On the First Day of My Broken Engagement, I Was Rewarded with the Supreme Bone!


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Lin Ang transmigrated to a cultivation world, becoming a disciple of a sect, only to be dumped by his beautiful Junior Sister at the start!

What he thought was a hellish beginning turned out to be the activation of his golden finger!

[After being ditched, you became depressed, failed the sect’s assessment, and were expelled from the sect. One month later, you died!] [After your death, the hidden Supreme Bone in your body was discovered by the true Chosen One, who then ascended to the pinnacle of life with it!] [Congratulations, you have obtained the luck entry: Wealth Deliverer!] Looking again at the fiancée who came to break the engagement…

[She broke off the engagement to abandon worldly desires. Three months later, she was selected by a holy land and became a holy maiden] [After ten years of rigorous cultivation, she became the Empress who dazzled the world!] [Detected luck entry ‘Emperor’s Dao Fruit.’ Would you like to plunder it?] Lin Ang finally realized, “Have I become the cannon fodder male supporting character in a broken engagement novel?”

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06/30/24 Splendour Translations c4
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