Pearl Light


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My husband, Xie Wu Chen, was a genius sword cultivator, while I was just a mortal.

Xie Wu Chen despised foolish people.

To catch up with him, I worked hard at cultivation, but he remained indifferent:

“You have no spiritual roots, it’s a waste of effort.”

Later, he ascended, and I remarried.

On the day of my wedding, he descended to the mortal realm, his sword placed against my husband’s neck:

“Do you really want to marry this useless person?”

I stood before the sword, holding my mortal husband’s hand, and looked straight at Xie Wu Chen:

“Yes, because he never thought I was s*upid.”

Xie Wu Chen sneered:

“Just because of that?”

I nodded seriously:

“Just because of that.”

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Related Series
The Phoenix Once Roamed (1)
After My Husband Ascended and Became an Immortal (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. already read (3)
  2. Rofan/BG Romance
  3. Read list 2
  4. Worth sacrificing my precious time
  5. Sad and Happy Oneshots

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/29/24 Crimson Translations extra 2 part3
06/29/24 Crimson Translations extra 2 part2
06/29/24 Crimson Translations extra 2 part1
06/29/24 Crimson Translations extra 1
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06/29/24 Crimson Translations part8
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06/29/24 Crimson Translations part6
06/29/24 Crimson Translations part5
06/29/24 Crimson Translations part4
06/29/24 Crimson Translations part3
06/29/24 Crimson Translations part2
06/29/24 Crimson Translations part1
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4 Reviews sorted by

New dramamonster rated it
June 29, 2024
Status: Completed
Beautiful little xianxia story about a simple yet wise girl, an OP sword cultivator with no EQ, and a young Taotie beast with excellent taste in humans and food.
2 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
New Ireadtoomuch
June 29, 2024
Status: Completed
A very short and sweet story. I have to admit that I'm so happy

She didn't get back with the immortal guy who treated her like garbage.


On an amusing side note, there is a part where she's with her new husband and the dog said it was full playing on the joke about being fed dog-food.
2 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
I only have one thing on my mind : "IT'S FREAKING CUTE !!!"

Great plot, cute couple, big heart FL and a green flag Ml, couldn't wish for more.


I felt so refresh when the A-hole realizes how dumb and arrogant he was.

I also truly appreciate the sub-characters growth and the lesson we get at the end :

"If he really loves, he will chose to wait for you no matter how hard or how long waiting can be"

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Afm rated it
June 29, 2024
Status: Completed
short sweet story with a very deep meaning.

to become an immortal, doesn't mean that you have 'worldly-halo' which revolves everything & you way.

living as an ordinary mortal doesn't mean the world was unfair.

in the end, everything happens must have reasons.
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