Ancient Godly Monarch


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In the Province of the Nine Skies, far above the heavens, there exists Nine Galaxies of Astral Rivers made up of countless constellations interwoven together.

For Martial Cultivators, they could form an innate link with one of the constellations, awaken their Astral Soul, and transform into a Stellar Martial Cultivator.

Legend has it that, the strongest cultivators in the Province of the Nine Skies, were beings that could open an astral gate every time they advanced into a new realm. Their talent in cultivation was such that they could even establish innate links with constellations that existed in a layer higher than the Nine Layers of Heavens, eventually transforming into the heaven-defying and earth-shattering power known as the War God of the Nine Heavens.

Qin Wentian is the MC of this story. How could a guy, with a broken set of meridians, successfully cultivate? There were countless Stellar Martial Cultivators, as there were countless constellations in the vast starry skies. What he wanted to be, was the brightest constellation of all, shining dazzlingly in the vast starry skies.

Associated Names
One entry per line
God of Lost Fantasy
Swire God
Thái Cổ Thần Vương
Related Series
Peerless Martial God (Shared Universe)
Against the Gods (10)
Martial God Asura (8)
Peerless Martial God (6)
Martial World (5)
Tales of Demons and Gods (3)
Mushoku Tensei (WN) (3)
Recommendation Lists
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  2. My Journey into Webnovels: Discovering Wuxia
  3. What i have read in my 8 years of online novel rea...
  4. Cultivation Novel Goodies
  5. Top Novels [Focus on Xianxia, Harem, Romance]

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111 Reviews sorted by

strixflash rated it
May 21, 2016
Status: c45
Don't really get the hype this series is getting. Sure the starting was somewhat good but hardly something for which I would shout like a fangirl. People are praising the series for its so called unique cultivation method. Just because the cultivation involves constellation you would call it unique. People really loves to misuse the word "unique". Nope. There has been nothing new or unique in the story so far. Battles have been boring and author has shown no unique abilities for the characters. The techniques have impressive names but... more>> in all honesty they are boring. So far the storyline has been pretty generic. Really nothing new. Same cliché of girl refusing to marry MC as he is tr*sh. It will be followed by MC showing his awesome capabilities. And then the event of MC showing his epic side takes a dark turn by the arrival of trouble for his clan/sect. Sounds familiar? Totally generic.

Then there is the descent of s*upid villains who tries to kill MC and when MC is about to kill them they use the most s*upid dialogue "If you kill me then my clan/sect would kill you." Just what you would expect from author of PMG. <<less
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Raine rated it
April 24, 2016
Status: --
Sigh what do you expect from the author of PMG, the novel starts out fine for a few chapters then it begins, this author is famous for his Fight + arrogant + fight + arrogant cycle, I cant believe he somehow manage to messed up a perfectly amazing novel within 50 chapters, the cultivation system is amazing but the cycle of arrogant villains and repetitiveness begins after just 20 chapters sigh.
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Ael rated it
October 18, 2016
Status: c45
This novel started okay-ish, but I'm at the point where I can't muster interest anymore.

Basically the story is full of things that don't make sense if you start thinking about it for 5 seconds. There are many examples, ... more>>

for instance why did the MC have to go to an academy ? It's been made obvious that he can cultivate on his own with no issues whatsoever, and on the other hand joining the academy keeps bringing him endless trouble.

Also in the beginning the bad guys lay a trap then come to the MC's clan and order them to go to the place where they want to trap them, and add "you better come if you're not cowards". So the clan goes there to prove they're not cowards... which is a reasoning I would expect from a 5 year-old.

At some point we have some sort of mandatory annoying/rude fatty sidekick who drops out of nowhere and instantly becomes the MC's friend, although it feels completely random and artificial. That guy will then follow the MC everywhere and keep leeching yuan stones from him. He also gets some shitty weaponsmith to become his apprentice and call him master, even though the MC has just started making weapons, and then that guy named Francis will keep leeching off of the MC too, like he has caught on to the fact that this guys was the hero of the novel.

Then the academy who was supposed to be "good guys" and who were desperate to get the MC to enroll will actually turn out to be full of bad guys who will try to kill the MC while the "good guys" twiddle their thumbs.

Right now I'm at chapter 45 and the MC is about to really enter the academy but guess what there's a tournament, which is such a cliché honestly.

Every girl he meets is super pretty and there are mandatory "four town beauties".

