The Extra GM is Working Late Again Today


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Virtual reality game

I fell into the game I made!

It took me a moment to realize what was happening

The main quest popped up in front of me.

[Tutorial: Your first steps as a GM :)] [Correct the errors and restore the world to normal] [Reward: Wishing Power♥] I was about to quit out of boredom,

but my muttered words were accepted without question.

I was a GM I didn’t ask for.

I met the characters I had created, my children.

“Take care of me there, Hannah.”

Aram, who didn’t get the ending he wanted.

“What the hell did you do?”

Karl, a character I loved and couldn’t let go of.

And so many other lovely, lovely, lovely characters.

I love you guys!

I’ll save the world for you!

Hannah, the bug-fixing, incident-causing heroine.

The people around her ooze her personality.

Will she be able to save the world?

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엑스트라 GM님은 오늘도 야근한다
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