved.

      There is definitely some potential there. But unfortunately I am so disappointed by what I ranted about in that really long spoiler earlier that I am probably never going to pick this up again. So yeah, 2 stars, and only because I am feeling generous. <<less
19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feenix rated it
November 15, 2021
Status: --
It started good like every other novel.. But went down during half the way.. God.. the writing is so bad and repetitive. Everytime the hero does something to villains there'll be a line "an unbelievable thing happened at that moment". And the hero repeats the same f*cking thing he did few chapters ago. It's really cringe and so childish. Almost every character repeats the sentence" He is a monster" Or " Is he a monster" Or "You... Monster".. I get it respected author.. The hero is a monster. You don't... more>> have to remind me that every 10 pages.. And doesn't the villains don't talk to each other or something... why those f*cking villains never plans anything and always gets awed by seeing the same f*cking powers (ex. Air sword) of hero and calls him monster then loses an arm or head. And another weird thing is that portraying the hero as some kind of political genius. The f*ck?? He just give some weird s*upid decisions and the villains and allies goes" Oh he is not only good at fighting but also very good at politics".. duh.. When the f*ck did that happen??? The most horrible part is the second female lead.. As usual cliche, she is suffering from some great disease that no one in the world can cure but only one person.. Guess who?? Our hero.. And how? To have s*x with her. It is the only way and hero has to sacrifice his liquid.. Wow what a sacrifice.. Until the moment he is a person who never deviated from his moral to love and marry only one woman because of his mother's death and few chapters later he is planning to marry her to get the girls father to his side.. f*cking hypocrite... The only good part is how he does things.. At least he is not a psycho killer.

Man only if the second half of the novel is as good as the first half this would've been on the top 10 of my list.. But the moment author makes cringe reasons for the hero to have s*x with another woman the novel dug it's own grave... <<less
16 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
January 14, 2021
Status: c349
"Boring and flat MC. Typical MC who is mistreated and grows up with the intention to avenge something. That would be great except I can't really feel his hatred in how he acts. I think his reaction to the nano machine was supposed to be comedic and funny, but I just found it very flat and boring. ". - Said by one reviewer.

Adding onto this, the story plot has many loopholes, especially how the power system is designed. I mean instructors weaker than cadet. Lol.A total let down I say.
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Kaushik667 rated it
July 22, 2021
Status: Completed
Alright alright alright guys first things first let's ignore the story. Lets first look at the tags the genre meaning the setting.

The novel is set in Korean murim world i.e. a wuxia because korean novels are either wuxia or xuanhuan but no xianxia buuuuuuut.... our beloved author doesn't know what seperated wuxia and xianxia and blurred the boundaries which killed it for me. Imma tell you what seperated wuxia from xianxia-

1. Internal energy doesn't matter at all in wuxia and only techniques matter. Yes internal energy matter to but its... more>> only required to fuel the techniques and nothing else. NOTHING. BUT in this novel internal energy seems to rule above anything else. Come on dude its a wuxia do it properly for Gods sake

2. Epiphany in wuxia increases the level of techniques not internal energy goddamn it. But here MC's internal energy increases with each epiphany. HOW? Its natural energy how is your body that is only 20 y/o at most producing 60 years for internal energy every epiphany? HOW? If you pick a demographic please stick to it dont jump around.

3. How does that nano machine thingy work? I am no med student nor technical topics related student but dont machines require an energy source?

4. Honestly the story shouldn't exist because the whole story is a GODDAMN paradox.

5. And the fifth reason and the most annoying reson... bro I didnt know wuxia novels have ying yang concept and that in wuxia novels you can r*pe people to fix their yin constitution. Damn bro must have alzheimers cause I thought tHAT happened only in xianxias *SCUM CHE THAT's RIGTH I AM TALKING BOUT YOU*

all in all read upto the part where he becomes the lord and leave with a good taste in your mouth as someone before me cited. <<less
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AmuSushar rated it
August 12, 2021
Status: c325
The start was really good. Unlike the chinese martial arts novel I was able to get a better grasp of names and levels. It's not fast paced or go into too much details where you start questioning your sanity. I liked the story building, it had kept me curious till chapter 325.