There's a random puppy which appears after MC summons some sort of friendly demonic ape and passes out, which means the puppy is probably the ape but don't ask me how apes are related to dogs. Of course the puppy is a pe*vert who will be described fondling girls and diving into their breasts everytime the MC meets a girl. I mean maybe if I was a teenager I would like to read about it, but...


I would put up with all that bullsh*t and ignore it if there was something else to keep me interested but it's all just a bland mix of things that I've read elsewhere before. The cultivation is a bit of a mix between douluo dalu and classic Qi cultivation. MC doesn't need to learn cultivation scriptures because he has a convenient magic memory fragment thing so he gets all those automatically and more, yet he still needs to go to that academy... for some reason.

So in short, this novel is frustrating to read because of the lazy writing. <<less
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Alhana rated it
May 4, 2016
Status: --
This novel has one of the strongest beginning I've ever read. Review as of Chapter 34. This feels so different from PMG, especially the story building part and the MC's personality. I was honestly surprised to find that they were written by the same author. Other than the unique cultivation method, the interactions of MC and his family members are well thought out, and emotionally-packed to deliver a power punch. I always smile when I read the interactions between MC and Qin Yao. Not only that, this MC doesn't get... more>> ridiculous powerups, plot armors are almost non-existent. Sure he could defeat the Ye Lang guy whose cultivation was higher than him, but it doesnt feel forced, unlike ATG or fake, like the MC in WDQK. Although I wanted to say the story is somewhat predictable, there are always new elements of surprises mixed in. Divine inscriptions, Astral Memory Beings, Star-shaped object. And whenever you thought a solution arrived for his predicament, he lands himself in another predicament again. This novel is a rollercoaster ride of non-stop action, which is what I like in xianxia. This MC isn't brainless, in fact he's calm and cool, and intelligent to know when to step back. Rating as of now, 5/5 <<less
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niks27 rated it
June 15, 2016
Status: c51
Novel started with an interesting plot but then it started to get messed up.

Generally a author would start on with world building and introduction of various things about the story and characters then comes the time for enemies to make their move but this novel starts with very little info and just within 20 or so chapters the whole story gets messed up. Arrogant enemies starts to appear and relentlessly tries to destroy and kill the MC and his clan. I just feel like I was thrown in a battlefield.... more>> I just don't get what's so unique about this story. It's the same freaking generic cliché story. If it's about cultivation technique then Stellar transformations too have cultivation technique where he freaking creates his own world. Just like people said what can you expect from the author of PMG. <<less
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Shikonbel rated it
September 23, 2016
Status: c172
All right, I think the hype some people give this novel is too much, and similarly those criticizing it so harshly seem to be coming into the story with a bit of bias towards the author.

The author of Ancient Godly Monarch is the same person who wrote Peerless Martial God. As anyone who read the reviews posted on this website regarding the latter novel will know, PMG had potential but ultimately devolved into a horrifying copy-past mess. My exasperation and anger with Peerless Martial God can clearly be seen in... more>> the rant I left on the novel's page. As such, I went into Ancient Godly Monarch with an especially healthy amount of skepticism.

However, after reading up to the latest chapters (172 at the time of this review), I must say that despite the disaster that is PMG, it is best to keep a more open mind when looking at AGM- to be fair, PMG was said author's first webnovel (if I remember correctly). It stands to reason that if the Chinese readers became as frustrated with the author as the rest of us have, the author must have gotten a nice heaping pile of complaints and criticisms. Thankfully, it would seem that the author has taken at least some of these complaints to heart, because AGM has marked improvements compared to his previous novel. With the author's track record, it is hard to say if AGM's quality will be maintained as the story goes on, but for these first ~200 chapters at least I think that the overall quality of the story is surprisingly good.

Is Ancient Godly Monarch one of the best or most well-written novels out there? No. Novels such as Immortal Executioner, Jiang Ye, The Way of Choices, and I Shall Seal the Heavens are, at least in my personal opinion, on a much higher tier. That being said, Ancient Godly Monarch's currently translated chapters shouldn't be any worse than novels like Against the Gods and Martial God Asura in terms of quality. It is an enjoyable read when you want to pass some time.

Improvements in AGM include:


1) Word choice and repetitiveness have both improved in this novel compared to PMG, meeting an acceptable standard for this genre. The wording is good and the tone is all right, if slightly dull. What I mean by that is it can sometimes feel as though there is a layer of mist between you and the emotions of the story, like you can't entirely feel everything that is happening. This isn't too bad or noticeable at first, but if you binge many chapters in a row you may start to notice such a feeling.

