The S*um of the Earth


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*Please note that this book contains elements that may provoke trauma, including violent and coercive descriptions, and drugs.

While tracking a suspect, a man was found collapsed on a mountain path.

“How is it possible there’s not a single fingerprint or trace of DNA?”

Suffering from amnesia and believing himself to be a child, the man couldn’t be identified even through a database search. With nowhere else to go, Ieum brought him to his home.

He named the man ‘Yeong-sik’ and decided to live together.

“Ahjussi, do you dislike Yeong-sik?”

“I don’t dislike him. Yeong-sik is such a good person.”

Despite his cold appearance, Yeong-sik was a gentle man.

In Ieum’s eyes, Yeong-sik always appeared obedient….

Until one day, while alone in the house, Yeong-sik looked at Ieum’s family photos with an expression of amusement.

“Damn it, did I walk into a tiger’s den?”

His memories came flooding back.

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One entry per line
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