Great Demon King


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“If I don’t die… I swear I will act on all my evil thoughts..”

Not exactly everyone’s typical thought when they’re about to die. What will a cowardly young man do when reincarnated with the evil powers to redefine his destiny? Can the natural kindness of human nature triumph over evil? Will he become the cold-blooded demon king of legend, or will he forge his own path and rain down another kind of terror?

Associated Names
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Da Mo Wang
Đại Ma Vương
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God Of Slaughter (8)
Heavenly Jewel Change (7)
Warlock of the Magus World (6)
Womanizing Mage (4)
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112 Reviews sorted by

mrttao rated it
February 13, 2017
Status: c30

MC was a virg*n otaku shut in NEET in modern Earth. He got kidnapped by a devil dao practitioner to be used as a revival device in case he lost a battle. Not only did he lose the battle but his reincarnation spell was detected and destroyed, resulting in the death of the devil dao's practitioner's personality but still giving the MC all his knowledge and the seed of power for cultivating it back. Also the backlash from the spell breaking killed the MC, resulting in him transmigrating (with the power seed and memories of both of them) into a western fantasy world and possessing a pitiful s*ave in a magic academy that was recently killed for the lulz by one of the noble students.

The MC then decided he will "get revenge" on said necromancy student for the perfect stranger whose body he snatched (explicitly not for himself, he explicitly views that body snatched person as different rather than a part of him)... he snuck into her room where she sleeps at night, woke her up, and pretended to be a zombie to scare her... because it is a well known fact that necromancers are afraid of zombies and apparently "scaring her" is suitable revenge for years of abuse and mu*dering him for the lulz. She screamed (and woke up and pissed off all the other students in that specific dorm), but then immediately figured out what is going on. Instead of killing him again, she this time only delivered a beating... only we now discover she is jadelike, a future harem member (confirmed), and MC sexually got off on being beaten.

The other students all decided to spare him because he pretended to "have gone ret*rded" from the spell she used to kill him before. And as a shut in neet he somehow gained the ability to perfectly predict human behavior and logic! So he used his "genius" to perfectly predict that if he pretends to be "ret*rded" they won't touch him, despite years of horrible scarring abuse and even outright killing him on a whim. He will abuse this "pretend to be ret*rded" thing along with his perfect prediction of human behavior in many future chapters where again and again the mu*derous students will pointlessly spare him or accept his words as truth "because he is a ret*rd, they can't lie!".

Future chapters continue in the same vein. MC only gets s*upider and s*upider, acts out on every s*upid pointless whim to perform prank after prank, and yet things constantly go his way because of plot armor and bad writing.

This is the most ret*rded story that ever ret*rded (author uses that word a LOT). And the MC is not evil, he just plays minor pranks.

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PoshMafia rated it
April 2, 2016
Status: --
I have read 71 chapters of this book and can honestly say that it is not very good. The book falls into the problem of the main character getting everything he wants, while the world bends over to make sure he gets it. The interactions with other characters is awkward and often the dialogue is cringe worthy. 1 Star. Just not very good.
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makenai89 rated it
April 29, 2016
Status: c91
Reviewed at c91, rated 4.

With necromancy, skeletons, and various magic, Great Demon King feels more like a western fantasy than a chinese novel. It started off a bit iffy, but after we passed the intro, things began to develop nicely, be it the plot, characters, and world building. The MC too is relatively relatable as a young boy -immature thoughts that were tempered by situation, easily h**ny near his “darlings”, not necessarily gave in to pressure but neither he looked for trouble-. By chapter 90s, I’d say that it is... more>> a well-constructed novel, although we can’t say it is superb yet.

Nevertheless, there are downsides. The MC personality changes was somehow abrupt, though it didn’t go unexplained. Additionally, the plot was highly attributed to his fortuitous encounters -an over-reliance that might deter some people from reading this piece. Still, I’d like to advise people to read this novel at least 50 chapters first before giving it up. It’s not that good in the beginning, but it is definitely got better. It’s not for everyone, but you might like it. <<less
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sidneyvan94 rated it
August 6, 2018
Status: Completed
like many Chinese web novels, it's a great story up until it reaches half the story line after that its just a declining tendency.

If you're planning on reading this my advice is to drop it after reaching around chapter 500.

I rate it as average as I didn't like the whole novel, but some parts were enjoyable for example interactions with his harem at the earlier parts of the novel.

