Seducing The Prince, She Is Full Of Evil After Rebirth


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In her previous life, Li Ning’an was willing to give up her status as a princess and marry Fu Minglang because she loved him. Because of his sweet talk, she was cheated of her dowry and humiliated to be a maid. She was also poisoned and her face was scratched, and she was sold as an actor, which could be tasted by thousands of people.

Li Ning’an was so remorseful that she pulled out her hairpin and committed su*cide, and actually returned to the day when she asked her father for an order.

From then on, there was a beautiful figure beside Yan Ziqi, the prince of Xiangguo.

She bought a criminal s*ave, insulted the prime minister, killed court officials, and poisoned the king of a country.

The little tail following behind him was full of evil and even crazier than him.

She didn’t forget to lift her hair and expose her legs, intending to give him a child.

Li Ning’an took a lot of blame for being Yan Ziqi’s concubine, but it was because of their childhood sweethearts that she didn’t kill her with a sword. Start a new game in life.

She was bound to make Fu Minglang’s family destroyed, teach her younger brother to be wise, and make the sea and river of Daqi peaceful and clear, and her father live a long and happy life.

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