2) Characters feel more human and 3-dimensional. Antagonists do generally follow the arrogant young master mold, but I think that the level is bearable, moreover so far there have been far fewer such characters as well. The side characters are decent. They are not especially prominent or anything, but they have interesting personalities at least, so it's nice to see them when they appear.

3) The MC's personality is better compared to the MC of PMG. Qin Wentian is more even tempered, less arrogant, less preachy (thank god), and has a kind heart. For now at least, he is a decent guy who values friendships and has a nice dose of hatred for his enemies, which I can appreciate. Besides that, the manner in which he powers up is more balanced and acceptable. He doesn't rise too many levels too quickly, cultivation makes more sense and feels understandable, and you get the impression that he does a fair amount of work to achieve these things.

4) Although this could also be considered a revenge orientated story, the reasons for antagonists to target the MC make far more sense. Rather than having the antagonists or MC s*upidly provoking each other for no apparent reason at every possible turn, the reasons for provoking the MC are virtually all tied to his family. The reasons for them being targeted have not been fully revealed, but from what we've seen they are enough for Qin Wentian's enemies to want to target him. Seeing as how he is the person with the greatest potential and strength among the younger generation, it makes sense that they want to get rid of this potential threat, given the grudges between them and his Qin family. Is this the best and most exciting excuse? No, not really. It is however, a decent enough reason, especially when compared to the ridiculous reasons the antagonists used to attack the MC in PMG.

5) The cultivation is actually really interesting. If the author can continue to explore and expand this point sufficiently, that alone may be enough to carry the story for me. It isn't the most profound system ever, so if you prefer something deeper I would instead recommend one of the quality novels I mentioned above. That said, the concept is quite intriguing and isn't too hard to understand. If you aren't interested in lengthy or philosophical descriptions of cultivation, preferring to keep things a bit simpler, then this is a good choice.


On the downside:


With an MC driven by revenge and taking into account the writing style of the author, it's safe to say that Qin Wentian will kill a fair amount of people, and most of his reasons for doing so will be put with a bit of a righteous skewing. He will likely develop a bit of arrogance, though with his kind and naive beginnings it shouldn't be too extreme I hope. With the world building so far, the scope of this story's world is huge, and Qin Wentian is still only in one of the smallest areas, so I expect we'll be seeing a pattern where he moves to a place --> finds out he's at the very bottom in terms of strength and is probably underestimated --> trains, gets stronger, and tramples his enemies --> moves on to the next area. The key in how boring or enjoyable said cycle turns out to be will lie mostly in the variations in the environment, circumstances and characters, as well as in the level of character development shown by the MC.


All in all, Ancient Godly Monarch isn't a masterpiece, but it is far better than Peerless Martial God and so far remains a fairly enoyable story. I will continue to read this novel for now, maintaining a sense of skepticism towards future chapters, and I'd say that it is an average story that is suitable for passing the time. The translator is very good as well. For now, I'm going to go ahead and give it 3 stars. <<less
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pickles rated it
April 30, 2017
Status: c400

This story came from the same author as Peerless Martial God, so of course it's writing style is very similar to Ancient Godly Monarch. This story is very similar to PMG, firstly, let's talk about our beloved MC, Qin Wentian. In some aspects, he is very similar to the protagonist of PMG, wherever they go, some cannon fodder arrogant young master appears to be thrashed by him, also for some reason there's always some sort of crowd following him around. And initially this crowd will mock him saying : "oh he's so unlucky, he ran into _Insert useless person_ from _soon to be destroyed family clan_ " And then later, after Qin Wentian absolutely destroys so and so useless person, the crowd literally begins to revere him as some sort of god: "Who is this person!?! He's so strong!!! But the _useless sect_ will never let him go." Then Qin Wentian proceeds to destroy that sect and 9 generations of their ancestors.

Another thing about Qin Wentian is that wherever he goes, he seems to pick up all the best things from everywhere, like a slightly toned down version of Yun Che from Against the Gods, picking up OP legacies and techniques just like he picks up girls. I wouldn't be surprised if Qin Wentian went for a walk in his own damn house and found a OP technique on one of his bookshelves. I don't really have a huge problem with the harem, except that although Qin Wentian has tons of "jade like" girls drooling over him, he only picks the two best ones with "appearances that can destroy cities" and treats the rest like air. As a side note, like many other xianxia author, this author has a strange fascination with swords, in the beginning although he chose "constellations" in the form of a hammer, 300 chapters later, he picks up a sword and completely changes his career to a sword cultivator *flips table* (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

The author also easily forgets many things such as Qin Wentian's earlier "constellations" and his talent in "divine inscriptions" which apparently he's a genius in, but we haven't seen in the last 200 chapters.