But I couldn't give it 4 or 5 stars because around chapter 300 or so it didn't make sense, I didn't like the way MC behaved. He was OP, I get it, all thanks to nano. Even with the... more>> highest level up if there's no nano, he won't be able to do half the stuff he's doing now. I believe he don't deserve to get Chen ma's inheritance. Power clouded his rational thinking and made him a monster who kills people just because.


The reason he annihilated six clans because they poisoned his mother, so all that revenge stuffs. But he killed Godly doctor's daughter because she refused to support him (which I find no problem at all, imagine some nut head comes and kills your husband and people you are close to, I too would go against him. Although she was kidnapped she had come to like the people around her and built a family with them. So I understand her reason.) But the MC killed her making her baby orphan. What's the difference between him and the six clans? He became unreasonable with power clouding his head.



And for the romance part it was ridiculous. There was no progressive development shown between the leads. And it just straight away went to confession and did the deed. But then the Cold blood blockage part made me completely drop it. I wouldn't support that kind of behaviour no matter what. He forced her, even if everyone agreed to it, I couldn't read past it.

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Not Red Yet
Not Red Yet rated it
August 18, 2020
Status: c20
Boring and dry, could be caused by the very poor translation that makes MTL looks like actual translation.

MC: Nano machine that does everything, that’s it so expect no bad things since the NM can do anything and everything for the MC.

Characters: So many s*upid people that it makes you wonder if it’s actually a Chinese Wuxia novel.
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Ryth123 rated it
August 16, 2020
Status: c30
Got interested after reading the webtoon. Turns out I should have just waited. The webnovel, aside from being the average "weak" hero suddenly getting a power-up or system and turning OP and whopping those who looked down on them, has a HUGE problem with its writing.

First of all, it's descriptions are super dry, something that I expect out of webnovels but it still really bugged me. It makes reading the story very boring. There's way too much telling rather than showing, literally almost every emotion is explicitly told and then... more>> told again when it's obvious from what the character is saying. It was insulting and s**ked any excitement from conflicts out because I felt like I was reading a story for kids.

Another issue I had with the writing is that it has a terrible sense of flow. It head hops too much. One moment we're hearing what the MC thinks and seeing his point of view just to suddenly jump to his enemy's pov and then right back. It feels like an entire chunk of writing is missing every time this happens. It was so bad that I had a minor headache trying to keep up with what was happening especially since everything is essentially one line long.

I'm not criticizing the story, although it's developments are generic, but the style and grammar instead. I knew what kind of tale I was getting into, a power fantasy. But, it's just unreadable. I recommend skipping the novel and praying the webtoon releases faster. <<less
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08phamann rated it
July 1, 2020
Status: c46
Boring and flat MC. Typical MC who is mistreated and grows up with the intention to avenge something. That would be great except I can't really feel his hatred in how he acts. I think his reaction to the nano machine was supposeed to be comedic and funny, but I just found it very flat and boring. The story telling is not very good. And MC is already so OP with the nano system it can literally do everything. I'm surprised that it didn't directly forcefully take over MCs body... more>> and he just turned into a robot. <<less
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dosithee rated it
April 26, 2020
Status: c300
Spectacular. Absolutely. Gets better and better as it goes. Author clearly planned the whole world and plots from the very start.
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kirtil rated it
September 29, 2022
Status: Completed
This is not a bad novel. Without that one scene I could easily rate this average to good.

But that r*pe scene ruined everything for me.

MC doesn't want to do it, his girlfriend is there, and he is historically not interested in random girls. The best doctor in that world tells him she will die if he doesn't r*pe her. Her father begs him to do it. His girlfriends asks him to think of the bigger picture and do it. His advisors (kind of) tell him to do as the father... more>> asks. After the scene the father thanks him, doctor says that was the only way, the girl is happy she is alive and thanks him. But still; r*pe is never ok.

