Cozy Obsession


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I found myself inside the bleak BL novel Silence, where both the protagonist and the antagonist perish. And I became the oppressed omega, Seo Heemin, who tries to escape, ends up breaking his ankle, and even suffers a miscarriage. As expected, as soon as I come to my senses, I am sold to Cha Yiheon, who harbors a deep grudge against the original protagonist.

“Why don’t you hit me?”

“…Do you want to be hit?”

Fortunately, he is a revenge-driven character who loves Seo Heemin dearly. To return to reality, I have to gently seduce him and achieve a happy ending.


“Hyung, it’s Heemin.”

—…Where are you now? Are you crazy enough to want to die?

The raw emotion of his anger was palpable. His rage was at its peak, more intense than ever. But, as I had expected this reaction, I calmly responded to him.

“I’ll be done with my appointment in an hour, so come pick me up. Let’s go on a date at our lake park.”

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1 Review

New zuzuo3o
Jul 02, 2024
Status: Completed
another story of ... more>>

Dissociative Identity Disorder


theres no r*pe /dub-con done by our ML (gong) unlike in book 🚫🚫spoiler

he did all type of stuff in 1st life, just like as it was written in novel


su (Seo Heemin)

like said in og novel he loves ML but due to many misunderstandings it was like love hate relation

then he made up his own world where he and ML are best frnds

his mom and sisters in this world are the kind omegas he met in omega protection center from last life, but he has no memory of last life

ML did have memory of last life and tried to be gd guy in this world but later realised that the world is just created by su (Seo Heemin) that is world will disappear after he (ml) leaves to america.

so he draged Seo Heemin into their past world through that novel

ML didnt have memories of past life when Seo Heemin first transmigrated, he later on remembers his past life when they reach hotel near sea.

when Seo Heemin discovers that his best frnd and ML are same person anf he and the original su are same he goes crazy and runs away as ML always kept lying and Seo Heemin couldnt trust him

later ML starts wife chasing crematorium promises not to lie again or force MC, but MC was pregnant at that time and didnt wanna meet ml

ml's grand dad steps up and reunites them (he doesnt force anyone he just lets them both make choices)


su's was going to doc before cause

he was r*ped/mol*sted by his tutor and later deferentiated into omega as tutor said, so he hates himself

also later on his step mom sold him but he didnt know in og timeline (thats in novel) he thought ML made up stuff and lots of misunderstandings along the line that lead to their tragedy


i didnt read all extras but mls grandpa is such a cutie hes hard faced soft hearted person, without him these 2 numb skulls wwouldnt have made it to end.

sidecharacters are lovely too <<less
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