I Have A Martial Arts Panel


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In a world entrenched by monsters filled with myriad factions, state disputes run wild. Amid these troubling times, martial arts have come to prominence and prosper.
Xu Ning transmigrates to this world with a Martial Arts Panel and becomes an ordinary villager. He only has one goal in mind: to become a master of martial arts.
Spend three energy points to level up Gale Knife Technique? Yes/no
Yes! Hell yes!

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20 Reviews

New ZeroIn
Jun 14, 2024
Status: Completed
A fast-paced and exciting novel. The focus is on the adventure or forced to survive and thrive, without the main character having to fight to get stronger.

Highly recommend!
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Jun 17, 2022
Status: Completed
in other writers hand they could have made this into a thousand chapter novel fortunately the writer is as not as shameless as many chinese writers.

this is a well written novel, very compact and concise writing. Its like reading classical literature that adhere to some. Standards like not being redundant and not being unfocus.
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May 05, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel felt more like a slightly fleshed out outline of a story. I wouldn't say the writing was bad by any means but it was very bare bones. I feel like it was a very tell, not show story and everything just happened with no much else to show for it. It's a transmigration story but there was zero mention of the main character's original backstory or motivations. He cares so much about family and friends in this world, so what about the previous world? Why was literally zero... more>> mentioned about it?

The characters here are all quite reasonable and unlike those in normal cultivation stories with young masters or very arrogant and domineering people all over the place, which I appreciate. The main character also isn't extremely individual/independent and manages to get to where he is by relying significantly on the help and resources of friends and partners he meets along the way, which makes a lot more sense. HOWEVER. Everyone in the novel seem like they just accept the MC's speed of growth just like that. Like hello? Does it not raise a single bit of doubt that this guy just leveled up a few weeks ago and suddenly leveled up to the peak of another level over the course of half an hour?? I love reading OP MCs and even I was like ummm press X to doubt. The MC really increased in strength way too fast and no one even asked about it.

The ending was also massively rushed and everything was over in like 1.5 chapters. Honestly the entire fight between the two ultimate bosses lasted for maximum of 10 lines. I'm actually so confused.

Overall this novel is a good read for a fast weak to OP story. Don't look for any logic or reality in here because there really isn't much depth to it. <<less
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Apr 11, 2022
Status: Completed
Not great, not bad, not boring but not exactly exciting. The novel, in my opinion, feels like a novel that is written following a template. The story-telling and pacing are consistent, considering that it only has 369 chapters (not 367). MC himself does not seem to have a personality that would make him memorable to readers. Overall, it's a good read but as mentioned, feels like it's written following some template (with awkward 2 final arcs).
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Nov 11, 2022
Status: --
A good read if you are bored. The MC's cheat is similar to a less refined version of the one in Way of the Devil. But the story is very simple here. It's a straightforward novel. No tiresome filler content, nor much twists. It's also very forgettable. Literally not a single memorable character.
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Jun 01, 2022
Status: Completed
Absolute beauty

No romance. Focused on cultivation but still not cultivation centric as not to spend time unwinding or relaxing.

Sadly. The only shortcoming is that the system isn’t fully explained. But I feel it is setting up a new book for all of us to enjoy

Regardless, It just helps with the mystery and intrigue of it all.
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Apr 19, 2022
Status: Completed
A very standard cultivate-until-you're-the-most-powerful-being story, but not a bad one.

The ending felt a little sudden, but not as bad as other stories have been.

Several elements were established and then forgotten about over time, as is common in these plan-as-you-go stories:

    • The girl who joined the demonic cult
    • His spiritual beast and everything related
    • The old man who sent him across the abyss sea
So it's a bit scattershot. But it circles around to the beginning a little at the end, so there at least is a form of closure.

I don't regret reading it. It's fast-paced, avoids some novel cliches, and the ending doesn't retroactively ruin everything, but the ending IS abrupt, and overall it treads familiar ground.
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Apr 09, 2022
Status: Completed
u: 2022 Aug 20

Solid story. Fun to read. No harem or fake romance to distract from plot. Most characters show up again in visits later on, which is great compared to forgetting they exist. Give this a shot.