Some of the annoying things about this novel is:

    • Abandoned plot elements - by this I mean the author introduces new characters or subplots that end up getting left out and don't contribute to the story at all

      we get introduced to behemoth one of the demon kings in the asura devil plane who was stranded in that realm for many years trying to find a way to get back to gods continent. after the MC finds a way to help her get back home they make a promise to meet in the future. they later meet when the MC goes to gods continent but only for a chapter when one of the mc's girls gets hit on by a young master and the girl kills him afterwards they have to flee so behemoth isn't mentioned again or doesn't contribute to the story. Other same characters are levy and other people who came from gods continent to look at the array in profound continent.

    • Characters fade into the background - seriously at least half of his harem ends up being irrelevant and fading into the background and you only remember they exist when they're mentioned in groups for example (when the MC moves to a new place and the author wants to say that he took his harem and went with all of them)

      theres no relationship progress for Lisa and Sofie, for Sofie we only get to know that she was part of the harem when mentioned in the final chapter and we don't get to know how they came to be.

    • Poor character development - harem novels are great and all, but It's pointless the girls are only there to add numbers. what I didn't like in the story is that the more we continue with the story the less active the harem is afterwards they become the mc's burden so he has to constantly come to their rescue or look for ways to make them stronger.
    • Cultivation - at the start of the story the protagonist progresses fast but as we get closer to the end the author realises that there isn't enough cultivation stages so he starts dragging by keeping the protagonist in the same cultivation realm for so long, adding semi cultivation realms and also not being clear whether the protagonist has broken through a cultivation realm or not. As for the cultivation realms, some of them only exist to add numbers and don't have additional abilities.
    • Poorly executed scenes - Due to the authors lack of skill in this aspect it causes some scenes to be half exciting as it should.
    • Plot elements that don't make sense - the setting of the story sends a weird vibe because we are in an era where there's nobility or where anything goes as long as you're fist is big and yet we have an awkward thing about it being weird to have more than one woman smh...
    • The ending is shit - it's pretty obvious the author got sick of writing the story theres no build up for the final antagonist and divine spark divine lords who gets mentioned a few chapters before the story ends. The final chapter is so horrible and cringeworthy I regretted so much wasting my time reading a story. since the author got bored of the story he ended up leaving a lot of loose ends.
Overall I'd say it's a good story to pass you're time but if you're looking for something to immense yourself in this isn't you're cup of tea as there's better alternatives.
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platinumangel rated it
May 3, 2016
Status: --
Thus far it is my favorite novel. It's dark with a touch of humor, MC is pleasantly twisted and novel elements seem new and feel fresh. Furthermore MC isn't too idealistic. It has yet to fall into repetitive pattern.
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Salaver rated it
March 6, 2017
Status: c1027
I have read until chapter 304 and to the end of the raws.

One of the best Novel I have ever read

Great story, great characters and very good romantic threads (not only short Episodes, that are in the other novels of this type). I admit, is quite slow beginning, but after the first 90 chapters all Develops and compensates for this (I personally treats them as an extended prologue). I also suspect, that this first 90 chapters are the main reason for this a few cases of low ratings.

Reading the synopsis, I was prepared and I expected a true villain of flesh and blood, while reading, only "villain" like thing (both enjoyed it so it is ok) and which some may see to be questionable is event between him and Emily (One of my favorite heroines - By the way when he threatened her with Trolls and this Trolls were terrified, from laughing I almost fell off my chair). Looking at the fact that even in this, very same chapter he recognize her as his and it is that since then, Emily finally had someone who really take care of her and can stand against the world for her (not even looking at the complicated situation in her family). I'm thinking that for her it was one of the happiest events (She stayed with him in the same chapter and a few chapters later she was "a little" jealous of Pheone, it's immediately reminds me of the relationship between husband and wife more than everything else.)

The relationship between the MC and his women here is probably one of the biggest advantages (especially between the first trio) - simply brilliant

Looking from the point of further Raws and how Han Shou looks after those whom he considers as friends and family, I come to the conclusion that the synopsis is probably done from the standpoint of enemies who stand in his way.

In other words: curious characters, interesting plot, interesting romances (not only short episodes), battles, magic and finally a decent necromancy.

Nothing more, nothing less - a must for fans of that, what I mentioned above.

Well, I like the harems, so for those who prefer monogamous relationships - advise bypasses this title.

As for me - 5/5

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itssumitrai rated it
March 20, 2017
Status: c293
This novel is balanced in everything I wanted. The MC is smart, cunning and not weak/coward like japanese MC. The best part is of course his harem and his interactions with the girls, and yes there are s*x scenes as well. All sort of magic and demonic arts are mixed in with swordsmanship, so the fights are really good & interesting as well. It starts off slow but when it picks up the pace, it keeps on getting better & better. There is a plot as well, and the villains... more>> don't pop up randomly out of nowhere like in some other chinese novels. There is some humour, plotting, scheming and lots of mysteries involved and just seeing the MC powering up step by step is pretty fun. If you like reading harem novels with plot and decent MC, this novel is for you! Give it a go, and don't stop (you'll not be able to stop anyways). <<less
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shuiko rated it
December 16, 2015
Status: --
In the raws it's pretty good, unfortunately people won't be able to enjoy this much till it reach around chapter 95, which of course is far away.