In actual fact this story is awful, but at least it gave me some enjoyment watching Qin Wentian kick ass, but I think I'm gonna have to drop it now, it's gotten a bit hard to read. So, do read this with low expectations, so you don't get too disappointed with it's decline in the future.

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Khrail rated it
May 11, 2017
Status: c1775
Review from: c487
updated c650, updated c1775,

This novel start very average but it's get much better later +100, as expected of xianxia or xuanhuan in this case, the fist arc ends about the chapter 230+/-, also because the more you read the better you understand the "great picture" so here I'm going to list some characteristics of the novel.

Update after c1500. This novel is a very understimated novel. The only weird stuff happends in the beginning, the luck feels somewhat forced sometimes because is building the story and the story is developed in a lot chapters so it's usual that the beginning have this kind of stuff, but the story is getting better in later chapters, MC also is smarter, cunning, wiser and still not OP as ****, he's actually pretty much balanced for a MC O.O (he's not weak, but he doesn't crush everyone because he's the MC).

Start) MC a the beginning is a understimated young man that has been waiting his time to shine, but when he gets the oportunity he faces tragedies while he tries the best to protect himself becoming strong and getting some background until he's strong enough to revenge and slap the face to who did "bad" things to him and his nearby. I say "bad" because in these type of worlds there is anything "good" nor "bad" only the strong can know, talk and judge, the winner is the king and the defeated the villain so it's better to keep that in mind.

Early on, he gets a "cheat" that gives him powerful techniques based of his Astral Soul to help him start his journey but that's only in the start, after that he has to join an academy to get better techniques and so on, he don't really depend of that item to be OP it would be a lie if I say that doesn't help him, because it does and he keeps using those techniques all the time to boost his power but that's a technique, it's not a OP power/cheat that only has him so in the end all depends of his comprehension, luck and effort so it's not really a big deal.

Story) It's a xuanhuan, so it's a process of growing from weak to strong while moving to differents realms/countries/continents while revealing the truth behind the worlds, his background, his purpose while facing his enemies and also getting allies.

It has some repetitive stuff, like tournaments and trials and stuff like that he finds while adventuring, they don't repeat too much but you'll se some as the story progresses and they're not boring because in other novels a fight maybe takes 20 chapters analyzing the skills, spectators' reactions and stuff like that but in this novel the fights only take 1 chapter or 2 as much.

The main story progresses slow at the beginning but also it doesn't stop, it has his owns speed and meanwhile they're a lot of things going on as well. The story progresses around the strength of the MC so it depends of the point of the story.

Characters) There are the typical arrogant young masters that intimadate the weak while fearing the strong especially in the beginning of the story but later there are less of this arrogant young masters that only can talk bullsh*t sort of "Do you dare!? Don't you know who I am? My _Clan/Sect won't let you off" so this is a really important and good thing about this novel, MC is not just provoking some random canon arrogant young master and then destroys their sect and then the another ally sect and so on, it's not like that and this thing surprised me a lot also THERE ARE ALSO great cunning and logical "villains", the best in my opinion are those from the Chu country when is all revealed.

Update c650


Sadly the only cool villians are those, later I haven't seen so far any others, I mean any truly villains have appeared


They ally characters are fine, MC is not a solo heroe, it has his buddies and go with him along his journey, sometimes he's alone templating and cultivating himself but they are all the times doing stuff like him and when it's happening some important thing they group up, they are friends but they have also their own goals. It doesn't go too deep into their background but they had their own clear personalities.

There is a Harem tag but there is not real Harem when MC has a lot of girls that collects them like pokemon and then left them behind because they're too weak and can't follow him, it's more like thare a very few girls that fall in love with him but he doesn't correpond them so far, it's a 1 girl romance, and a good one actually, it's slow paces and solid one, it's get better with the time.

Update 1775->Harem confirmed, rate 7/10. I don't like big harem, so for me more girls -> worse. but there are few girls that are 100% solid and worth so far.

Martial Dao) The way of getting strong is the same as others, but the system itself and is unique in some aspects. It has a CLEAR DIFFERENCE between realms (unlike ATG, novel that I still actually enjoyed very much), it's all around comprehension and perception and the Astral Souls is also a awesome feature. It tells some insight about Dao from time to time but it doesn't go too deep, I mean, it's not all around that, although it has some awesome insight and thoughts. There are Yuan meteor stones and pills, they both can be used to promote but the main resource are the Yuan meteor stones wich is also the curreny.

