Accommodating Water's Will

CN (2.9)
0 Chapters Every 148.6 Day(s) 728 Readers 6 Reviews N/A
Gao Yang is a carefree young man who had lived his entire life in China as a metropolitan. Inspired by his obsession with survival shows... more>>
CN (2.7)
0 Chapters Every 2222 Day(s) 477 Readers 1 Reviews N/A
Yang Yi was orphaned as a child. Foul play was ruled out by the authorities, but Yang Yi always suspected otherwise. Finally, once he was older, he met one of his father’s old friends who revealed the truth about his parents' deaths. His father was an intelligence broker and had stumbled upon a mysterious, powerful independent spy organization. Both his parents’ were mu*dered to ensure the organization remained a secret.... more>>