Update for those who have caught up. It gets much more funny as time progress IMO. =D

Please note that the amount of sexy fun le*d times stays pretty consistent. Somehow it manages to stay within the story which automatically makes me go 5 stars!
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ZhaWarudo rated it
November 14, 2016
Status: c100
Some say it gets better but you have to endure until c50, I was bored so I did and more, true it does get better but the quality sucks and while it's ok to read for a while, it piles up until you're annoyed enough to drop it. Author tried to make a western fantasy lol, he has a horrible naming sense "Fanny, Athene, Candice which is ok but there is also Candide lol, elf named Benedict and more", dwarfs originally true to their name brewed beer and were... more>> beer maniacs, suddenly they changed to wine masters >.< After reading God of Slaughter I was expecting something from this but meh, all there is are silly ero gags and very simplistic conversations. <<less
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shylight rated it
April 2, 2017
Status: c312
This is the first Chinese novel in this genre that I ever read and that is the only reason I stuck around for so long. MC is boringly OP. Also just plain boring and unlikeable in terms of personality The battles are badly written, boring, and predictable. Same with interaction between characters. Speaking of characters, the only somewhat interesting one is a skeleton MC summons. The title is somewhat misleading: "demon" there refers to "demonic martial arts", so you won't see an ascension of a demon king either. And of... more>> course it's filled with boring meridian wanking.

Give yourself a favour and find something actually decent to read, unless you're a sucker for this genre. But in this case your mind is far too alien to me, so you can safely disregard my opinion. <<less
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Dusk rated it
May 9, 2016
Status: c137
Great Demon King, one of the very few western oriented novel here in the community. It's CN but it feels more like a western read, especially if the cultivation parts are erased and Han Shuo's name is not well.. Han Shuo I'm not sure I would be able to recognize it as a CN novel at that point.

The very first advice to those who wanted to read this novel is that you must be patient. I too, used to read GDK up till chp 40s then stopped because I felt... more>> that it wasn't that interesting. However when you reach chp 60s and further, the story becomes more interesting as Han Shuo finally decided to ditch school and travel alone delving into the world, meeting dwarves, other races and fellow humans or let's say woman in his adventures, it then pretty much stabilized as a solid 8.4 read all the way till chapter 130s when I truly felt that as time passes, GDK has only gotten better and better.

Oh and GDK is a harem novel, remember you have been warned. A big one too if I did not hear wrongly. The interesting part here in GDK lies on 2 points.

1. Although Han Shuo is a necromancer, he is actually not a mob-wave necromancer esque human-wave tactic. He is actually more focused to a particular summon in his lovable skeleton and the unique method he obtained from the memory of the expert.

Ps : slight spoiler.

There will be more 'unique' summons later on, although not an en masse one.


2. Han Shuo's personality who can be said as.. Naive& pure in the early chapters gradually begun to change and become more " evil " lol, although not in a truly evil way. This is very unique in novels and it can either deter some readers or bring the readers who liked this type of novel.

Some of the drawbacks to some people is that Han Shuo will be involved in a two-err.. Three-timing in the future, although it will be resolved, this may not be within everyone's palatable taste, so be warned. <<less
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Yokoshi rated it
August 31, 2019
Status: c207
I dropped this novel at chapter 207 because this novel started to get repetitive. Here is a couple things I dislike about this novel.

  1. Name Consistency: The MC reincarnates into a boy named Bryan. Most of other novels would choose to abandon Chinese name and focus on his Western name like Release the Witch, etc... However, in this novel, I am not sure whether translator or author decided to use both name. MC introduced himself as Bryan and Han Shou to different people and it really bothers me.
  2. The plot is very predictable and the author introduces random power-up to MC just so the MC can plow through the next plot.
  3. Villains are really one dimensional. Every villains (up to chapter 207) followed the same plot. "How dare you court the woman I like? I guessed I have to kill you now." Of course there are other villains, but MC is going to outwit with his powered up.
  4. The Harem: The courtship does not feel organic at all. The author probably reads some hentai plots and decided how the MC get the girls. For example, he r*ped the first woman. He apologized and he said "you are my woman now". The woman said " Welp. I guessed I am yours now. Let have more s*x." He walked in the econd girl while she is having a wet dream while sleeping. She woke up. They have s*x. He said "you are my woman now." The girl said "Well, I guessed I am yours now. Let have more s*x." (-_-)

By chapter 207, I am really bored of this novel and decided to drop.