Update c1775. Later chapters all is about perception, insight, pondering and comprehension.

Martial combat is based of Astral Souls, inner techniques, combat techniques, bloodlines, mandates of will and a lot more things that only are available at higher lvls, It also has divine inscriptions that are similar to the spirit of MGA, divine inscriptions can apply to a lot of things like

weapons, armor, puppets, formations, combat inscriptions, strategies...

MC eventually jumps lvls but it's not somethings crazy so the combat is good and understandable.

Update c650

Our MC can jump lvls but of course he's not the only one and there are characters that jump the same lvls just like him, of course they are non common characters and still there are a lot but it's important to keep that in mind, the MC is not a god that can jump 123812312 lvls because he's the MC and you're not.

I also want to clarify something that some people are upset about the cultivation path that the MC takes because they're not right but I gonna but a spoiler tag here anyway. Update from c650, c1775.


The weapon that the MC uses is the Halberd but some people are upset because his 4th Astra Soul is a sword so they think that now he becomes a sword cultivator but it's not like that, his main Weapon is still the Helberd that uses to fuse with 2 Astral Soul Mandate and also sometimes uses spears to throw like a marksman. He has a very powerful sword technique that obtains and also has 6th layer Sword Astra Soul so of course it uses and of course uses his Astral Nova but so what? He develops a Halberd Law and some Halberd techniques and he uses them really often and fuses it with his another powers it's not because he has Sword Astra Soul now is a sword cultivator, His FIRST Astral Soul is a HAMMER but anyone is complaining that he is a hammer cultivator right? so WTF

Update c1500 he start to pay much more atention to swordmanship->sword qi and sword intent


Update c650. The coincidantes are only at the start of the story to boost the MC power at the Beginning, basically, leter on his strength is mostly from his own Effort and Comprehension.

Also there is another thing that dissapointed me a lot but happends later on the story and it's something that happends a lot in other xuanhuan but still... so I just gonna hide it.

Update c650, forget that, the author fixes it and he does good.


He goes through A LOT of effort, problems, pain and suffering to be with his beloved and when he finally saves her and can be with her she just dissapears with MC's clan to power up until he gets stronger... BUT later they find each other again not too later and the romance it gets a lot better


My rate to this novel is solid 4, 5. compared with a lot xuanhuan is really good, often the author make story more realistic but instead is criticized because of that and yet are still unbelievable things, for example cliches like arriving just in time to save the day but pretty much is only that so overall the story is worth reading.

It's sort of MGA, PMG, ED, CD, GOS, TDG, ATG... and also it doesn't have anything to envy to them, the MC is badass, also kills when need to kill and DOESN'T destroy 21903871290 sects like many people are saying just because of some arrogant young master, and speaking of arrogant young masters this novel has 1/10 of PMG so stop talking nonsense.

It's all about the type you like, if you like more action and adventure oriented, read this, if not, just go read something like TTNH or any novel of that author or similar.
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fallen dust
fallen dust
May 12, 2016
Status: --
As expected of the Author of PMG. The characters are as s*upid as ever. No matter what they can't seem to see MT. Tai, as you can see from the review below me... This peculiar guard should have been quite clear of his former (!) coworkers strength, but he was s*upid enough to still attack MC, because he firmly believes that MC is tr*sh. Yes people, "The tr*sh" is here too!

The characters are as arrogant as ever too. They are brainless fools and The MC is as expected is somewhat... more>> less of a fool. In the end, as a wild dog tail will never be straight. Its the same for the author. PMG reformed... <<less
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Keima-kun rated it
November 5, 2016
Status: c200
Seriously, this story is far better that what I thought it would be, considering the mediocre ratings. The story progressed slowly but on steady pace. The characters are memorable and are not easily replaced, like some certain novels. I do feel like the conflicts are too much, but for those who can mouth them, it would be an exhilarating read. The MC is sometimes s*upid and naive but from there, we can actually see character development later on.
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Slants Perpendicular
Slants Perpendicular rated it
June 22, 2018
Status: c2047
Repetition, Repetition, Repetition is the tactic most commonly deployed by Chinese authors, a tactic even the most common of man would find abhorrent.

A tactic so deplorable it gives rise to s*upidity even among the novel's readers.