The story was just as good on a reread.
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Jan 24, 2023
Status: Completed
Tldr: pick up if you have nothing to read or are tired of the heavier stories.

Surprisingly not tiring to read.

It's not exactly a literary marvel. The plot has a steady pacing and doesn't really prolong anything. It follows a template of MC getting resources and advancing super fast while the side characters get surprised. When a problem occurs the MC solves it by just being stronger. Like another person reviewed, this felt like an extended or, a more elaborate outline of a story. And this is what I liked about... more>> this novel. I didn't have to be too invested nor did I have to trudge through long and detailed expressions of a certain scene. It was short and cut to the chase.

In terms of the characters; you won't get much immersion from them. The side characters are pretty much negligible. Most side characters end up admiring the protagonist due to his strength, or die soon after. Because of that, I haven't seen a side character that was intensely bent on surpassing the MC or even killing him. There seems to be no true antagonist and all of the side characters feel like they're just passing by.

In this novel the only one that matters is the protagonist.

The protagonist is a static character. However in terms of physical strength, his path through the martial world is extremely smooth and he barely suffers any huge setback. His personality was set to be humble and I really liked that. It was also nice to have a protagonist with relatively little worry. He had steady power progression and leans toward the "good guy" trope more than other protagonists I've read.

In any case, this novel is good to read to pass the time. It's enjoyable and not heavy either. I would have liked a little more care for the ending but in the end I had fun. <<less
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Sep 14, 2022
Status: Completed
i thought it would be silly because of the title. But I took a chance since it's been a since I read a xianhuan type of story that's not too heavy. I was pleasantly surprised, tbh. Yes, the panel is a cheat of all cheats and it made the progression somewhat too smooth. But sometimes these types of stories really doesn't have to be a dogblood drama for it to be good and enjoyable to read.",)
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Sep 05, 2022
Status: Completed
This was a solid 5 star novel and got a little boring towards the end and turned into 4 star.

MC transmigrated to a martial world with a upgrade system that relies on resources containing some type of energy. This allows the MC's cultivation to soar like he is riding on a rocket as long as he can get his hands on them. There's under 400 chapters so there's not too many fillers and it's a straight up get strong and dominate everyone kind of novel. Like others, I wished there... more>> would be some love interest involved but there isn't. The translation quality is decent with weird stuff here and there but it's good enough that it doesn't pull the reader away from immersion into the story.

I highly recommend this novel. <<less
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Apr 17, 2022
Status: Completed
Nice consistent story telling. Latter plots are just as good as the beginning, explains the abilities / cultivation system super well. Our MC is enjoyable, though it does run into a problem of 'everything the MC does is right', but not too annoying. I liked the focus it had on our MC's personality and goals, rather than devolving into becoming a mu*derous kill everyone and everything with the entire galaxy involved type MC. One major reason I love this novel: (spoilers in bound) ... more>>

One of the major themes of this novel is the MC relying on others, whether its his family, his seniors, or his instructors, to surpass them then turn around and help them.

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Oct 02, 2023
Status: Completed
Not that good. I picked it up because there were not many chapters and the reviews were good but I don't really liked the novel.

Let's start from beginning,
It is the story of Xu Ning, a guy with no backstory who transmigrates into the body of another Xu Ning with a broken and boring cheat.

I will be dividing this novel into 2 parts the Mortal Arc which would be about first 200 chapters, and the Dao Realm Arc. The Mortal Arc is great, you have challanges ups and downs, meaningful relationships, family, friendship, clever fights, and more.

The Dao Realm Arc however, gives you no challenges, MC will always level up before any difficulty, side character are thrown away once they are not needed, the pace of story increases rapidly, MC is having a breakthrough every 20 or less chapters, fights are basically MC overwhelming others with his superior strength. Let me give you an example of how bad the Dao Realm Arc gets, the only combat technique he learns throughout the Dao Realm is "Void Walk Beast Phantom" and it wasn't used for more that 5 chapters, all the previous technique before the Dao Realm are not used in Dao Realm.