TLDR: If you like harem genre with Western name, it is an average read. If you want to read a decent novel with plots, this is not it.
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Amnesiac rated it
April 12, 2017
Status: --
The setting here is pretty interesting; the author abviously drew inspiration from medieval European fantasy, but the protaganist of the story, as a victim of transmigration, is able to integrate traditional aspects of cultivation into the story nonetheless. Our main character undergoes some pretty interesting development - he starts off as a beta faggot, becomes the archetypal prickish xianxia protaganist, and suprisingly, as of the current chapter, has taken on a more restrained and sinister persona while still maintaining vestiges of previous character arcs. The systems of magic and cultivation... more>> are well defined and, while not particularly interesting, feel fresh simply because they're distinct and have some degree of care put into them. Small details added about each of the nine realms that make up the path of demonic cultivation make the main character's progression engaging to watch unfold. The novel is pretty unconventional all in all, and it's a solid read as well. Unfortunately, this story suffers in execution. Plot points often feel hastily strung together, and characters ubiquitously lack depth; the prose here is also subpar, and what could've been a truly superlative novel is instead rendered "above average" by what must either be a lack of experience or care on the author's part. However, these issues are largely endemic to Xianxia anyways. As long as your life is as bereft of purpose and joy as mine, and you also happen to try and fill the yawning abyss that splits your bosom and leaves you feeling like a vacuous shell of a man with Chinese Novels, Great Demon King is as good a tool to stave off your eventual su*cide as any. <<less
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Nana (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
This series is one of don't judge a book by it's title or description. Simply fascinating. I've just finished reading until chapter 2, and I'm already hooked up by this awesome series, the MC is human from earth that got kidnapped by an evil guy to became his extra life. But the spell is broken, instead MC is reincarnated into a body of ryan, 16 y.o. S*ave from a magic academy.
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Araragi Koyomi
Araragi Koyomi rated it
March 23, 2016
Status: --
I'll keep it short cause instead of reading a long as hell review id rather read the first chapter.

I like the change in setting from a typical 'cultivation' type universe to somewhere with magic like in western type fantasies. There's cultivation regardless tough but it adds more to the story than take away from it.

The point is, there is character development, it might be slow but the story does mention and I feel the need to emphasize on this point, the MC is not evil / demon by nature, he... more>> has such thoughts but never acts on them, what makes him evil bit by bit and makes him act on his instincts is the cultivation he's practicing. Also it doesn't just make the MC more evil, it makes him calm headed too, read the story to know what I meant. End rating, 5 of 5, nice change in pace from so much cultivation and I like the MC. <<less
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yamikage rated it
July 26, 2016
Status: c136
A very good read, there's no convoluting parts of level, the characters are interesting and there's no one with a similar names since they're not Chinese. The fight is good and the MCs skills are interesting, definitely a must read thus far.
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koog008 rated it
February 20, 2016
Status: --
i love necromancer stories and this is one of the best.. This story is pretty funny too.. Sometimes the MC does things that irritate me but its ok.. Why you say.. Because I love his minion.. Im not gonna spoil it.. But if u read it you know who im talking about.. Love that fella.. I like how the story doesnt seemed rushed like others.. And I like how hes not op all of a sudden.. I like stories where the MC builds himself to get stronger without shortcuts
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shotuyoka rated it
February 18, 2016
Status: --
A very good novel, when all the times stumbles on the general plot. Necromancy, pull-push relationship, enemy turned lovers, hot teacher, and forbidden relationships. Undeads grow with the MC. Read it till the end. Worth oh.
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naviet rated it
June 27, 2016
Status: c124
A little bit slow at first chapter but this novel very good. Action, comedy, and romance build in c50.

One of my favorite. Very funny with dark humour. I recommend to read.
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Cocaine rated it
February 19, 2016
Status: --
This is probably the funniest series I've ever read. All the other novels I've read in this genre are more focused on the seriousness and the brutality of the cultivation/fantasy worlds with a splash of unrealistic harem of beautiful girls that unconditionally love the MC for no reason. Something along the lines of: only those who are ruthless and seriously dedicate themselves can be successful. Granted I'm only 48 chapters in, but somehow this novel goes into a similar universe but gives me a totally different feeling. It includes all... more>> the brutality but somehow the light heartedness of the writing style underplays the severity of all the misfortune, while also giving a more "realistic" feeling from the world.

I think that anyone who enjoys this genre can appreciate this novel because it tells the same story differently. <<less
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