AGM is the semi-recent brainchild of the infamous PMG author. PGM being the novel that was despised and hated for such sins as repetition and the occasional bit of hypocritical diatribe. The main point to note about PMG was the fact that it was actually hated even amongst a community whose tastes could aptly be... more>> described with the term-- low hanging fruit. It's worth noting that PMG is not actually any worse than most other Chinese novels, so the reasons it attracts such hatred is a bit of a mystery; though I do have a working theory on the subject, my theory being that everybody used PMG to take out their repressed self-loathing at the fact they had sh*t tastes, mush like a repressed gay man will sometimes hate other gay men for merely being what they want to be.

I will keep this review fairly short (so I won't go into much detail about my theory), mainly because the people with a brain will agree and the people whose taste buds were placed within their an*s at birth will disagree, no matter the length.


The romance was pathetic and took up too much time. The girls have no personality other than gentle with a mix of tsundere. The novel also included the token seductress, who ultimately turned out to be a gentle saint deep down, and not actually a seductress; such plot twist, much wow. Who would've guessed the big-boobed, grinding on the MC's d*ck girl was actually a chaste angel who fed the poor on her days off from being a seductress.

The girls also have a fetish for being useless, they really get off on needing to be saved, and their main goal in life is racking up the word count with boring inconsequential dialogue and arcs. Just reading the MC's interactions with just about any girl almost makes me want to throw up. They're so useless it hurts.


The poor children who think this cultivation system is unique and who are completely unaware of the fact that they're being led into a big white van with empty candy wrappers.

Just because the cultivation has a semblance of being idiosyncratic does not mean it is.

All this novel did was change the names. Change Qi Gathering into something star related. Change Martial Spirit into Astral Soul. Change Spirit Qi into Astral Qi. Etc, . Etc, .


The same as PMG's plot, but with stars.

The World

Something something star related, something something more stars. Now repeat, but with more power and you've got yourself a novel.


This novel is shit, it simply dresses its shittyness up in a nice suit.

Chinese 1/10

PS, . Supreme Arrow God basically has the same cultivation system. <<less
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vongolax rated it
August 10, 2016
Status: c30
They should add most hated MC to the tags cause damn why do so many people hate you. And I use the word hate quite liberally. Not even 30 chapters in and it seems like everyone is going against the MC, I mean when you think about it the major clans/people introduced so far already wants to kill the MC. I get the whole adversity makes a stronger person thats prevalent in these xuanhuan/xianxia novels, its what makes them so strong in these stories but holy sh*t I haven't even... more>> gotten to know the MC that well yet and the author already set the mc's difficulty level in life to be nightmare mode. Like what most reviews had said the cultivation is well different, at least its not so generic that makes me yawn. And its true that there are some troupes that are played out but I think its one of those things in the martial novel formula you can't get rid of, at least for most. I think that's fine, but I kind of want to start off small scale and go up from there. What I mean is usually the mc's rivals are on his level, a person in the same school/clan that they have to beat. Or a distant goal where we kind of know that the whole story will lead to this climax in which the MC has to accomplish. You could say the author is going a different direction, spice it up. Sounds good but it wasn't executed well. I barely know the guy and troubles seems to find him at every turn. So for me so far I can't say I find any qualities in which makes me want to know who he is more like I want to know when he's gonna f*ck up everybody who harmed him. I already started skimming chapters cause well like I said typical troupe arc, which is why solidifying your MC can make those troupes less agonizing. If the MC and support cast is more established I probably wouldn't care because the MC is unique enougth it can carry the story regardless how mundane it is, at least that's my opinion. I hope it gets better and I hope the MC won't get crapped on so much, I mean seriously he's got way too many enemies. <<less
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DeathStroke96 rated it
May 27, 2017
Status: c700
I will say this, its nothing new really just a different cultivation method, but what I can say about this is that, AGM is an amazing xuanhuan at managing to grip the reader to want to know what happens next.

i will say this that there are those s*upid characters that you find in every novel, but this story is just so good (at least to me) that I would be willing to read with lnmtl and keeping up with htl just because I enjoy it this much.

yes the MC is... more>> quite arrogant, but its not like he is a hypocrite, the writing can be seen that the author really improved from the previous disaster that all of us are aware of, well at least most of us, as the story moves on it introduces the new characters which tbh can be ignored as they are not really that important but whats important is what situation the author would place the MC in, as all of them are unique for the most part and the tests he has to overcome are quite enjoyable to read.

i really love the main female MC so far, she is amazing, these recent chapters, what she has been doing to the MC has been so funny

basically she has been teasing him to hell and its so enjoyable to read

the cast although is not expanded on, is also pretty interesting.