About the Ending,
Ending sucks. The Final Boss guy has no stakes with the MC. Just a bad guy who wants to kill everyone for a petty reason and MC took up the duty to stop him. Also, the ending arc is incredibly rushed, the whole Dao Arc is greatly rushed but the ending takes the cake. When I finished it, I was already fed up with the whole story being rushed that I only sighed in relief for the novel finally ending.

MC and his cheat,
Plain MC. Good aligned. Not smart, the only time he is shown smart is by making the other character become dumb. His cheat allows him to absorb energy from any Marital Art resource like a herb or a pill, and once he has enough energy he can perfectly level up to the peak of the next level of Cultivation. He never puts any effort into Cultivation. And since he perfectly levels up to the peak of Cultivation, he is also always strongest in his current realm.

Cultivation System,
Cultivation System is not particularly unique, but quite descriptive. Seems like Author put a lot of thought into describing each stage and the process of Cultivation. But it doesn't mean much when MC's cheat straight up ignores every picularity of the Cultivation Realm and just levels up to the peak of the next realm. The final Cultivation realm had a unique idea, it's basically mastering the Origin of the World and then travelling to other world to master their Cultivation System and their unique Origin, but that also wasn't explored much because of the rushed ending.

This novel was a Disappointment. It's a cliche novel with nothing unique to it. And it looks like Author was trying to end it after the first half, the novel after the first 50% is incredibly rushed.
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Aug 31, 2023
Status: Completed
It was okay, bland but okay.

The story was overall not bad, liked that everyone was not super crazy going against the MC. Most of the characters were super friendly. But it all felt very bland and boring since the MC did not really have a memorable personality, he seemed like your usual kind and righteous MC without any depth, which was super frustrating.

The cultivation was good, and all too easy. Even the last fight seemed to be way too easy. Okay for a lazy quick read, but if you want... more>> something exciting or at the least impactful, this might be not it.

Three stars. <<less
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Jun 09, 2023
Status: Completed
People are really generous with their rating on this one. It's not a bad story, but it's frustrating.

Simple plot. Great shorter length. Cheat is ridiculous, but the biggest frustration is how MC acts as though it's his hard work. It always talks about how his foundation is so solid and how fortunate he was to wait to advance to further solidify his foundation.

It's also ridiculous that everyone just accepts his advancement speed, like perfectly normal situation nothing extremely suspicious going on here.

The world building is also extremely light especially for... more>> details.

Mild spoiler

He only needs energy to upgrade, the very moment he learned alchemy the story became s*upid imo. Theoretically he could just constantly refine pills and automatically reach strongest in the world. 1 pill made then sold for materials to make 1.5 pills. That's infinite energy provided he can move the pills & get materials fast enough. He doesn't? No explanation for why.

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Feb 18, 2023
Status: c369
Can't recommend if you are looking for a serious 10/10 amazing read, mostly because it's short and has many flaws, but if you like cultivation stuff and you are looking for whatever to read, give it a try, you might enjoy it? (I did.)

Author speeds up many parts of the novel, so it's fast paced but enjoyable overall. Because of the speed many characters come and go, so as a reader they are mostly acquaintances, yet to the MC they are very close. Many of them are even forgotten,... more>> together with abilities and items that become useless a few chapters after their appearance (it makes though since he gets strong way too fast, but it definitely makes the experience not better :D). At a certain point world building gets skipped or recycled, so overall it makes me as a reader unable to get invested too much in whatever is happening. All of these things did not affect my reading experience too much though, since the upgrade strength parts of the novel were enjoyable (Which is why I picked up the book in the first place). A bit of face slapping but also not that many young masters, so it was not too annoying. Decent ending, it definitely does not leave you bitter with disappointment, but it doesn't answer a lot of questions. Most novels end way too abruptly or keep going for 3000 chapters so it's quite ok in comparison. (I'm not saying the ending was played slow or something but the whole novel was very fast, so the ending was not rushed, it had the same pacing as the rest of it). It's nothing original, the system is never explained, but the ending is kind of open so tbh it's not like MC had to find out the truth. His past life on earth is not mentioned till the end but it's whatever for me.

