Submissive Above, Unrestrained Below


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The world of the Immortal Realm is more competitive than any other cultivation dimension.

Evan Chen, a native of the Immortal Realm, possesses decent talent. However, lacking any background, he cannot escape the fate of becoming a miner and laborer.

With no hope for the future, he originally planned to muddle through life, but he unexpectedly acquires a cross-realm stone that allows him to enter lower cultivation dimensions.

From then on, he remains cautious and diligent in the Immortal Realm.

In the lower realms, he reigns supreme, surrounded by beauties and blessed with great fortune!

Associated Names
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Miner in Heaven, Sovereign on Earth
Shàng jiè wěiwěinuònuò, xiàjiè wéisuǒyùwéi
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