yes I know that most of you dislike the author and probably dislike arrogant mcs, but in this specific novel the MCs character and his arrogance are done so well that its impossible to dislike.

fair warning just get past the first 100 chapters as they will seem very similar to the first work of the author but after that, its pure

unadulterated FUN.

ps: this review is although is trying to be not biased because I can see the faults of the story but at the same time is a bit biased because I enjoy it alot, it just I understand that most people have different mentalities when it comes down to stuff they read, so whether you read it or not is your decision, all I will say is that if you overlook the flaws you will have tons of fun reading it. <<less
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illumi rated it
August 13, 2016
Status: c148
A lot of people give a not so good review. My advise for you try to read it first. At least after he got into an academy. Sure, I agree with most review that said the first arc/conflict is not so good, but it'll got better later on. AGM has the same vibe as ATG, which the first wuxia/xianxia/xuanhuan/etc genres novel that I read. For me personally I like AGM better (I lost interest in ATG after MC first 'died' incident arc). Oh, about the typical OP-ness, I found AGM... more>> rather make sense than most OP MC I've read so far. He got that OP-ness from a necklace his dad gave him, and some knowledge his teacher/guardian teach him from young age. <<less
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June 30, 2016
Status: c83
Initially the novel started out pretty amazing, but now it has devolved into some mindless fighting and plot scenarios. This had so much potential what a letdown : (
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GrumpyNPC rated it
December 15, 2018
Status: Completed
EDIT: The story had a good start and a good end, the middle was a series of up and downs. I've finally finished this novel and I'm bringing the score up to a 3 because overall it was a fun read.

ORIGINAL: This novel is very average in this genre, I would give it a 2.5 straight down the middle, maybe slightly less than 2.5 so I'm rounding it to 2 instead of 3.

Peerless Martial God was my very first novel, so I was not yet tired of the... more>> cultivation cliches, but even looking back and trying to be objective I still prefer PMG to this one.

What I like:

  • MC's relationship with his wives, there is some decent amount of development and MC is not just tossing around pokeballs trying to catch 'em all, there is a bit of a downside to this which I will talk about later.
  • MC's relationship with his friends is also very good, there is a real sense of brotherhood.
  • MC is ruthless, tho I wish he was less arrogant
  • The early story is interesting and has some complexity to it, but it deteriorates not far into the novel, a thousand+ chapters later the story seems to be improving again.
What I dislike:

  • If it has a pus*y it likely falls in love with the MC. I like that the MC is not trying to "catch 'em all" but I wish the author wouldn't make every single female fall for the MC. I just feel bad for them pining for the MC, at least make em fall for MC's friends, don't burden them with unrequited love.
  • The fights are boring, I often find myself skipping to the part where the enemy dies or flees. Sometimes these fights are long too, like if they were animated they would give Dragonball a run for its money.
  • "You're courting DEATH!". I've never met an MC who said that as often as this one does. MC's dialogue often reminds me of the young master's from other novels. I mean I get that most of the time they offend the MC first, but it is still weird to see the MC act so arrogantly.
  • Logic is often thrown out the window. This is a world where the strong rule, but sometimes...
    • Instead of war, lets do a contest with a ton of arbitrary rules to determine the winner and the fate of our empires, even tho we all know ultimately war will happen and this is just a waste of time, an excuse for MC to run across some magic beans.
    • You are more powerful than my people, but im here to demand your daughters marry me under some ancient weird law. Instead of killing me on the spot like any strong father should in this universe, lets have a convoluted contest to determine the future of your precious daughters, even tho we all know ultimately you will have to fight us and the hidden power behind us..
  • Bad guy bad acting happens too often:
    • My disciple will kill you and then we will r*pe your entire family. *MC kills deciple*. Why must you be so ruthless, this was only a spar. Men arrest him.
    • I'm going to break the rules and use this weapon to kill you. *Fails to kill MC despite breaking the rules*. Powerful daddy ancestor emperor, this vile MC broke the rules and tried to use a weapon to kill me in secret, uphold justice for me.
  • The same names get re-used which is annoying. There are like 3 Jiang clans with zero relationship to each other.
  • Other then some fights dragging on, some story arcs also drag on, they feel artificially extended.
    • I must do X to prove myself worthy of love interest, but now that I have accomplished X someone has taken her away and demanded I do Y, but now that I have accomplished Y something else happens and the princess is in another castle.
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Thaeddus rated it
April 8, 2017
Status: c427
well after reading a lot of chinese novel I can finally give my point of view on AGM. 1) Plot
Like many novels it's not really a plot but more arc which have their own plot. Nonetheless the main axis is :
-MC cultivate
-arrogant enemy (always a s*upid young master or a pampered young master) arrived and cause same matters to the MC or they bully some weak people for fun
-MC fights the enemy even if there are stronger
-MC beats them cause he is the MC and have better skills or a stronger will
-enemies have a super sect as support
-sect try to get revenge but ended up being beaten --> MC kill the whole sect
-next arc