That scene takes 3 times as long because everyone chimes in to rationalize and justify it, and after it happens there's more narration and conversations that tell why it was necessary and what a good boy MC is to have done the deed. But all that only made one thing clear in my mind. No one but the author wanted that scene. <<less
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Mr. Disgruntle
Mr. Disgruntle rated it
September 7, 2021
Status: c452
It starts off great, then like a lot of novels, drops off in quality later on. After a certain point in the novel (when the MC becomes the cult leader) the overarching plot nosedives down a cliff. The story should've ended when he achieved his goal, but it pointlessly continues on with the author jerking off the MC, piling power-up after power-up on him and making him invincible. It's fine to have an insanely overpowered MC like Saitama from One Punch Man, but the author doesn't do it correctly. There's... more>> nothing interesting reading about enemies who're hyped up to be super strong but get defeated by the MC without a challenge.

5/5 Start.

1/5 End.

Would I recommend reading it? Yes, but when it starts to get boring, just drop it because it doesn't get better. <<less
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blueratel413 rated it
July 18, 2021
Status: c411
I have read this novel almost to the end and I have to say that it follows a novel structure, the climax chapters were definitely the earlier ones where cunning and training were the main focuses. But immediately after graduation, there was very little actual plot involved. Just level-ups followed by level up, with a dash of romance (no real interaction between MC and love interest). Combined with everyone submitting when the MC looks their way. After which the MC is so clearly OP that creating a challenge becomes increasingly... more>> ludicrous, both in-universe and out. <<less
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rhianirory rated it
April 1, 2021
Status: c100
the premise is interesting even if I don't understand how he can be that kids direct ancestor (great++++grandfather or whatever) when he was about to die from a gut wound without having any children of his own. Little logic flaws aside, the whole nano machine angle was really intriguing.

Sadly, I'm not too clear on the cultivation methods/ levels in this world. There hasn't been much explanation or exposition. I've only read 100 chapters and so far the author is more interested in face slapping and building up the MC's followers... more>> than in anything else.

until the end of the 3rd test (which was around c90+) I thought they were still testing to officially become students at the school, and then the instructors said if they pass the 4th test within 4 years they could graduate and leave the school. Huh? So I guess they'd already been accepted and I missed it. Anyways, the MC has already gone from zero to Master level so he's already outgrown the school in the few weeks he's been there.


I'm going to set this aside and maybe come back at a later date when I'm in the mood for constant face slapping and politics. Maybe it will make more sense on the second read through. <<less
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riida rated it
October 4, 2021
Status: c28
A huge waste.

The cheat idea has good potential (can restructure body to improve it, to fit any technique, to scan and organize information, to simulate imaginary fights), but it's implemented so badly... Improvement is too fast so it's doesn't feel valuable, the protagonist is too s*upid and isn't entertaining to observe. The cheat is forcing all the good decisions onto him. MC is just a zombie going along with the cheat.

Other characters are the most stereotypical, as in other tr*sh novels. Story is basically non-existent and plot holes start with... more>> the first chapter. <<less
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Soren59 rated it
June 23, 2021
Status: c384
It's no masterpiece, but it's not bad.

With the help of the nanobots, the MC quickly goes from almost dying to assassins as someone with no cultivation to rapidly rising in the ranks of the competition to become the heir to the demonic cult while snuffing out his rivals.

As time goes by he becomes more ruthless to those who get in his way and relentlessly pursues revenge for his mother who was poisoned to death when he was a child as he continues to become stronger.

While he relies on the nanobots... more>> quite a bit to get stronger (because why wouldn't he), he also uses his own head for scheming and also gains comprehensions on his own merit. Even when he seems to act rashly he often has a plan to make things end up in his favor without relying purely on plot armor (well the nanobots are the biggest plot armor anyway).

Overall a fairly decent MC, although besides being ruthless to his enemies and wanting revenge for his mother there isn't much notable about his personality.


He does have an odd fetish for cutting off people's arms though.


As for side characters, they aren't anything to write home about. Most of the time they're just baggage that the MC doesn't actually need and only exist to fill up space on the page.


Especially Hu Bong, who's incredibly annoying yet ever-present throughout most of the novel, and has the vitality of a c*ckroach.


When it comes to romance, it's also not anything special, but the MC does at least seal the deal, which is more than can be said for a lot of Korean protagonists.


While it personally doesn't bother me, if you dislike the MC having relationships outside of the main FL then you might want to give it a miss since he has s*x with another woman in the name of saving her from her extreme yin constitution. If you've read enough CNs then you know what I'm talking about.


