Inadvertently Invincible


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My name is Lin Fan. I have crossed the border. I want to cultivate immortality, and my mana is boundless.

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Related Series
The Strongest System (Prequel)
A Valiant Life (Shared Universe)
I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky (Shared Universe)
It’s Lonely to Be Invincible (Shared Universe)
Ordinary Guy In Apocalypse (Shared Universe)
The Strongest System (1)
Ultimate Scheming System (1)
Creating Heavenly Laws (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. CN & KN Level system (No Harem)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/04/24 System Translation c609
06/01/24 System Translation c608
05/29/24 System Translation c607
05/25/24 System Translation c606
05/23/24 System Translation c605
05/20/24 System Translation c604
05/17/24 System Translation c603
05/12/24 System Translation c602
05/09/24 System Translation c601
05/05/24 System Translation c600
05/01/24 System Translation c599
04/28/24 System Translation c598
04/28/24 System Translation c598
04/25/24 System Translation c597
04/22/24 System Translation c596
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9 Reviews

Jul 29, 2020
Status: c101
’Shallow‘ is the best word to describe this novel.

The MC reincarnated into the body of an orphan boy who signed up to be a hunter (idk why they’re called hunters, they’re more like city guards) - he doesn’t ask questions or have any sort of crises - he immediately just goes with the flow.

Instead of taking advantage of the system, he goes off on wild tangents which results in him facing completely unnecessary danger. He is also fixated on killing human cultivators for no real reason and is completely nonchalant about mu*dering people.

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He finds out almost instantly about the system, and how he can take innate abilities from demon beasts/cultivation techniques/spiritual roots/actual cultivation (with seemingly no limit, and by cultivation I mean he can instantly kill a creature and absorb its power) but instead of hurrying to exploit this and gathering all the demon beasts he can... he becomes a detective and plays around the city instantly solving mysteries for about 50 chapters.


The MC’s mindset, and the supporting characters actions, are completely 1 dimensional. The MC gets kidnapped to join a broke down immortal sect and after he watches the ‘master’ getting bullied he swore revenge against an actual powerful immortal sect and even killed one of its disciples without 2nd thought.

All in all, this is a very shallow novel. It has to be, because the system is just too powerful, anyone with half a brain would become immortal masters in 1yr with it - because seemingly the system gives out rewards regardless of comparable strength levels. So the MC could be like a snowball rolling down hill.. but he isn’t. <<less
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Jun 15, 2021
Status: c280
Very fun read.

It sucks that this website has no option to reply to existing reviews because some of these reviews are incorrect and I often have to point it out by making my own 'review'.

I will address the main incorrect review that stopped me from reading this twice before; this review was written by Noobaloob and he is wrong.

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Instead of taking advantage of the system, he goes off on wild tangents which results in him facing completely unnecessary danger. He is also fixated on killing human cultivators for no real reason and is completely nonchalant about mu*dering people.


In the FIRST CHAPTER, it is explained that anyone he kills (from demons to humans, to animals) have potential loot drops when killed- this is his reason to kill people.

The MC never attacks first unless the enemy is a demon and even then there are times when he still doesn't attack first, such as when he enters a trap with three female demons and knows they're demons but insists that not all demons are evil and even ends up sleeping in a bed with two of them and getting angry at a 'racist' human cultivator who came to slay the demons. He does try to provoke people so as to weed out who the bad people are though, for example when he enters a specific place and tells a cultivator that he's interested in his newly acquired treasure and wants to have it, when the cultivator gives it over the MC feels like he's too nice and gives it back and leaves him alone.

As for going off on 'wild tangents' - he leaves the sect so he can find more stuff to kill- aka, taking advantage of the system -I'm not sure what you mean when you say 'taking advantage' as the only way to make use of the system is to kill things and acquire mystic arts- I will admit he's not using it to full effect, because he's not just randomly killing EVERYTHING he sees and taking the drops- but you can't clearly say this is what you mean because you complain about him supposedly doing that in your next paragraph. I think you're an example of a mindless consumer; you don't even know what you want.

I would've enjoyed this more if the MC was more ruthless and willing to kill people whenever the chance arises instead of letting the majority of people he meets walk away, taking their drops with them. I know if it were me I would be literally slaughtering entire cities and sects leaving no survivors. Especially Demons, I would use my wealth to purchase demons and spiritual beasts in an attempt to farm as many talents as can in between every sect/city raid and if anyone ever found out I was the one slaughtering millions of innocents, well they're free to hunt me down and I can take their drops too! -But naturally, if the MC in this novel did as I would do, he would become invincible within days and a God within months, he might even end up wiping out all cultivators in the world to become the last one standing. <<less
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Jun 30, 2020
Status: c128
read this before it was translated a long time ago... it's not very good nor is it funny like strongest system/valiant life.

the MC is basically someone who has a system that make monsters drop stuff for him, like how mobs would drop items in an mmo/diablo.

also he "levels" by killing monsters. he basically becomes the level of what he kills IIRC

the MC does become very strong but there are always stronger enemies out there and as the power gap increases, he has to rely on others to give him a... more>> free kill to get stronger. (basically cripple the monster while he does the last hit)

it eventually becomes very boring because nobody would give him the "free kill" and he also gets thrown into all sorts of random events where he is the weakest.... <<less
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Apr 04, 2020
Status: c260
Very good novel, I enjoy the plot sadly it still it's on going and it gives me anxiety

But do recommend even tho it's on going it successfully satisfies my tension relief.