2) MC
Our MC is Qin Wentian, like many novels he doesn't have an outstanding cultivation. Here it's because he wants to surprise his father-in-law and surprise he is betrayed by his fiance's family beacause he doesn't have a good level in cultivation. Time goes by and suprise in fact the MC was a genius.
Well I like him cause he is super badass but f*ck sometimes he looks really s*upids.

3) Companions/ enemies
-Enemies are generics. They are arrogant like hell, all think they are the strongest, unable to recognize when it is their own mistake and they pity the MC because they have a better cultivation.
-Companions aren't really useful, they follow the MC, cultivate, surpass the MC in cultivation but they still have less battle power than the MC. Only Mo Qingcheng is interesting because she is the MC love interest and his love is reciprocal. Nevertheless their personality are quiet well developed.


Sadly at the time where I write this view it seems that she died. I am really upset with this development because we have an early romance in a Xuanhuan and it isn't a secondary plot.


4) conclusion
Why did I give four stars for this novel ?
-Badass MC and fearless
-if you like ATG, MGA, PMG it's similar
-A good rate of translation
-because he will dominate his world
-go go go Qin Wentian go beat this shitty Luo He
-early romance which is reciprocal and not like WQDK (I love WQDK too) where the MC after almost 500 chapters haven't succeed in talking again to his love who is far away from him in term of cultivation.
Sorry for my English I am french.
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Krypek rated it
January 12, 2017
Status: c340
So I gave this novel 5/5. Its written extremely well and the translation quality is excellent. Author knows well how to build up tension and keep you on your toes so you look forward to what will happen next. But at some point you stop and then an intense feeling of regret and disappointment overwhelms you. Why is that?... because you know with certainty what will happen next.

You have no hope for it to surprise you. MC will most likely never lose and either be able to trmple over... more>> everyone or reveal an extraordinary quality, make heaven defying breakthrough or no one will be wble to stand up to him from the very beginning. This is what in my opinion is the bane of most novels. Giving MC an overpowered system - no difference if it is his talent, an object or simply a way to infinitely increase his strength in short periods of time- it will make the reader able to clearly predict the way in which the story and various situations will develop. It might be what readers want to happen but the plot suffers for it. All in all I considered giving a lower note but aside from somewhat lacking plot the story is written well. <<less
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Alverost rated it
April 16, 2016
Status: --
So far I'm in love with the cultivation concept because simply it is unique with majority of cultivators having different power and characteristic depending on which constellation they acquire. Not only that we also see a bit of character development and MC's mysterious background.
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Felix3D rated it
June 3, 2016
Status: c621
Not enough development, too focused on the conflict/revenge stuff. There is a weaker payoff for it because of that.

With that out of the way, it's a pretty good and standard Xuanhuan. There's a lot of political backstabby stuff that is milked a bit and it feels both rushed and too long at the same time.

I find that many of the arcs are superfluous and really only are there to repeat the same tired Xuanhuan formula: offend X person in Y faction, Climb to top of Y faction or Y faction's... more>> rival, offend A person in B faction that's one tier higher than Y faction, ect.

It's serviceable, but very formulaic, and I find that even if you skip chapters or even whole arcs there's nothing of value to be missed. I mean that very seriously because I went back to read through it anyway, and felt "Well that wasted a lot of time."

There are definitely some interesting concepts like dreamworld cultivation and the whole "refinement" thing (trying not to spoil), but it feels like there are too many things, too many factions, too many conflicts that are only there for the sake of padding out the escalation.

Basically even when the MC beats a faction and there's meant to be catharsis, you wind up not feeling much because "Action without development is just narrative noise". Unfortunately outside of certain things that are really built up over multiple arcs or some cheap comic-book death shortcuts, you'll find that your investment in the story is very low much of the time.

In summation: It's a great, mechanically sound exemplar of a formulaic Genre, and its weakness is a reflection of the genre. It doesn't really elevate it or push it further. <<less
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