4/10 for world building
6/10 for characters
8/10 for enjoyment
7/10 for ok ending
7/10 Overall

P.S: No love interests, virg*n MC (it's a plus for me since there is no bad romance or an overwhelming amount of text when describing girls) <<less
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Feb 17, 2023
Status: Completed
Surprisingly good
No romance, but It's really good read. The ending felt rushed but still good
If there is a second book I may still read it. All in all it was a good read.
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Jan 06, 2023
Status: Completed
Definitely worth a read. Its short, concise & compact novel with no useless bullshit.
Perfect for binge read. You can trust all the other 5 star review here.

Although the ending is kinda rushed, the author wraps it up in a proper way. I wish he could have written more. The MC basically rockets through the final 2 cultivation realms & they give insane power boost compared to their predecessor realms.
The idea behind last two realms is also unique & somewhat new and I think the author didn't fully explore this idea. I wish he did. The world building, although I can't say it was excellent, it was pretty good, especially the way how MC gathers resources was shown in a new way. If the author wanted to, he could have totally stretched the final 2 realms & put more realms above the Final 2 realms and made it 1200+ chapters (with a little romance) and I would have loved it.
After all this novel had a solid framework for cultivation. Anyway I have no big complaints in regards to this novel and would totally suggest it to others to read.
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Asura god
Asura god
Apr 14, 2024
Status: concluded
It's a very good skill but it lacks emotion in battle since it's always the one with the highest level who wins over the lowest, although the MC tries to change that with skills at a perfection level and a very strong base is weak because there's nothing spectacular, just skill. Normal, the author could have just included the speed of cultivation and the MC creating his skills but there were ties ... more>>

man, you have a bond with a friend from the village who is remembered even at the end but the author simply forgot the MC's pet that was a legendary beast but in later chapters sees itself as a strong beast but not comparable to 6 legendary beast that only has one that actually appeared, another was the lineage of his disciple and another thing that doesn't make sense about sects they seem to be charity because they train the disciple and then make him go to another sect which is not even something like the matrix, it is completely different and without mentioning that the first stages are complicated and they are considered a genius if someone reaches the empty realm at the age of 20 because they You have to have a strong base of technique that are at the perfect level but some chapters you have waiters being the empty level and 6 seeds is it really difficult? If there is someone who has to train the technique for one seed, it will be difficult to train another 5 even though they know that they will be able to fight at a higher level and the alchemist who is of no use is only useful for training other people, the MC barely uses it for anything and to finish the author did a beautiful job with this part of the outer worlds that would make more sense since with the MC's ability he travels and masters different powers with his stolen license would be much more useful but he only goes in a new world and finishing is already the strongest of the universe without having the technique and mentality of a super specialist like the MC, he ends up in the village where he started and says that he will stay there for decades if he could help in the cultivation of his sister, brother-in-law and the speechless niece that we have over 100 chapters talking about a scroll that holds beasts and after giving it to Gray he refines it all the time, he keeps saying that it has to be fixed but in the end even that doesn't take much away from the promises and relationships he built

now to leave it In my opinion, is this novel worth reading? Yes, despite the problems, it's not an unpleasant read, it's frustrating but it's not bad, especially the first 100 chapters, but it was supposed to be a story of at least 1000 chapters because a lot of things weren't explained at the end, so that's what I liked, but I warn you that it's frustrating. Final <<less
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May 26, 2023
Status: c48
A very well-written novel. The plot is fairly average for now and the cheat is pretty big. But it is still interesting because of the writing. Unfortunately it is behind a paywall and I am not sure if it is worth the price that they are asking.
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