Manajiment (My Manager is a Squirrel)


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* Male Lead 1: Kwon Ji-ha (28)

A popular actor. With his handsome and glamorous appearance, he is full of self-love and has the ambition to sweep various awards since his acting debut. Although he has no health issues, he shamelessly claims to be cold all the time, stimulating Da-yul’s sympathy and using him as a hot pack every night.

* Male Lead 2: Lee Da-yul (22)

A golden squirrel human-animal who lived in Songnisan. He ran away while being chased by human-animal hunters and is living while pretending to be human. Due to his high body temperature and cute appearance, he became Kwon Ji-ha’s manager. He is strong, lively, and dreams of owning his own house in Seoul.

* When to read this: When you want to see the sweet daily life of a cute manager hiding his identity and his actor in charge with a dark heart.

* Relatable Quote: “At this point, the whole world knows, right? That I can’t live without this manager.”

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매니쥐먼트 (내 매니저는 다람쥐)
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Latest Release

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06/26/24 GalaxyTL c16
06/26/24 GalaxyTL c15
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