Flattering [Entertainment Industry]


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Lin Weimeng transmigrated into the vicious supporting female character in her own novel.

In the entertainment industry, she was known as a top-tier vase—famous for her arrogance, for stealing the heroine’s resources, and for taking away the heroine’s love interest. Her sole purpose was to be relentlessly humiliated by the reborn heroine, Lu Yuwei, and to be utterly defeated.

With a strong survival instinct, Lin Weimeng diligently acted as Lu Yuwei’s devoted fan—giving her all the resources and showering her with praise.

“Teacher Lu is the most beautiful! Teacher Lu is the best!”

“Little Fish Tail will protect the world’s best Teacher Lu!”

Reborn, Lu Yuwei was stunned by this unexpected turn of events.

The woman who had ruthlessly oppressed her in their past life was now surprisingly sweet in this one.

—I hate the faint morning light, while you say the night will end with the dawn.
From that moment, I knew that you were the light arriving late after the long night.

Silly girl x gentle lady, a story of everyday silly antics.

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