All in all, it's a decent read if you're just looking for something to spend time on and don't have anything better to read. 3.5/5 <<less
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Braindean rated it
July 13, 2023
Status: Completed
I'll be completely honest, this is an awful novel. I'm only giving it 2 stars instead of 1 because I can see how it might appeal to somebody instead of being 100% unreadable garbage. It's a lobotomizing OP ruthless MC power fantasy. If you just wanted to turn off your brain and read about some guy killing everyone who opposes him, then you might enjoy this novel. If you want anything like nuanced storytelling, multidimensional intelligent characters, proper romance, real stakes, actual power progression, or a good plot then you're... more>> looking in the wrong place.

Chun Yeowun barely has to work for anything, or at least the novel never shows him working for anything. In the early academy arc, he's just like "Nano, scan this and transfer information to my brain" and "Nano, remodel my body so I can do martial arts better" instead of properly training like everyone else. Even after the academy, Yeowun is just super overpowered until he encounters some guy who he can't beat with one hand and then he suddenly has an epiphany (with the help of Nano of course) which immediately rockets him to the next stage of cultivation and he's super OP again. None of the power progression feels satisfying or earned. It's kind of like Leylin from Warlock of the Magus World but somehow even more reliant on the brain chip.

Every character in Nano Machine is an idiot. The MC is an idiot, the side characters are idiots, and the antagonists are total brainless buffoons. The MC only appears "smart" because he has Nano to solve everything for him. All the side characters just serve to praise the MC for his strength and get unreasonably worried over him whenever he appears to be injured from an attack despite the MC never having been injured before in any scenario. But by far the s*upidest characters are the antagonists. They all act like spoiled arrogant young masters all the time. They see Yeowun, then they all think "This is the Lord of the Demonic Cult? He's so young! The rumors must have been exaggerated, as I thought. I'll show him the harsh reality of the martial arts world. My heaven defying palm strike has no counters and will destroy him instantly! Hmph, the Lord is not much after all." even after seeing Yeowun kill a thousand other martial artists. I remember this one woman, the leader of the Empire's court ladies, calmly and coolly take down some rampaging martial artist. Then, as soon as she lays eyes upon Yeowun, her intelligence is halved and she immediately loses her cool and picks a fight with him while spouting nonsense like "You dare to fight in the Emperor's court! Let's see how your skills will help you now!"

The romance is nonexistent. Mun Ku falls in love with Chun Yeowun for no real reason other than he's strong. Jegal Sohi was kind of implied to fall in love with Yeowun, but thankfully she didn't because that would make even less sense than Mun Ku. And finally, yes, we have to talk about that scene. The part where Yeowun is "forced" to "unite his yang energy" with some girl's "rampant yin energy". I won't make that big of a deal out of it, but yes, it's horrible writing. It was completely unnecessary, I don't know why the author wanted to introduce the second harem member like that. The author could have had Yeowun find some sacred sun stone treasure that would cure her extreme yin or something. Regardless of what could have been, what exists in reality is terrible.

Chun Yeowun's ruthless "might makes right" approach to everything is sort of entertaining if you think about him as an edgy clown who only avoids the consequences of his actions through major plot armor. His solution to basically every problem is "kill them all". It's already ridiculous even in this ancient Murim setting, but it's especially egregious in the sequel Descent of the Demon God which takes place in modern day China. Honestly the only thing that just barely redeems this way of thinking is the fact that all of Yeowun's enemies are braindead idiots who try and kill him first. Yeowun is the character who embodies the "person who does whatever they want and suffers no consequences from it" fantasy and it's a little cringe. I can see why someone might want to just lie back and read a story like this every once in a while though.

In regards to the story, I have to say that I actually quite like the idea of it. It's pretty innovative, all things considered.

It would have been really interesting if the idea that the Blade God was a man from the future got explored more. Like, what if the Blade God Six Martial Clan had access to technologies way past their time period? Or what if he had his own nanomachines? What if the Time Patrol played a much greater role?

I hate how much potential was squandered.

In conclusion, bad novel. Read at your own discretion. <<less
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