If you liked the strongest system this novel is the same quality or stronger, it is more toned down in terms of being op and comedic it feels more serious in a good way definitely feels original.

... more>> I'd like to save it but meh it's better to just read it as it is.

Very good translation.

The romance it's there but until like 70-100 chapters?

This novel is more like slow paced but it is satisfactory. And the plot is intriguing. <<less
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Jan 18, 2022
Status: c12
This novel doesn't make any sense. How does an average student kill a boar - a canon fooder at that- and everyone just says "Ok cool". Just how could a gamer that pass five days playing -meaning he is a no life- forcefully living alone, because no one could accept that in your family ou your girlfriend. He surely only has virtual friend, and suddenly, he is confident, charismatic? The characters are poorly written. The story is just a collection of elements from popular martial arts novels with no real... more>> analysis or research, nor plot. <<less
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Apr 25, 2020
Status: c50
Two opposite reviews might be a bit confusing, here's my two cents.

I think it's worth a read. This story is a bit different. There's no s*upid info dump in the first chapter like there usually is in these stories. I also like how MC doesn't go from chapter to chapter making a new enemy EVERY SINGLE TIME. There's time for relaxation here. I could actually imagine a person living in that world (As opposed to say Martial God Asura, where there's such a huge amount of insane psychopaths that if... more>> I ever ended up living there I'd su*cide right the f*ck out). There's also a good bit of humor, and that's always appreciated.

The MC himself is incredibly entertaining to read about. He's shameless as hell, but he has basic morals. He's strong, but not s*upidly OP.

Not saying it's all good though. It has a lot of silly xianxia story tropes. Side characters are either yes men for the MC, by standers who like to gawk, and enemies. There's no enemy we can empathize with. No variation in the personalities of MCs underlings. One of them is described as kind of s*upid, but I honestly could not tell how he was in any way different from the rest of them. I also see a lot of potential for the story to go to sh*t in a hundred chapters. MC is gonna get tested for a spirit root to join an "Immortal Sect". I really hope it doesn't turn into an endless pit of arrogant young masters, douchebag deacons, and evil grand elders, but I see a lot of potential for it to do that. I'm also wary of the trope where MC is constantly playing catch up. He'll leave the mortal world and join the immortals, then he'll go the heavenly world, then the god world!. Yuck.

All in all, I'd give it a try. <<less
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May 02, 2020
Status: c57
I like it, but the chapters are short and you feel unsatisfied every time you read a chapter...

Story became a kill steal sort of thing, so it starts to become less and less satisfying. In addition, he plays on a mother's feelings which leaves a bad taste. I ended up dropping this novel
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Sep 20, 2023
Status: c1
I am Just Going To Start Reading This Novel, And I hab Habit of reading review, before I start reading any novel. But about this novel. It's author is kinda my favourite.

The Strongest System. Written By This Author Is My First Favourite Novel of Xian Xia. And The most famous novel like of this author Is The Valiant Life.

Also he always give his MC name Lin Fan. So Always Give Tracks Of His Invincible Power. In his all novel author make MC invincible. Which I kinda like it.

If anyone just... more>> research a little bit then they know, author is never left his reader in middle, he always complete every novel, which is so much good. And many times other good novel, ending become rush. But not about this author.

And even if you read A Valiant Life Ten - Twenty Times, It no problem, this novel is always funny. And if you know the first novel which introduced system, this author write it. So all other novel is, just it cheap product, even till now, I didn't not found more the than 10 novel which their system is so good.

So even if someone gives this novel 1 rating, I am just gonna read it, because I believe in the author. <<less
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Dec 13, 2021
Status: c150
If you think the author wrote this seriously, it's just another xianxia with a psycho protagonist who has a growth cheat and goes around doing whatever he wants with no repercussions. If I just described his actions and the general plot, this would be it.

But, if you've read enough xianxia, you can see the author is mocking the genre, using a savvy protagonist to give a middle finger to normal xianxia progression and cliches. This is what I felt from the little details surrounding the story and giving it life.

The... more>> main character takes the system he's given and instantly treats the world as a video game and all its residents as NPCs or monsters, and thus has no qualms about really anything he does to them. Even as a deconstruction, the way he thinks is a little repulsive to me, but I could also easily see a normal man who played video games and read a lot of xianxia/xuanhuan acting like that in that situation.

As of now, it feels like the novel is underrated because people only looked at the surface. Even going beneath that it isn't a terribly deep story, and doesn't stand on its own without having read a good amount of xianxia to understand the tropes it makes fun of, but it's definitely a fun read with that in mind. <<less
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