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    65 Series 0 Comments 733 Views 6 Follows Jul 1, 2024 hanjibub
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    my second favorite genre after e-sports 
    Lynn Gray 2007
    31 Series 0 Comments 6354 Views 25 Follows Apr 19, 2024 Lynn Gray 2007
    Stories with Horror, Action, Comedy and Unlimited flow. 
    56 Series 0 Comments 5522 Views 22 Follows Apr 14, 2024 yixiaonaihe
    Exorcism, ghosts, witches, demons, fortune telling, mind reading, etc
    45 Series 0 Comments 856 Views 0 Follows Apr 2, 2024 IxLichessye
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    stuff i read/reading/want to read 2024+
    22 Series 0 Comments 871 Views 3 Follows Feb 28, 2024 CandyK
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    76 Series 0 Comments 5628 Views 14 Follows Jan 23, 2024 vivilove
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    These are my ]want-to-read books that have multiple genres, I give a bare minimum summary and my eagerness to read. <3
    55 Series 0 Comments 8988 Views 42 Follows Jan 3, 2024 CandyK
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    4+ Stars... more>>
    47 Series 0 Comments 1958 Views 4 Follows Dec 26, 2023 maedgepotato
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    Books I either completely finished and don’t like enough to reread them or books I could not finish and have no plans to try
    Rizzoli Rizzi
    45 Series 0 Comments 3431 Views 29 Follows Dec 5, 2023 Rizzoli Rizzi
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    No description.
    39 Series 0 Comments 4509 Views 26 Follows Dec 3, 2023 Buttfaceorelse
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    Favorite, and non favorite, any type of horro, including system and world hopping. 
    2 Series 0 Comments 28 Views 0 Follows Nov 25, 2023 BluShroom14
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    All the novels I’ve completed and my thoughts on them!
    99 Series 0 Comments 4894 Views 21 Follows Nov 15, 2023 Imherebitches
    All novels on my reading list in Chrysanthemum Garden. ... more>>
    100 Series 0 Comments 4246 Views 5 Follows Nov 8, 2023 Missychimken
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    list that contains novels that i wanna read
    13 Series 0 Comments 2899 Views 3 Follows Nov 7, 2023 OverShelter
    Here on this list you'll find numerous types of novels, ranging from short to extremely long. It can also contain a variety of genres, since I'm just throwing in here what I've read, am reading and enjoyed.... more>>
    7 Series 0 Comments 244 Views 0 Follows Oct 28, 2023 shellwithoutlife
    Just some novels with strong MC that seems interesting.... more>>
    97 Series 0 Comments 5338 Views 10 Follows Oct 22, 2023 Ayo213
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    This is a catch all list for all of the stories that I have started or have open right now. They are either still being... more>>
    100 Series 0 Comments 2139 Views 1 Follows Oct 11, 2023 ChuWanningmylove
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    No description.
    Xiao Nii
    70 Series 0 Comments 11548 Views 62 Follows Sep 24, 2023 Xiao Nii
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    No description.
    83 Series 0 Comments 10187 Views 65 Follows Sep 20, 2023 Brier
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    My absolute favorite genre. Hopefully, some of my other faves get translated soon so I can link them here as well!
    40 Series 0 Comments 9982 Views 47 Follows Sep 16, 2023 teddycoolness
    Cheers to the lazy, chill characters who just want to enjoy life through food and sleep! Working smarter, not harder, convenience and luck seem to... more>>
    47 Series 1 Comments 3005 Views 11 Follows Sep 11, 2023 Shrike1978
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    Once again the last list was getting too big. All complete stories in no particular order.
    100 Series 0 Comments 2117 Views 2 Follows Sep 6, 2023 eternally
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    Complete BL that I haven't read
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